2IL05 Data Structures 2IL06 Introduction to Algorithms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2IL05 Data Structures 2IL06 Introduction to Algorithms


Is the key with rank 3 in the. left subtree, in the ... Insertion can change the rank of every node! Problem: worst case O(n) ... Order-statistic trees: OS-Rank ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 2IL05 Data Structures 2IL06 Introduction to Algorithms

2IL05 Data Structures 2IL06 Introduction to
  • Spring 2009Lecture 9 Augmenting Data Structures

  • 2IL06
  • last lecture with relevant material
  • you need at least 50 points (from 5 assignments)
    to participate in the exam

Data structures
  • Data structures are used in many applications
  • directly the user repeatedly queries the data
  • indirectly to make algorithms run faster
  • In most cases a standard data structure is
    sufficient (possibly provided by a software
  • But sometimes one needs additional operations
    that arent supported by any standard data
  • ? need to design new data structure?
  • Not always often augmenting an existing
    structure is sufficient

  • S set of elements, each with an unique key.
  • OperationsSearch(S, k) return a pointer to an
    element x in S with keyx k, or NIL if such
    an element does not exist.
  • OS-select(S, i) return a pointer to an element
    x in S with the ith smallest key (the key
    with rank i)
  • Solution

sorted array
the key with rank i is stored in Ai
  • S set of elements, each with an unique key.
  • OperationsSearch(S, k) return a pointer to an
    element x in S with keyx k, or NIL if such
    an element does not exist.
  • OS-select(S, i) return a pointer to an element
    x in S with the ith smallest key (the key
    with rank i)
  • Insert(S, x) inserts element x into S, that
    is, S ? S ? x
  • Delete(S, x) remove element x from S

Idea Use red-black trees
  • OS-select(S, 3) report key with rank 3
  • Idea 1 store the rank of each node in
    the node

Is the key with rank 3 in the left subtree, in
the right subtree, or in the root?
2 1
Idea 1 Store the rank in each node
  • Problem

Insertion can change the rank of every node!
? worst case O(n)
10 2
2 1
18 5
50 6
12 3
17 4
Idea 1 Store the rank in each node
  • Problem
  • Idea 2 store the size of the subtree in
    each node

Insertion can change the rank of every node!
? worst case O(n)
10 2
2 1
18 5
50 6
12 3
17 4
Idea 2 Store the size of the subtree
10 6
2 1
18 4
50 1
12 2
17 1
Idea 2 Store the size of the subtree
  • store in each node x
  • left x, right x
  • parent x
  • key x
  • color x
  • size x number of keys in
    subtree rooted at x (size NIL 0)

order-statistic tree
Order-statistic trees OS-Select
  • OS-Select(x, i) return pointer to node
    containing the ith smallest key of the subtree
    rooted at x
  • OS-Select(x , i)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • if i r
  • then return x
  • else if i lt r
  • then return OS-Select(leftx, i)
  • else return OS-Select(rightx, i)
  • Running time?

OS-Select(x, 17)
r 17
r 25
r 16
size 16
size 15
size 24
O(log n)
Order-statistic trees OS-Rank
  • OS-Rank(T, x) return the rank of x in the
    linear order determined by an inorder walk of T
  • 1 number of keys smaller than x

Order-statistic trees OS-Rank
  • OS-Rank(T, x) return the rank of x in the
    linear order determined by an inorder walk of T
  • 1 number of keys smaller than x
  • OS-Rank(T, x)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • y ? x
  • while y ? root T
  • do if y rightpy
  • then r ? r size leftpy 1
  • y ? py
  • return r

