Title: Adaptive Perturbation Theory: QM and Field Theory
1Adaptive Perturbation TheoryQM and Field Theory
2Two Topics
- Quantum mechanics
- Field Theory
What your grandmother never told you about
perturbation theory. But should have !
Apply the QM tricks to the case of scalar field
3The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
- Consider usual harmonic oscillator
- Usual results
4The Anharmonic Oscillator
- The Hamiltonian is
- The usual problems
- New result Adaptive perturbation theory
converges for all
couplings and N.
Perturbation expansion diverges due to N! growth
of the terms
5Variational Trickery
- Once again
- Then the Hamiltonian becomes
6Numerical Results
7Double Well
- Now consider
- Simple variational fnctn wont work well.
- But can try a shifted Gaussian
8Shifted Formulas
- The shift amounts to rewriting
- The Hamiltonian becomes
Now vary wrt g and c
9Generic Behavior
- Tricritical behavior i.e.,
- 3 minima
- for large mass this
- means 1st order
- phase transition
10The Full Energy Surface
11Doing Better
- Exploit the linear term in creation and
annihilation operators. - In other words use a trial state of the form
- Varying is the same as diagonalizing the
2x2-matrix obtained by restricting the
Hamiltonian to the N0 and N1 states.
12Why Solve 2x2 Hamiltonian ?
- Solve the following minimum problem
- Differentiating we get
13l 1 f 2.24
- Now we have two well separated
minima and no minimum at the origin
14l 1 f 2.24.. Inspect the Saddle
- A close inspection for this case shows
that now c0 is a local maximum.
15l 1 f 1.73.. Another View
- For smaller f the same is true
Two separated minima, no minimum
at 0.
16l 1 f 2 0 Still Two Minima ?
- At first this seems surprising, but
on reflection it is correct. - .
17Tunneling Computation (even)
- Trial state is now
- The change in sign is because c
-gt - c
18Tunneling Computation (odd)
- Now the trial state is
- Re-minimize and once again we are
good for ground-state and first excited
state to 0.009
19Large N
- Still two minima, but the distance to the
minimum stops growing. - However the width of the wave-function
keeps growing. More importantly these
expection value of the x4 term keeps growing,
which implies the tunneling effect increases. - Sphaleron is approximately when the splitting
is no longer exponentially suppressed
20On To Field Theory
- Hamiltonian in momentum space is
- Introduce variational parameters
21Expectation Value of Hamiltonian
- Taking the expectation value of H in the
vacuum state - Differentiating wrt
- So
- This clearly has a solution
- Actually this is an equation for m
23Capturing Wave-Function Renormalization
- Choose as the variational state
- We need to get the change in the vacuum
energy due to this piece of Hamiltonian
24What Is The Change In Energy ?
- To get a formula for what this does consider
- This is solved by iteration
25Taking Expectation Value
- Lowest energy is pole in z so
- So we look for a zero of the denominator
26Solving for z
- Once again we need to solve
- Lets redefine z
- So the equation becomes
- in the limit
27This Equation Can Be Solved Iteratively
28How Well Does This Work ?
- For a 2x2 Matrix
- Let and and
let vary
1 Iteration
29More Iterations
30Twelve Iterations
The same is true formomentum integralswith
about the samerate of convergence.Thus, the
answer canalways be expressedas a continued
31Back To Field Theory
- With these observations with the 4-particle
contribution the vacuum energy is of the form
Diverges like L4
- Differentiating wrt yields eqn of form
- or
Divergeslike L2
33Wave Function Renormalization
- Usual prescription
- We can by convention put this in a form
- by rescaling
34What About Coupling Constant Ren ?
- Coupling constant renormalization isnt
required, just a choice of coupling constant. - Question What do we hold fixed ?
- My choice is the energy of the zero
momentum two-particle state. - This immediately shows why this theory is
trivial in four dimensions.
35As Before Use Resolvent Operator
- The k0 two particle energy
36Bug or Feature ?
- One particle state isnt boost invariant
- Parton picture ?
- Have to both redo the one-particle variation
and add extra particles to correct the
wrong k dependence - Non-covariant effects ?
- New counter-terms ?
37New Lattice Approximation ?
- IDEA Now that the parameters are determined
we can, in the presence of a cut-off inverse
Fourier transform back to a lattice theory
with coefficients which depend on the
parameters. THEN DO CORE