Title: GeoMedia
March 2002
Georgian Media Facts Eleventh Edition
Georgian Opinion Research Business
International 45 Vazha Pshavela Avenue, 10th
Floor Tbilisi, Georgia Ph/Fax (99532) 536.617,
326.618 email gorbi_at_access.sanet.ge Internet
2Briefly GeoMedia
- The Eleventh edition of the first comprehensive
media monitoring study in Georgia - A unique study for periodic measurement of the
Georgian mass media including newspaper
readership, radio listenership, and television
viewership - Includes detailed information about consumer
products, appliances, and technical equipment in
order to target media usage by consumer types - Part of a quarterly omnibus survey conducted by
Georgian Opinion Research Business International
(GORBI) - Carried out through face-to-face interviewing
method - Sample size (n) 1,000
- 140 Sampling points (5-19 interviews per sampling
point) - Conducted in 19 principal regions throughout
Georgia (including both urban and rural areas) - Employs a nationally representative sample
through multi-stage random probability sampling
of the Georgian adult population (age 16) - Conducted by GORBIs team of experienced and
well-trained local interviewers and supervisors - Processed/analyzed in Tbilisi at the headquarters
of GORBI - Field work conducted from Februarys 22 March
02, 2002 - For additional information, contact GORBI at the
coordinates on the cover page
? GeoMedia March 2002
3A Note on Sampling Tolerances
- In interpreting survey results, it should be
kept in mind that all sample surveys are subject
to sampling error, that is, the extent to which
the results may differ from what would be
obtained if the entire Georgian population had
been interviewed. The size of such sample errors
depends largely on the number of interviews. - The following tables may be used in estimating
the sample error of any percentage in this
report. The computed allowances have taken into
account the effect of the sample design upon
sampling error. They may be interpreted as
indicating the range (plus or minus the figure
shown) within which the results of repeated
sampling in the same time period could be
expected to vary, 95 percent of the time,
assuming the same sampling procedure, the same
interviewers, and the same questionnaire. - Table A shows how much allowance should be made
for the sampling error of the percentages given
in this report. The figures given in the table
are given at a 95 confidence level which means
that (please refer to Table A), for example, if
the sample size for a given question is
approximately 400, and the given percentage is
near 50 percent, then there is 95 chance that
the percentage given is correct within or - 6. - Tables B and C provide figures for comparison of
two different samples, for example, men and
women. Table B is for percentages near twenty or
eighty Table C for percentages near fifty. For
percentages in between, the error to be allowed
for is between those shown in the two tables.
Here is an example of how these tables would be
used Let us say that 50 percent of men respond
with a certain answer and 40 percent of women
respond the same way, for a difference of ten
percentage points between them. Can we say with
any assurance that the ten-point difference
reflects a real difference reflects a real
difference between men and women on the question?
The sample contains approximately 600 men and 600
women. - Since the percentages are near fifty, we consult
Table C, and since the two samples are about 600
persons each, we look for the number in the
column headed 600 that is also in the row
designated 600. We find the number 7. This
means that the allowance for error should be 7
points, and that in concluding that the
percentage among men is somewhere between 3 and
17 points higher than the percentage among women
we should be wrong only about 5 percent of the
time. In other words, we can conclude with
considerable (95) confidence that a difference
exists in the direction observed and that it
amounts to at least 3 percentage points.
4- Table A. Recommended Allowance For Sampling
Error of a Percentage - In Percentage Points (at 95 in 100 confidence
level) - Sample Size
- 1000 750 600 400 200 100
- Percentages near 10 2 3 3 4 5 7
- Percentages near 20 3 4 4 5 7 9
- Percentages near 30 4 4 4 6 8 10
- Percentages near 40 4 4 5 6 8 11
- Percentages near 50 4 4 5 6 8 11
- Percentages near 60 4 4 5 6 8 11
- Percentages near 70 4 4 4 6 8 10
- Percentages near 80 3 4 4 5 7 9
- Percentages near 90 2 3 3 4 5 7
- Table B. Recommended Allowance For Sampling
Error of the Difference - s near 80 or 20 - In Percentage Points (at 95 in 100 confidence
level) - Size of sample 750 600 400 200
- 750 5
5Demographic Information
6Population of Cities Surveyed
The number of interviews are distributed
according to regional population figures and not
according to the population of the cities listed.
This accounts for the discrepancies between the
distribution for the population of the cities
listed and the distribution of interviews.
? GeoMedia March 2002
Demographic Characteristics
? GeoMedia March 2002
8Family Monthly IncomeBased on those respondents
who did not refuse to answer (79,4 of the
? GeoMedia March 2002
9Newspaper Information
10Top Ten Newspapers (Read during the past week)
? GeoMedia March 2002
11Top Ten Newspapers (Read yesterday)
? GeoMedia March 2002
12Radio Information
13Radio Listening frequency by Channel(Georgia)
? GeoMedia March 2002
14Radio Listening frequency by Channel (Tbilisi)
? GeoMedia March 2002
15Radio Channels Audience Market Share(Georgia)
Population of GEORGIA 5,394,89216 years of age
or above 4,166,428Radio audience
size (48.9 ) 2,037,383
? GeoMedia March 2002
16Radio Channels Audience Market Share(Tbilisi)
Population of TBILISI 1,238,00016 years of age
or above 956,097 Radio audience
size (63.90) 602,619
? GeoMedia March 2002
17Radio Listenership By Channel
? GeoMedia March 2002
18Radio channels objectivity assessment (Georgia)
The rankings presented in the figure below
represent the average on 10 point scale for radio
channels objectivity.
(-5 least objective radio channel, 5 most
objective radio channel)
? GeoMedia March 2002
19Radio channels objectivity assessment (Tbilisi)
The rankings presented in the figure below
represent the average on 10 point scale for radio
channels objectivity.
(-5 least objective radio channel, 5 most
objective radio channel)
? GeoMedia March 2002
20Radio ListenershipBy Hour (Of those listening to
the radio)
? GeoMedia March 2002
21Radio ListenershipBy Channels
? GeoMedia March 2002
22Radio ListenershipBy Channels
? GeoMedia March 2002
23Television Information
24Television Viewership Frequency by
( The Rustavi 2 Network includes Odishi,
Imereti, Adjara 25, Guria, Trialeti,
Danakhvisi, Lomsia, Tanamgzavri and
? GeoMedia March 2002
25Television Viewership Frequency by Channel
? GeoMedia March 2002
26TV Channels Audience Market Share(Georgia)
Population of GEORGIA 5,394,892 16 years of
age or above 4,166,428 TV audience
size (95.15) 3,964,290
( The Rustavi 2 Network includes Odishi,
Imereti, Adjara 25, Guria, Trialeti,
Danakhvisi, Lomsia, Tanamgzavri and
? GeoMedia March 2002
27TV Channels Audience Market Share(Tbilisi)
Population of GEORGIA 1,238,00016 years of age
or above 956,097TV audience
size (98.25) 939,379
? GeoMedia March 2002
28Television ViewershipBy Channel (Throughout
Georgia and Tbilisi only)
( The Rustavi 2 Network includes Odishi,
Imereti, Adjara 25, Guria, Trialeti,
Danakhvisi, Lomsia, Tanamgzavri and
? GeoMedia March 2002
29Television ViewingBy Hour (Of those watching
? GeoMedia March 2002