Running time?
O(log n)
OS-Rank Correctness
  • OS-Rank(T, x)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • y ? x
  • while y ? root T
  • do if y rightpy
  • then r ? r size leftpy 1
  • y ? py
  • return r
  • InvariantAt the start of each iteration of the
    while loop, r rank of keyx in Ty
  • Initialization
  • r rank of keyx in Tx (y x)
  • number of keys smaller than keyx in Tx 1
  • sizeleftx 1
    (binary-search-tree property)

subtree with root y
OS-Rank Correctness
  • OS-Rank(T, x)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • y ? x
  • while y ? root T
  • do if y rightpy
  • then r ? r size leftpy 1
  • y ? py
  • return r
  • InvariantAt the start of each iteration of the
    while loop, r rank of keyx in Ty
  • Termination
  • loop terminates when y rootT
  • ? subtree rooted at y is entire tree
  • ? r rank of keyx in entire tree

OS-Rank Correctness
  • OS-Rank(T, x)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • y ? x
  • while y ? root T
  • do if y rightpy
  • then r ? r size leftpy 1
  • y ? py
  • return r
  • InvariantAt the start of each iteration of the
    while loop, r rank of keyx in Ty
  • Maintenance
  • case i y rightpy
  • ? all keys Tleftpy and keypy smaller
    than keyx
  • ? rank keyx in Tpy rank keyx in Ty
    size leftpy 1

OS-Rank Correctness
  • OS-Rank(T, x)
  • r ? sizeleftx 1
  • y ? x
  • while y ? root T
  • do if y rightpy
  • then r ? r size leftpy 1
  • y ? py
  • return r
  • InvariantAt the start of each iteration of the
    while loop, r rank of keyx in Ty
  • Maintenance
  • case ii y leftpy
  • ? all keys Trightpy and keypy larger
    than keyx
  • ? rank keyx in Tpy rank keyx in Ty

Order-statistic trees Insertion and deletion
  • Insertion and deletionas in a regular red-black
    tree, but we have to update sizex field

Red-black trees Insertion
  • Do a regular binary search tree insertion
  • Fix the red-black properties
  • Step1
  • find the leave where the node should be inserted
  • replace the leave by a red nodethat contains the
    key to be inserted
  • size of the new node 1
  • increment size of each node on the search path

sizex 1
Red-black trees Insertion
  • Do a regular binary search tree insertion
  • Fix the red-black properties
  • Red-black properties
  • Every node is either red or black.
  • The root is black
  • Every leaf (nilT) is black.
  • If a node is red, then both its children are
  • For each node, all paths from the node to
    descendant leaves contain the same number of
    black nodes.

The new node is red ? Property 2 or 4 can be
violated. Remove the violation by rotations and
right rotation around y
left rotation around x
  • A rotation affects only sizex and sizey
  • We can determine the new values based on the size
    of children
  • sizex sizeleftx sizerightx 1
  • and the same for y

Order-statistic trees
  • The operations Insert, Delete, Search,
    OS-Select, and OS-Rank can be executed with an
    order-statistic tree in O(log n) time.

Augmenting data structures
  • Methodology for augmenting a data structure
  • Choose an underlying data structure.
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations.
  • You dont need to do these steps in strict order!
  • Red-black trees are very well suited to
  • OS tree
  • R-B tree
  • sizex
  • maintain size during insert and delete
  • OS-Select and OS-Rank

Augmenting red-black trees
  • TheoremAugment a R-B tree with field f, where
    fx depends only on information in x, leftx,
    and rightx (including fleftx and
    frightx). Then can maintain values of f in
    all nodes during insert and delete without
    affecting O(log n) performance.
  • When we alter information in x, changes
    propagate only upward on the search path for x

Augmenting red-black trees
  • TheoremAugment a R-B tree with field f, where
    fx depends only on information in x, leftx,
    and rightx (including fleftx and
    frightx). Then can maintain values of f in
    all nodes during insert and delete without
    affecting O(log n) performance.
  • Proof (insert)
  • Step 1 Do a regular binary search tree
  • go up from inserted node and update f
  • additional time

O(log n)
Augmenting red-black trees
  • TheoremAugment a R-B tree with field f, where
    fx depends only on information in x, leftx,
    and rightx (including fleftx and
    frightx). Then can maintain values of f in
    all nodes during insert and delete without
    affecting O(log n) performance.
  • Proof (insert)
  • Step 2 Fix the red-black properties by
    rotations and recoloring
  • update f for x, y, and their ancestors
  • additional time per rotation

