Title: Reciprocal Teaching
1Reciprocal Teaching
- Strategies for Improving Reading Comprehension
- Mary Haller
March 20,2004
2What the Research Says About Reciprocal Teaching
- Palincsar and Brown 1986 when reciprocal teaching
was used for just 15 days students reading
increases from 30- 80. - According to a study by Palinscar and Klenk 1991,
students not only improved their comprehension
skills immediately, but they also maintained
improved comprehension skills when tested a year
later. - Lubliner 2001 points out that reciprocal teaching
is an effective teaching technique that can
improve on the kind of reading comprehension that
is necessary not only for improved test scores
but also for an information age.
3Reciprocal Teaching is powerful researched based
technique. It is NOT a stand alone methodfor
teaching comprehension.
- Previewing
- Self Questioning
- Making Connections
- Visualizing
- Knowing How Words Work
- Monitoring
- Summarizing
- Evaluating
4The Five Reciprocal Teaching Strategies
- Predicting
- Questioning
- Clarifying
- Summarizing
- Visualizing
5But dont I use these five strategies already?
- Most likely, you already teach your students to
predict, question, clarify, summarize and
visualize. - The difference with reciprocal teaching is that
the strategies are delivered as a
multiple-strategy package used in concert with
one another rather than as separate strategies. - The aim of reciprocal teaching is for good
readers to cycle through five strategies,not
necessarily in order, to make sense of the text.
6Essential Teaching That Facilitates and Enhances
Whole Class Instruction
- Introduce Reciprocal teaching team The Fabulous
Five - Using the be the teacher bookmark
- Use cooperative table groups
- Mini lessons
- Whats your prediction?
- Pick a question
- Clarifying and Visualizing
- Table group summaries
- A think Aloud help make reciprocal teaching come
alive - Bookmarks prompts students to predict, question,
clarify, summarize and visualize - Use reciprocal teaching puzzles for Cooperative
Table groups
7I am so busy that I can barely teach what I have
on my agenda now. How can I fit reciprocal
teaching strategies into what I am doing already?
- You dont need to overhaul the curriculum.
- After introducing the five strategies you can
incorporate the strategies using text for
reading, social studies and science. - Math teacher even ask students to predict,
question, clarify summarize and visualize.
8Are there any common problems that students
experience with teaching reciprocal teaching?
- Predicting Students may not make logical
predictions based on clues from the text or their
experiences. - Questioning Students may only generate literal
questions and may need modeling toward asking
inferential or main idea questions. - Clarifying Students may initially clarify only
difficult , new or confusing words because
students rarely recognize they are having trouble
with an idea in the text. - SummarizingStudents may miss points or supply a
summary that is too long, too short or a word by
word rendition.
9What is your best piece of advice for using
reciprocal teaching?
- Model the strategies
- Be consistent
- Use the strategies several times a week