Title: Statistical Research and Training Center
1Forging Partnerships in Statistical Training in
Asia and the Pacific 25-26 November 2002,
Statistical Research and Training Center
The Training Arm of the Philippine Statistical
System (PSS)
Statistical Research and Training Center
2Main Sections
- Organization and facilities
- Training programs, resource persons and
- Recommendations to enhance statistical capacity
building in the region
Statistical Research and Training Center
3Basic Information on SRTC
- Focal agency on statistical research and training
in PSS
- Created in 1987 when PSS was reorganized
- One of 5 major statistical agencies in highly
decentralized PSS
- An attached agency to socio-economic planning
Statistical Research and Training Center
4Basic Information on SRTC
- Basically funded by government
- An accredited research and training institution
in the country
Statistical Research and Training Center
5Basic Information on SRTC
- Improvement of quality of statistical information
generated by PSS through conduct of high quality
statistical research and training
Statistical Research and Training Center
6Organization and Facilities
- Has 2 technical divisions (Research and Training
Divisions) and an administrative division to
carry out mandated functions
- Maintains a staff of 26 personnel
- Executive Director, 3 division heads, 7
statisticians, 1 executive assistant, 1
information officer, 1 librarian, 2 training
assistants, 2 research assistants and 8 support
Statistical Research and Training Center
7Organization and Facilities
- Training Division of 7 personnel 1
division head, 4 statisticians and 2
training assistants handles training activities
of the Center
- Facilities such as training rooms, computer
laboratory, computers, audio-visual equipment,
packages used for training, internet facilities,
and accommodation rooms for out-of-town
participants are all housed in Kalayaan Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City
Statistical Research and Training Center
8Training Programs
- Offers 2 types of training programs regular and
specialized courses
- Regular training programs
- cover topics on data collection and processing,
database management, data analysis and
statistical modeling, statistical report writing,
and data presentation/dissemination
Statistical Research and Training Center
9Training Programs
- duration of courses ranges from 5 to 8 days
- charge a participation fee of P5,500 and P8,000
per trainee for 5-day and 8-day
training course, respectively
- training fee covers costs of materials, meals
and snacks, and training certificate
- course list is updated every year and available
in agency webpage
Statistical Research and Training Center
10Training Programs
- Specialized training programs
- customized courses covering any topic on
- individually designed to meet specific needs of
- course duration may range from 5 days to one month
- cost would depend on duration, cost of developing
training materials, resource persons and food
arrangements and other costs
Statistical Research and Training Center
11Training Programs
- Language of instruction for all training courses
is English
- Also, all training materials are written in
- Local participants of training courses may be
granted maximum graduate credits of 6 units
(electives courses only) as per accreditation -
Statistical Research and Training Center
12Training Programs
Statistical Research and Training Center
13Training Programs
- List of regular courses offered
Statistical Research and Training Center
14Training Programs
- List of regular courses offered (contd)
Statistical Research and Training Center
15Training Programs
- List of regular courses offered (contd)
Statistical Research and Training Center
16Training Programs
- List of regular courses offered (contd)
Statistical Research and Training Center
17Training Programs
- List of specialized training programs conducted
in 2002
Statistical Research and Training Center
18Training Programs
- List of specialized training programs conducted
in 2002 (contd)
Statistical Research and Training Center
19Training Programs
- List of specialized training programs conducted
in 2002 (contd)
Statistical Research and Training Center
20Resource Persons
- SRTC has a pool of resource persons for its
training programs
- These resource persons are
- Practicing statisticians and professionals with
extensive teaching experience in academe,
non-government offices and international
- Connected with academic institutions, major
statistical agencies, SRTC, other government
offices and private institutions
Statistical Research and Training Center
- Statistical personnel of government agencies and
offices/units engaged in statistical activities
either as primary or secondary function
- Size of training class is limited only to 25
- Open also to interested participants from other
Statistical Research and Training Center
Statistical Research and Training Center
Statistical Research and Training Center
24Partnership Arrangements
- Sharing of training materials as well as video
materials on various statistical topics
- Partnership with SIAP in conduct of country
courses for Philippines and other countries
- Partnership with other institutions in
development and/or conduct of statistical
training courses for their respective clients
Statistical Research and Training Center
25Partnership Arrangements
- Partnership in building up the statistical
training capacity of least developed countries
- Exchange program among training personnel and
provision of slots in trainers training programs
of SIAP, TES Institute and other similar training
institutions as part of capacity building for
training institutions in region
Statistical Research and Training Center
26Partnership Arrangements
- All requests pertaining to training materials,
documentations, participation in training
courses, schedule of training courses, and other
related concerns should be addressed to
The Executive Director Statistical Research and
Training Center 104 J S Building, 104 Kalayaan
Avenue Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines srtcoed_at_s
Statistical Research and Training Center
- SIAP to continue pursuing
e-learning initiatives to make training programs
in the future more accessible and affordable to
greater number of clients
- Need to develop and conduct more trainers
training programs aimed at developing the skills
of trainers and facilitators and those involved
in planning, designing, implementation, and
evaluation of training programs
Statistical Research and Training Center
- SIAP to tap donor agencies and international
funding institutions (IFIs) in raising funds to
support its country training programs and other
training-related activities of countries in region
- Improve networking and complementation among
statistical training institutions to
assist other countries in region in handling
problems related to statistical human capacity
Statistical Research and Training Center
29Forging Partnerships in Statistical Training in
Asia and the Pacific 25-26 November 2002,
Thank You !
Statistical Research and Training Center