Title: Supporting Doctors Staying in the SAS Grade
1Supporting Doctors Staying in the SAS Grade
- Dr Elizabeth Hill
- Anaesthetic Department
- Maidstone Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
2Supporting Doctors Staying in the SAS Grade
- Dr Elizabeth Hill
- Anaesthetic Department
- Maidstone Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Clinical Assistant
3Supporting Doctors Staying in the SAS Grade
- Dr Elizabeth Hill
- Anaesthetic Department
- Maidstone Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Staff Grade
4Supporting Doctors Staying in the SAS Grade
- Dr Elizabeth Hill
- Anaesthetic Department
- Maidstone Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Associate Specialist
5Supporting Doctors Staying in SAS Grade
- Dr Elizabeth Hill
- Anaesthetic Department
- Maidstone Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Associate Specialist
6SAS Tutor
- Postgraduate Centre
- Maidstone Hospital
7SAS Tutor
- Postgraduate Centre
- Maidstone Hospital
8Supporting SAS Doctors
- GMC requirements
- New contract
- SAS surveys
9Supporting SAS Doctors 2
- Personal view
- External support
- Sharing good practice
- Revalidation
- Relicensing
- Recertification -- specialist register
- Annual appraisal
- Speciality specific skills
12New Contract
- Progression through grade
- annual appraisal
- Threshold 1
- 360 degree appraisal
- Threshold 2
- clinical responsibility
- wider role
- Anaesthetic Dept
- 13 consultants 13 appraised
- 8 SAS Drs 2 appraised
- Gloucester
- Area of development 31/39 appraisal
28/39 portfolio
14BMA Survey problems
- Study leave time 36
- funding 42
- CPD time 2.8 hrs
- utilisation 60
- none 13
15 Threshold 2
- Increasing Clinical Responsibility
- Wider Role
16Increasing clinical responsibility
- Speciality Doctors
- increasing ability to take decisions and carry
responsibility without supervision - Associate specialists
- make independent decisions about diagnosis,
management, follow up and definitive treatment
within defined field
17Wider Role Speciality Doctors
- Management or leadership
- Service development
- Teaching and training
- Committee work
- Representative work
- Innovation
- Audit
18Wider Role Associate Specialists
- Proven ability to lead a team
- Regular audits
- Ability to Innovate within specialisation
- Significant involvement in research
- Leading role in teaching
- Evidence of wider management role
19 Surveys of SAS Doctors
- Royal Surrey Hospital
- Gloucestershire Hospitals NHSFT
- London Deanery
- Secondments for specific training 74
- Leadership training
72 - Master classes
71 - Coaching / mentoring 70
- Management training 62
2148 Doctors 23 replies
SAS Doctors at Royal Surrey
- 10 CPD
- 7 generic training
- 6 audit
- 3 appraisal
- 16 current post
- 5 training
- 2 CESR
- Progression though threshold 2 66
- New non-clinical skills 74
23(No Transcript)
24Individual Comments
- A basic management course
- Prevent suspension of study leave funding
- Enable backfill to allow specialist skills
- Build confidence in decision making
- Hands on experience with good consultant
- Portfolio development
- Tutoring for specialist exams
- Actually be allowed time for courses
- How to manage my time
25Make us feel special
26Less Tangible
but equally important
- Pastoral
- Public Relations
- Trust SAS Doctors
- SAS Doctors Consultants/trainees/staff
27External Support
- Colleges and Deaneries
- Specialist agencies
28Sharing good Practice -- KSS
- Informal exchange of experience
- SAS tutor/lead open competition
- Identify
- Questionnaire
- SAS Faculty
29London Deanery
- On- line CPD survey 2008-09
30Benefit from CPD (n212)The most striking
finding was that perceived change in benefit over
the year 07/08 to 08/09 showed a dramatic
increase across all areas of CPD, with clinical
skills/knowledge, assessment/teaching and patient
care showing at least a 50 increase over this
time span.
31Meaningful and attractive career option
- Dept of Health, Employing and supporting
speciality Drs, 2008
32Thank You