Title: Withdrawals from the PGCE Courses
1Withdrawals from the PGCE Courses
On 1 September 2005 the Teacher Training Agency
(TTA) became the Training and Development Agency
for Schools (TDA) and took on an expanded remit.
Visit www.tda.gov.uk for further information. We
are re-branding our literature only when
- To provide a measurement of the number of
withdrawals from PGCE courses - To establish the reasons for the withdrawals
- To examine the impact of training bursaries
- E-survey of ITT providers
- Postal survey via providers of students who had
- 52 HEIs in England and Wales (64 response)
- 28 SCITT providers (60 response)
5Feedback from Providers
- Withdrawals from HEI providers - 10.4
- Withdrawals from SCITT providers - 14.6
- Overall withdrawals 10.7
6HEI and SCITT withdrawal rates by region
7Postal survey of students who had withdrawn
- Questionnaire posted via providers
- Sent out to 1,491 students who had withdrawn
- 398 returned
8Profile of respondents
9Profile of respondents
10Profile of respondents
11Main single reason for withdrawals
12Training Bursary
13Training Bursary
14Training Bursary
15Length of time considering teaching
16Weeks followed before trainees withdrew
17Stage of course
18Perceptions of the teaching experience rating
scale 3 to -3)
19Decision discussed?
20What could have been done?
24Reasons for leaving
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