Title: PbR Data Assurance Framework
1PbR Data Assurance Framework
PbR Data Assurance Team Health
2PbR Data Assurance Framework
- What is it?
- What did we find out?
- What should you do?
- Whats coming next?
3The assurance framework
- A rolling programme of external audits covering
inpatients and outpatients - Providing assurance of the accuracy (or not) of
coding and therefore payments made to providers - Driving improvements in data quality and clinical
coding arrangements - National analysis to identify significant trends
and share good practice - Development of online benchmarking function to
support PCTs trusts
4(No Transcript)
5PbR assurance 2008/09
- Continuation of clinical coding audit programme
at all acute trusts (follow up on
recommendations) - Reviews of outpatient data quality at
approximately a third of trusts - Piloting of reviews covering the independent
sector - Further development and refinement of the
national benchmarker - Research into key areas from 2007/08
6Lessons learnt
7Findings and recommendations
8HRG errors (2007/08)
9HRG errors (Qs 1-3 2008/09)
10Individual trust change
11Individual trust comparison
12Gross financial error (2007/08)
13Net financial error (2007/08)
14Net financial error (Qs 1-3 2008/09)
15Coding errors (Qs 1-3 2008/09)
16Key themes local action
Source Audit Commission PbR Data Assurance
Framework 2007/08
17Key themes national action
Source Audit Commission PbR Data Assurance
Framework 2007/08
18Key themes Commission action
Source Audit Commission PbR Data Assurance
Framework 2007/08
19PbR assurance the road ahead
20PbR assurance next year (2009/10)
- 2009/10 (yr3) continuation of programme
- Allows broader understanding of data quality and
each trust - Key changes in PbR
- HRG4 -- new tariff -- OPCS 4.5 -- MFF -- SUS
- Piloting AE audits
- Reference costs
21Impact on HRG4
- Sense check analysis
- Compared impact under HRGv3.5 HRG4
- Error rate slightly higher under HRG4
- Overall financial impact still relatively neutral
- Volatility for individual trusts and specialities
- Local action required to understand impact
22Risk based approach
- 2010/11 (yr4) move to risk based approach
- Consulting with NHS in the summer
- Proportionate approach
- Do more at less trusts
- Integrate all audits
- More data items
- Wider scope
23PbR National Benchmarker
24PbR National Benchmarker tool
- Powerful online tool freely available to the NHS
- Developed as part of the assurance framework
- Robust and sophisticated benchmarking
methodology - 42 separate indicators covering both inpatient
and outpatient data - Focus on data quality but relevance beyond PbR
25Data explorer
26Scorecard viewer
27HRG4 benchmarking
- PbR National Benchmarker updated with HRG4
benchmarking May 2008 - Developed in conjunction with NHS Information
Centre - New HRG4-specific indicators, including
- Unbundling
- Planned same day
- Short stay elective
- Improved functionality
28So what should you do?
- Identify areas for improvement
- Review findings from audits
- Implement action plans
- Understand your data
- Ratify data with SUS
- PbR National Benchmarker
- Understand impact of HRG4 and new tariff
29For more information
- www.audit-commission.gov.uk/pbr