Title: Animal Care and Use: What Researchers Need to Know
1Animal Care and Use What Researchers Need to Know
2Animal Research Statistics
- 2001 statistics (National Association for
Biomedical Research) - 30 Million lab animals used annually
- 1.2 million regulated species
- Slight trend toward annual reductions
- USDA Regulated Animals in Research (FY 2004)
Species Numbers - Dogs 64,932
- Cats 23,640
- Non-human primates 54,998
- Guinea pigs 244,104
- Hamsters 175,721
- Rabbits 261,573
- Sheep 19,218
- Pigs 54,504
- Other farm animals 31,956
- Other animals 171,312
- Total 1,101,958
- Animal Welfare Act (1966) and Health Research
Extension Act (1985) stipulate animal welfare
regulations - Humane care
- Minimization of pain and distress
- Emphasizes minimal use of animals and appropriate
justification - The 3 rs
4U.S. Government Principles Used to Guide Animal
- Justification of research
- Relevance to human or animal health, the
advancement of knowledge, and good of society - Justification of animal use and numbers
- Proper use of animals
- Minimization of pain, discomfort, and distress
- Humane euthanasia if pain cannot be relieved
- Appropriate care of research animals under
veterinary supervision by trained personnel - Experimentation only by trained personnel
5Standards for Animal Care
- Primary reference for animal care and use
- National Academy of Science publication
- Basis for Public Health Service standards on
animal care
6Requirements of Research Institutions
- Assurance to follow federal guidelines - OLAW
- Describes program for animal care and use
including facilities and training program for
researchers - Occupational health and safety program
- Numbers and types of animals used
- Submit to inspections
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(IACUC) - Assesses all research activities involving live
vertebrate animals - Keep records of all activities
- Provide annual report to OLAW
7IACUC Requirements
- Membership at least five members with four
mandatory components - Veterinarian
- Scientist
- Non-scientist
- Community member (not affiliated with
8IACUC Functions
- Review all research proposals and monitor their
activity to assess adherence to PHS government
principles - Semi annual facilities inspections
- Semi annual program reports and recommendations
to Institutional Official - Program review
- Suspend research activities if violations occur
9Importance of IACUC oversight for researchers
- Meet legal requirements significant penalties
for non-compliance - Training improves study design
- Research quality healthy animals yield better
data - Publication requirement IACUC approval is a
publication prerequisite in most journals
10Requirements for Researchers Prerequisites for
- Training
- Online Animal Care Module(s)
- Lab-specific Training
- Occupational Health Screening
- Protocol approval by IACUC
11Animal Care and Use Training
12Responsibilities of Researchers
- Obtain permission to conduct research on
vertebrate animals - Abide by all institutional and PHS policies
- Ensure that all personnel involved with approved
projects are appropriately trained - Comply with IACUC decisions
- Allow inspection of animal care and research
areas - Make no changes to approved protocols without
IACUC consultation and approval
13The research protocol basic components
- Species and approximate numbers used
- Rationale for animal use, appropriateness of
species, and benefits of research - Complete description of animal use and care
- Descriptions of how injury and discomfort will be
minimized to that which is unavoidable to conduct
research and managed by anesthetics or analgesics - Description of any euthanasia methods used
14MSU Protocol Cover Page
- Project Title
- Contact Information
- Principal investigator
- Project Characterization
- Status (new, renewal, amendment to existing
protocol) - Type
- Research category
15Protocol Section 1
- Personnel Information
- Identify everyone involved with project
- Describe all relevant training
- List online modules
- Lab specific training
- Previous experience
16Protocol Section 2 Project Description
- Non-technical summary lay audience
- Objectives
- Benefit of study (society, education, animals)
- Experimental design and methods
- Duration of project
- Justification
- Species used and numbers required
- Use as many relevant arguments as possible
17Protocol Section 2.3Required Keyword Search
- Evaluate literature for appropriate and/or
alternative methods - Important criteria
- Duplication of effort
- Use of animal model
- Must be current (lt 2 months old)
- Required information
- Date of search
- Keywords used
- Search resources
- Years covered by search results
- Written summary of results
18Section 3 Animal Use
- Animal Sources, species, and numbers used
- Sources must be approved for lab animals
- Wild animals must be collected with permission
- Animal facilities
- Where housed
- Location of any research activities
- Animal husbandry summary
- Housing, food, environmental or lab conditions,
19Animal Use Procedures
- Animal procedures
- Check appropriate boxes
- Some require additional forms (surgery, field
studies, etc.) - Pain and distress
- Indicate number of each animal used in each pain
category - Category 5 pain must be carefully justified
- Pain alleviation
- Drug type and administration
20Investigator Assurances
- Signed list of statements that confirms adherence
to rules - Declaration that everything is correct and that
you will follow the protocol as approved - Signature for PI and Co-PI (graduate student)