Title: Kees%20Neggers%20SURFnet
1Kees Neggers SURFnet
- SC2003
- Phoenix, 20 November 2003
2 3e-infrastructure
- e-infrastructure is the innovation engine for a
modern economy - new network infrastructure is an enabler for new
applications - research and higher education community are the
early adopters
4GigaPort innovation engine
- GigaPort Network
- Application in research and higher education
- Application in business and by citizens
- Application in education
Application in government Application in
GigaPort NG Network Application in research and
higher education Application in business and by
citizens ...
1999 - - - - - 2003
2004 - - - - - 2007
2008 - - - -
5SURFnet5 2001-2005
- Partners BT and Cisco
- 15 PoPs connected by thirty 10 Gbit/s lambdas
- Dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 since 2001
- More than 100 institutes connected at Gbit/s
level - 500,000 users
6Global Lambda Integrated Facility 2003
Stockholm NorthernLight
10 Gbit/s
IEEAF 10 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
2.5 Gbit/s
2.5 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
SURFnet 10 Gbit/s
Amsterdam NetherLight
Chicago StarLight
Tokyo WIDE
10 Gbit/s
IEEAF 10 Gbit/s
NSF 10 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
2.5 Gbit/s
Tokyo APAN
SURFnet 10 Gbit/s
2.5 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
Prague CzechLight
Geneva CERN
London UKLight
7VLBI at JIVE in Dwingeloo today
8Lambdas as part of instruments
9 10What did we learn
- Point to point lambdas are a powerful service
- Current Optical-Electrical-Optical equipment can
allocate sub-lambdas to individual applications - Management is still cumbersome
- Hybrid network architecture seems to be the only
valuable NREN option for the future - Packet switched internet for regular many-to-many
usage - Light Paths for new high speed few-to-few usage
11SURFnet6 overview
- Realization of a next generation hybrid network
with seamless end-to-end communication - Based on SURFnet owned dark fiber, already 3000
km in place - Native IPv4, IPv6 and Lambda Services over a
single transmission infrastructure managed via a
single control plane - Multi-domain networking
- Ethernet services as part of the WANs
- Intelligence of networks and the associated
responsibilities at the edges - Paving the way to a ubiquitous and scalable
Services Grid
12Positioning GigaPort NG Network
Joint development with Virtual laboratory for
E-Science project from the University of Amsterdam
Generic application services
Virtual Laboratory for E-Science
Grid services
Network infrastructure
Civil infrastructure
Innovation cycle