Title: LRO SRR
2LRO Project Organization
- Current LRO GSFC Manpower Summary
- XX Civil Servants
- XX Support Service Contractors
4 LRO Project Procedures Guidelines Flow Down
- NASA Procedural Requirements Including NPR
7120.5 NASA Program and Project Management
Processes and Requirements
NASA On-Line Directive Information System
GSFC Procedural Requirements and Technical
Rules Including GPR 7120.1 NASA Program and
Project Management Processes and Requirements
Goddard Directive Management System
RLEP Program Plan 430-PLAN-000008
LRO Requirements ESMD-RQMT-0010
Status Key Released In CCB Baseline Review Draft
in Development Review
LRO Project Plan 431-PLAN-000002
LRO Systems Engineering Management
Plan 431-PLAN-000005
LRO Configuration Management Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx
LRO Integrated Independent Review
Plan 431-PLAN-000007
LRO Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary 431-WBS-
LRO Mission Verification Plan 431-PLAN-000003
LRO Mission Requirements Document 431-RQMT-000004
RLEP Mission Assurance Requirements 430-RQMT-00000
RLEP Continuous Risk Management
Plan 430-PLAN-000004
LRO Risk Management Implementation
Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx
LRO Integration Test Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx
Sibling Mission Level 2 Requirements Documents
LRO Safety Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx
LRO Reliability Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx
LRO Instrument Subsystem Performance Assurance
Implementation Plans (7)
Instrument Contracts In-House System
Implementation Plans
5LRO Project Control ReportingMonthly Cycle
- Instrument Monthly Reporting
- Contract 533 Reports Cost Plan, Act Var.
- Schedule Status
- Cost Workforce variance Analysis
- Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances
- Technical Progress Problems
- Technical Resource margins
- Top Risks and Ranking
- Project Analysis Synthesis
- Cost Variance Analysis
- Work Force variance Analysis
- Performance Milestone Status
- Reserve Status
- Schedule Slack
- Technical Resource margins
- Risk Identification Ranking
- Report
- Pre-MSR (400)
- w/ESMD Attend)
- Spacecraft Subsystems Ground System Monthly
Reporting - SSC 533 Reports Cost Plan, Act Var.
- H/W Procurement Cost Performance
- Schedule Status
- Cost Workforce Variance Analysis
- Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances Requested
- Technical Progress Problems
- Risks Reported thru Systems Meetings
- Mission Systems
- Technical Risk Review, Analysis,
- Tracking
- Technical Resource Margins
- Integration Test plan/schedule
- Technical Progress Problems
- LRO generates legacy GSFC reporting products
- At Phase C Project level EVM products will be
6LRO Project Risk Management Flow
Project Risk Reporting
Risk Management Board
Technical Performance Risks
Project Control Implementation Risks
Safety Risks
- Performance/Design Requirements
- Mission Success Assessments/Reliability Risk
Assessment - Technical Performance Margins Variance
- Technical Risk Review, Analysis, Tracking
- Residual Risks and Ranking
- Unresolved Technical Operations Risks
- System Safety, Payload Safety, Launch Site
Safety - Industrial Safety, Ground Safety, Facility
Safety, OSHA - Hazard Analysis PHA, SHA, OSHA
- Mission Assurance Assessment/Risk Assessment
Matrix, FTA, PRA (as needed) - Residual Risks and Ranking
- Unresolved Safety Risks
- Cost Plan, Act Var.
- Cost Workforce Variance Analysis
- Integration Test Progress Problems
- Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances Requested
- Residual Risks and Ranking
- Unresolved Programmatic Risks
- Risks Reported thru Systems Meetings
7LRO Risk Management Tracking, Ranking,
Reporting Example
- LRO Manages Risk Continuously
- RM Board is comprised of core systems
- team and senior project management.
- Meets monthly.
- Process is guided by Risk Management
- Coordinator on Project Staff.
- Identification of Risks accomplished by
- both grassroots risk identification at
- instrument/subsystem level and top down by
- management/systems identification of
- mission risks.
- Specialized techniques applied by systems team
- for reliability and safety assessments.
- Both reliability engineer and safety
- engineer are part of systems team.
LRO Risk LROP-22 (in database) as reported
8LRO Lifecycle Cost Estimate Development
- LRO LCC estimate is in process.
POP 04-1 (FY06)
POP 05-1 (FY07)
- Initial Guiding Boundary Conditions
- 2008 launch
- Delta II class LV
- Accommodate Investigations sought
- by ORDT/AO
- 400M cost target put forth in FAD
- Initial Grassroots Estimates
- Done at subsystem level
- - Subsystem estimates experience based
- - Instruments per AO
- Conceptual Cost Estimates
- Parametric estimate based on historical
- data for recent mission with similarities
- Application of simple CERs by Project
- Refined Grassroots Estimates
- Done at subsystem level
- - Subsystem estimates prelim. design based
- - Instruments per proposals, C/D/E contracts
- In Progress
- LCC estimate for Confirmation Process
- Results from reconciliation of Grassroots
- RAO estimates. Reviewed by GSFC PMC
- GSFC RAO Cost Modeling
- Mission input data defined/delivered
- by Project
- In Progress