Title: The National Rural Development Partnership a quick look
1The National Rural Development Partnership -- a
quick look
- Presentation to OCD conference
- June 7, 2001
- Presentation by Dave Sears, Director, National
Partnership Office
2NRDP -- purpose
- NRDP enables rural institutions to work together
more productively -- through communication,
cooperation, collaboration - Ultimate aim of NRDP is to improve the quality of
life in rural America - Mechanism is State Rural Development Councils
3NRDP -- a brief history
- 1990-91 8 pilot Councils established
- 1992-95 Councils established in 28 additional
states - 2000 4 more Councils join
- Total now is 40 Councils
- Plan is to add 10 more Councils
4(No Transcript)
5NRDP -- budget situation
- Federal funds come from USDA/Rural Development
and HHS, VA, DoL, DoT - Most federal funds go directly to the 40 State
Councils - Some federal funds support a national
6NRDP -- budget situation -- contd
- State Council budget support also comes from
non-federal sources -- state government and
private sector
7National Rural Development Partnership
Executive Board
Federal Political Leadership
National Rural Development Council (NRDC)
State Rural Development Councils (SRDCs)
National Partnership Office (NPO)
Partners for Rural America (PRA)
Key communication links
Policy advice
8SRDC guidelines -- key partner groups
- Federal government
- State government
- Local governments
- Tribal governments
- Private for-profit organizations
- Private non-profit organizations
9SRDC guidelines-- open doors open forum
- Participation by any institution with interest in
or some responsibility for the states rural
areas - Open neutral environment
- Most decisions reached through consensus
- Many partners can be heard
10SRDC guidelines-- control diversity
- No single individual, organization, agency,
sector, political party, nor interest group has
control - Participation by a broad set of persons,
institutions - Diversity of the states population and geography
is represented
11National level support for Councils
- Two major conferences a year
- NRDP listserv
- Collection and dissemination of success stories
see Updates and new website - Task forces on health care, livable rural
communities, others - Direct communication link to many federal agency
Washington offices
12NRDP -- for more information
- Website http//www.rurdev.usda.gov/nrdp
- NPO phone 202-690-2394
- email david.sears_at_usda.gov