Title: SW 20th Ave Urban Village
1SW 20th Ave Urban Village
- Urban Village Planning Team
- Status Report to MTPO Subcommittee
- October 4, 2006
- MTPO Urban Village Subcommittee
- MTPO Urban Village Steering Committee
- Urban Village Planning Team
3History of the Urban Village
- SW 20th Ave Charrette in 1997
- SW 20th Ave Corridor Study
- Paving of SW 24th Ave 2 or 4 lanes
- Option M approved in LRTP (2005)
- SW 20th Ave Transportation Design Proposal
prepared by UF School of Architecture in 2005 - Direction from MTPO to carry out an Action Plan
to create Urban Village
4Proposed Vision of the Urban Village
- A compact mix of residences, shops, offices and
civic uses designed to be walkable, bikeable and
transit-friendly, that enhances access to the
University area and the ability of the overall
transportation system to meet the mobility needs
of the general community.
5Land Use Vision from Urban Village Action Plan
6Location Maps
- Study Area
- Focus of land use plan amendments
- Context Area
- Estimated area that will be impacted by Urban
Village - Option M Transportation Map
- Adopted by MTPO in August 2005
7Hogtown Creek
SW 20th Ave.
Proposed Study Area Boundaries N Hogtown
Creek S SW 24th Ave. E SW 34th St. W Hogtown
Creek / behind existing condos
8Proposed Context Area Boundaries N Apartments
on SW 62nd Blvd, across section line to SW 34th
St corridor, up to SW 2nd Ave S Archer Rd. E
Eastern end of Campus/Museums W I-75
SW 20th Ave.
9(No Transcript)
10Scope of Work
- Already completed
- Organization of Project Teams
- Identification of a proposed Study Area and
Context Area - Inventory of Existing Conditions
- Available for Team to reference
- Urban Village Action Plan Document prepared by
NCFRPC - UF SW 20th Ave Design Proposal document
11Scope of Work
- Development of Several Future Land Use (FLU)
Scenarios - Test Impacts of FLU Scenarios
- Transportation modeling by consultant
- Select Preferred FLU Scenario
- Development of Implementation Strategies/LDRs
- Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments (City and
- Planning Team began meeting in August
- Scope of Work was drafted in September
- October
- Develop Future Land Use (FLU) scenarios
- Early November
- Review FLU scenarios (Subcommittee meeting)
- November/December
- FLU Scenarios will be tested
- Early / Mid December
- Select preferred FLU scenario (Subcommittee
- January 2007
- Develop Implementation Strategies for Preferred
FLU scenario - March 2007
- Comprehensive Plan Amendments
- City and County CP amendment cycles
15Work Products
- Comprehensive Plan Amendments
- Land use amendments
- Concurrency management strategies such as
Multi-Modal Transportation District (MMTD) - Urban Design Template for new development in
Urban Village