Title: Working Papers
1Working Papers
- Working papers are required for minors under 18
before they begin to work.
Jon Phillips, Grace Owens, Shelby Willoughby
2Types of working permits
- Student Non Factory Employment Certificate
- Student General Employment Certificate
- Full-Time Employment Certificate
- Farm Work Permit
- Newspaper Carrier Permit
- Street Trades Permit
- Child Model Permit
3Types of working permits
- Student Non Factory Employment Certificate
- Student General Employment Certificate
- Full-Time Employment Certificate
- Farm Work Permit
- Newspaper Carrier Permit
- Street Trades Permit
- Child Model Permit
412 to 13 years labor
- Enjoy Your first job!
- If You Are 12 or 13
- When your attendance at school is not required,
you may work on a farm picking berries, fruits or
vegetables, or in any farm work on the home farm.
Work Between When 9 AM and 4 PM Day after Labor
Day to June 20 7 AM and 7 PM June 21 to Labor Day
- st be accompanied by a parent or present written
consent of parent to employer. - You need working papers except when employed by
your parents on the home farm or at other outdoor
work not connected with business. - If you are 11 to 18 years old, you may work as a
newspaper carrier. When school is in session
Work Between When 5 AM and 7 PM Monday-Friday
(or 30 min. prior to sunset whichever is later).
Work Between When 5 AM and 7 PM Saturday,
Sunday (or 30 min. prior to and holidays sunset
whichever is later). - Maximum 3 hrs/day
- By Kam, Wes, Brittany and Matt
5Working laws for ages 14-15
- They can work between 7 am and 7 pm the day after
labor day to June 20th - They can work between 7 am and 9 pm from June 21
to labor day - By Tiffany Alex Jake Bethany
6How long they can work
- they can work 18 hours maximum per week
- They can work 3 hours per day Monday- Friday
- On Sundays Saturdays and holidays they can work 8
hours per week
716 and 17 year olds
- Info from the NY state Department of Labor
- By Tiffany, Justin , John, and Danny!
816 and 17 year olds
- They work 28 hours a week
- 4 hours on Monday-Thursday
- 8 hours on Friday and Saturday
- Dont work on Sunday or holidays
9When school is in session they can only work for
18 hours.Monday-Friday
3 hrs/daySaturday, Sunday,
8 hrs/dayholidays(New York
state department of labor)
WORKING HOURS When school is not in
session, you may work six days a week, up to
eight hours in any one day and up to 40 hours in
any one week. (School is not in session if the
school is closed for the entire week.) Tucker
Jensen, KC Kloepfel, Ray Richards and Paul
Mayo Jr
10Are you ready to go to work?
- Where do I go?
- What 3 things will I need to make my employment
certificate legal? - Good luck to you as you enter the working world.
11How to Obtain Working Papers
- Obtain an application from your PSO school
office. - It requires The signature of parent or guardian
- Your birth or
baptismal record - A doctor certificate showing that you are
physically able to work - Parent must appear in person at school to give
consent - created by Andre
12Rules for succeeding in the real world from Bill
Gatesto you.
1. Life isnt fair.. Its tough out there.. 2.
The world doesnt care about your self
esteem. produce first then feel good 3. You
will not make 60,000 right out of high school
You will have to
work your way up! Some will never make it. 4.
If you think your teacher or coach is tough,
wait til you get a BOSS
13Success in the real world
- Flipping burgers is not beneath your
dignityGrandpa called it opportunity.. Seize it! - If you mess up, Its not your parents fault , so
dont whine about your mistakes Learn from them. - Before you were born your parents werent always
as boring as they are now . They got that way
from paying bills, cleaning your clothes,
listening to you talk about how cool you thought
you were.
14Lifes lessons the World of Work!
- Life has not done away with winners and losers.
Some schools give you many chances to get it
right or turn it in but life does not. - Life is not divided into semesters. You dont get
summers off. Few employers are interested in
helping you find yourself Do that on your own
time - TV is not real lifeYou have to leave the coffee
shop . - and go to your job!
- Be nice to nerds chances are youll end up
working for one!
15Its your life!
Are you ready ?
The world of work is a place to try it out...
Good Luck!