Title: Observing System Simulation Experiments
1Observing System Simulation Experiments
- Lars Peter Riishojgaard
- Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
- and
- Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
2Role of a National OSSE Capability
- Impact assessment of future missions
- Decadal Survey and other science and/or
technology demonstration missions (NASA) - Future operational systems (NOAA)
- Objective way of establishing scientifically
sound and technically feasible user requirements
for observing systems - Tool for assessing performance impact of
engineering decisions made throughout the
development phases of a space program or system - Preparation/early learning tool for assimilation
- Observing System Simulation Experiments
- Typically aimed at assessing the impact of a
hypothetical data type on a forecast system - Not straightforward EVERYTHING must be simulated
- Simulated atmosphere (nature run)
- Simulated reference observations (corresponding
to existing observations) - Simulate perturbation observations
- (object of study)
- gt Costly in terms of computing and manpower
4Data assimilation
Nature (atmospheric state)
End products
Observations (RAOB, TOVS, GEO, surface, aircraft,
Short range product
Forecast model
Initial conditions
5OSE, conceptual model
Nature (atmospheric state)
End products
Reference observations (RAOB, TOVS, GEO,
surface, aircraft, etc.)
Short range product
Forecast model
Candidate observations (e.g. AIRS)
Initial conditions
6OSSE, conceptual model
Nature run (output from high resolution, high
quality climate model)
End products
Reference observations (RAOB, TOVS, GEO,
surface, aircraft, etc.)
Forecast products
Forecast model
Candidate observations (e.g. GEO MW)
Initial conditions
7OSSE QAWhy cant you just use real
atmospheric situations and real data instead of
having to simulate everything?
- The goal of the OSSE is to test whether a given
non-existing type of data could improve on the
initial conditions and hence prediction
capabilities how would we do that? - You just simulate these new observations and add
them to the assimilation - We simulate them based on what?
- Based on the actual atmospheric state!
- Unfortunately that would be impossible. The
actual atmospheric state is by definition
unknown we only have an imperfect estimate based
on the actual observations. There is no way of
knowing how additional data would have changed
that had they existed.
8Why a NASA-NOAA OSSE capability?
- OSSEs are expensive
- Nature run, entire reference observing system,
additional observations must be simulated - Calibration experiments, perturbation experiments
must be assessed according to standard
operational practice and using operational
metrics and tools - OSSE-based decisions have many stakeholders
- Decisions on major space systems have important
scientific, technical, financial and political
ramifications - Community ownership and oversight of OSSE
capability is important for maintaining
credibility - Independent but related data assimilation systems
allows us to test robustness of answers
9Why a NASA/NOAA OSSE Capability? (II)
- Both agencies have a need for an OSSE-based
impact assessment capability - Both agencies have resources and expertise to
contribute - NOAA
- Operational data assimilation/prediction systems
- Operational satellite data processing
- Data assimilation RD
- Space system RD development
- Ultimate Research to Operations tool
- Systematic and bojective way of applying
research tool and results to the design of future
operational systems