O(log n)
Example Interval trees
Interval trees
  • S set of closed intervals
  • Operations
  • Interval-Insert(T, x) adds an interval x, whose
    int field is assumed to contain an interval,
    to the interval tree T.
  • Interval-Delete(T, x) removes the element x
    from the interval tree T.
  • Interval-Search(T, j) returns pointer to a node
    x in T such that intx overlaps j, or nilT
    if no such element exists.

closed endpoints are part of the interval
  • Choose an underlying data structure.
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations.

  • Choose an underlying data structure.
  • use red-black trees
  • each node x contains interval intx
  • key is left endpoint lowintx
  • inorder walk would list intervals sorted by low
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations.

  • Choose an underlying data structure. ?
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations.

Additional information for Interval-Search
  • case 1 i n j ? Ø

? report i
low. lowi
low. gt lowi
Additional information for Interval-Search
  • case 1 i n j ? Ø
  • case 2 j lies left of i
  • ? j cannot overlap any interval in the
    right subtree

? report i
low. lowi
low. gt lowi
Additional information for Interval-Search
  • case 1 i n j ? Ø
  • case 2 j lies left of i
  • ? j cannot overlap any interval in the
    right subtree
  • case 3 j lies right of i
  • ? need additional information!

? report i
low. lowi
low. gt lowi
maxx max endpoint value in subtree rooted
at x maxhighi where i is stored in the
subtree rooted at x
Additional information for Interval-Search
  • case 1 i n j ? Ø
  • case 2 j lies left of i
  • ? j cannot overlap any interval in the
    right subtree
  • case 3 j lies right of i
  • ? j overlaps interval in left
    subtree if and only if lowj lt

? report i
low. lowi
low. gt lowi
maxx max endpoint value in subtree rooted
at x maxhighi where i is stored in the
subtree rooted at x
  • Choose an underlying data structure. ?
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations.

  • Interval-Search(T, j)
  • x ? root T
  • while x ? nilT and j does not overlap intx
  • do if leftx ? NIL and maxleftx
  • then x ? leftx
  • else x ? rightx
  • return x
  • Correctness
  • Invariant
  • If tree T contains an interval that overlaps j,
    then there is such an interval in the subtree
    rooted at x.
  • Running time?

O(log n)
  • Choose an underlying data structure. ?
  • Determine additional information to maintain.
  • Verify that we can maintain additional
    information for existing data structure
  • Develop new operations. ?

Maintain additional information
  • TheoremAugment a R-B tree with field f, where
    fx depends only on information in x, leftx,
    and rightx (including fleftx and
    frightx). Then can maintain values of f in
    all nodes during insert and delete without
    affecting O(log n) performance.
  • Additional informationmaxx max endpoint
    value in subtree rooted at x
  • maxx depends only on
  • information in x highintx
  • information in leftx maxleftx
  • information in rightx maxrightx
  • ? insert and delete still run in O(log n) time

Search for all intervals
  • Interval-Search-All(T, j)report all intervals
    that overlap j
  • Worst case running time?
  • How? See Assignment 7
  • There is another type of interval tree that can
    answer this query in T(k log n) time.

T(k log n) where k of reported intervals
Another interval tree
  • use a red-black tree, key is left endpoint low.
  • store each interval i ? S in the highest node x
    such that i contains lowx

Another interval tree
  • use a red-black tree, key is left endpoint low.
  • i2, i3, i1 i2, i1, i3
  • store each interval i ? S in the highest node x
    such that i contains lowx
  • ? each node can store several intervals
  • ? use two sorted lists (one on low. and one on

Tutorials this week
  • Small tutorials on Tuesday 34.
  • No Wednesday 78 big tutorial.
  • No small tutorial Friday 78, but next week
    Friday 78!
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