Title: ICARTT 2004
1ICARTT 2004 Ronald H. Brown Measurements
Relevant to Aerosol Direct Radiative
2Regional Assessment of Aerosol Direct Radiative
CATEGORY Measured Parameters Platform
Aerosol Chemical Composition Anions and cations Elemental carbon (EC) Organic carbon (OC) Organic carbon (speciated) Trace elements RHB, P3, CP RHB RHB, P3, CP RHB, CP RHB
Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties Number vs size, accumulation coarse modes Absorption (450, 550, 700 nm) Scattering backscattering (450, 550, 700 nm) f(RH) Lidar backscatter profiles RHB, P3 RHB, P3, CP RHB, P3, CP RHB, P3 RHB, NOAA-RS, CP
Radiative Properties Aerosol Optical Depth (spectral) Radiative fluxes, solar and longwave, upwelling and downwelling (spectral) Direct, diffuse, and total irradiances (spectral where possible) Surface albedo RHB, NASA-RS, MISR NASA-RS, MISR P3, NASA-RS NASA-RS
Meteorological Parameters Wind speed, direction, RH, T, pressure, cloud type and amount, visibility RHB
3- Measurements Sub-1 mm particles
- Cavity Ring Down Extinction Cell
- Aerosol extinction f(RH) (66 / 30) continuous
- plus humidity scans
- Humidograph
- Aerosol scattering f(RH)
- humidity scans (increasing and decreasing RH)
- between 35 and 90 RH
- Aerosol composition
- Aerodyne Mass Spectrometer, PILS, impactors
- SO4, NO3-, NH4, POM, EC, Trace elements
4Comparison of Hygroscopic Growth Dependence of
Aerosol Scattering from Humidified Nephelometer
and Extinction from CRD DOY 203 (1200 UTC)
5Dependence of f(RH) on aerosol composition
6Comparison of Extinction Measured by Cavity
Ring-down Extinction Cell and OPAL (LIDAR) at ?
355 nm
Ambient RH 80 to 90
7Comparison of 3 Microtops Units for 380, 500,
675, 870 nm
8Comparison of 2 Microtops Units for 440 nm
9RHB Spatial Distribution of AOD measurements
10RHB Time Series of Sub-10 um Scattering and AOD
J31 Overflights
11RHB Time Series of Sub-10 um Scattering and AOD
12Time series of AOD and spectral slope
Regions of higher AOD Polluted, more small
particles stronger spectral dependence
13Wang et al., JGR, 2003. Used shipboard AOD
measurements to determine the accuracy of AOD
retrievals from the GMS5 geostationary
14Markowicz et al., JGR, 2003. Used shipboard
f(RH) measurements to estimate the dependence of
Surface and top of atmosphere forcing on RH.
Diurnally averaged aerosol forcing efficiencies
determine from a radiative transfer model as a
function of RH.
15Contacts f(RH) Tahllee Baynard,
tbaynard_at_al.noaa.gov Wei Wang,
weiwang_at_uiuc.edu Scattering, backscattering,
absorption Trish Quinn, patricia.k.quinn_at_no
aa.gov Also available at http//saga.pmel.noaa.go
v/data AOD Trish Quinn, patricia.k.quinn_at_noaa.go
v Also available at http//saga.pmel.noaa.gov/da