Statistical Methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistical Methods


census, polls, psychological studies. Statistical Methods ... e.g., you hear about sampling error when results from political polls are presented... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Statistical Methods

Statistical Methods
  • What is statistics
  • Set of methods and rules for organizing,
    summarizing, and interpreting information
  • e.g., mean or average snow for the current year
    were significantly more murders committed this
    year do stroke patients differ significantly
    from age-matched controls in the number of errors
    they make when performing activities of daily

Statistical Methods
  • Why learn statistics
  • Its necessary in order to understand and
    critically evaluate what you hear and read in
    everyday life
  • e.g., is a new medical treatment (expensive)
    significantly better than a conventional
    treatment (covered by OHIP)?
  • e.g., is a new marketing strategy effective?

Statistical Methods
  • Why learn statistics
  • It is a tool that those of you who are planning
    to become psychologists, social scientists, or
    who plan to use the tools of these disciplines
    need to know how to use as well as understand

Statistical Methods
  • Why learn statistics
  • Statistics is useful
  • one goal of this course will be to teach you
    techniques (Lecture) will follow book
  • Second goal will be to teach you how to apply
    these techniques (Lab)
  • Teach you SPSS, a computerized statistical
  • Use this package to analyze data from an
    experiment that this class will carry out

Statistical Methods
  • Populations and samples
  • Population
  • Set of individuals of interest in a study
  • e.g., psychology often studies individual people
    but population could be set of families, small
    businesses in Canada, parts produced by a factory
  • -population generally refers to the set of
    individuals about whom you are interested in

Statistical Methods
  • Populations and samples
  • Sample
  • Usually most investigators select a sample of
    individuals from this sample
  • Sample refers to a set of individuals selected
    from the population. The sample is usually
    intended to represent the population
  • Examples of populations and samples
  • census, polls, psychological studies

Statistical Methods
  • Populations and samples
  • Populations and samples are described in terms of
    their features or characteristics
  • Parameter is a value or characteristic that
    describes a population.
  • e.g., population of Canada parameters include
    mean age ratio of male to female mean income

Statistical Methods
  • Populations and samples
  • Populations and samples are described in terms of
    their features or characteristics
  • Statistic is a value that describes a sample
  • Random sample of Canadians statistics include
    mean age ratio of male to female mean income,
  • Note every population parameter can have a
    corresponding sample statistic one important
    question statistics considers is the relation
    between sample statistics and population

Statistical Methods
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Descriptive statistics attempt summarize and
    organize data
  • e.g., mean score on a test range of scores on a
    test table or graph summarizing a test score

Statistical Methods
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics
  • inferential statistics techniques that allow us
    to study samples and then make generalizations
    about the populations from which they were

Statistical Methods
  • Note it is important to note that if you take a
    sample from a population, the sample statistics
    will deviate somewhat from the corresponding
    population parameter
  • e.g., small island with 10 people having ages
    20, 45, 13, 1, 57, 45, 21, 80, 90, 77
  • Mean age of population is 449/1044.9
  • sample statistic will vary depending upon the
    size of the sample you select, and the
    individuals included in the sample 44, 48, .

Statistical Methods
  • Sampling error
  • Refers to the discrepancy or the amount of error
    between a sample statistic and the corresponding
    population parameter
  • e.g., you hear about sampling error when results
    from political polls are presented results are
    within/- 4 19 times out of 20

Statistical Methods
  • See example 1.1 page 9 in book
  • Stages of study
  • 1. Purpose.
  • 2. Method. Design and procedure
  • 3. Collect data
  • 4. Results Descriptive inferential stats
  • 5. Discussion

Statistical Methods
  • Issues to discuss
  • Is the sampling procedure representative?
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Mean, standard deviation
  • Inferential statistics
  • do the means differ significantly from each

Statistical Methods
  • Random sampling or random selection
  • In this procedure, every individual in the
    population has the same chance of being selected
    in the sample. A sample obtained by random
    selection is called a random sample.
  • Experiment with 2 conditions first 10
    participants in condition 1 2nd 10 participants
    in condition 2 is this a random sample?

Statistical Methods
  • Random sampling or random selection
  • Making sure that your sampling procedure is
  • e.g. random assignment of participant to
    condition use table of random digits
  • Provide an example

Statistical Methods
  • Variable
  • Characteristic or condition that changes or has
    different values for different individuals
  • e.g., characteristics of participants (e.g., sex,
  • e.g., characteristics of a study (e.g.,
    conditions of an experiment such as learning
  • -

Statistical Methods
  • Techniques for investigating relationships
  • Most studies are concerned with investigating the
    relation between two or more variables
  • Approaches
  • Correlational observe two variables to see if
    there is a relationship
  • E.g., does the fox and rabbit population covary?
    How would you investigate?
  • E.g., do memory performance and grades covary?
  • Limitation does not tell you whether there is a
    cause-effect relation

Statistical Methods
  • Techniques for investigating relationships
  • Experimental
  • Goal is to understand what effect one variable
    has on another variable.
  • Manipulate one (or more) variable(s) and observe
    changes in one or more other variables
  • hold constant (or randomize) other factors (or
    variables) that are not under investigation
  • E.g., effect of delay between study and test on
    memory performance (hold constant environmental
    factors) randomly assign participants to
    condition (delayshort vs long)

Statistical Methods
  • Techniques for investigating relationships
  • Experimental
  • Independent variable variable manipulated by
    the experimenter
  • Dependent variable variable observed by
  • In previous slide which is the independent and
    dependent variable

Statistical Methods
  • Confounding variable
  • Refers to a variable or factor that covaries with
    the independent variable
  • E.g., comparison of effect of delay on recall in
    two groups using two different sets of materials
  • What are the confounds? How can you prevent a

Statistical Methods
  • Quasi-experimental method
  • In this type of experiment the experimenter does
    not manipulate the variable
  • Common types of variables that are not
  • Subject variables gender, personality attribute
  • Time variables time since injury

Statistical Methods
  • Theory
  • Importance identify factors to manipulate,
    control, or randomize
  • Many studies attempt to evaluate theories by
    assessing hypotheses that are implied by theory
  • Hypothesis
  • Prediction about relation between variables

Statistical Methods
  • Constructs
  • Theories contain constructs or hypothetical
    concepts, which describe mechanisms that underlie
    behavioural phenomena

Visual/Gestural input
Visual/Object Input
Visual analysis (motion)
Visual analysis (static)
Action input lexicon
Structural Description System
Auditory/ Verbal Input
Tactile Analysis
Tactile/ Proprioceptive Input
Semantic knowledge
Auditory analysis
Action output lexicon
Motor programmes
Statistical Methods
  • Scales of measurement
  • Nominal scale
  • A form of measurement in which there is a set of
    categories with different names that cannot be
    reasonably ordered
  • E.g., sex, location (province), type of course
    taken (psychology, sociology)

Statistical Methods
  • Scales of measurement
  • Ordinal scale
  • Categories that can be ordered, but differences
    between scores are not meaningful
  • E.g., scores of 3, 4, and 5 on scale meaningful
    to state that the people differ not meaningful to
    say that difference between person 1 and 2 is
    equal to the difference between person 2 and 3
  • This means that you cannot add and subtract
    ordinal scale measures (e.g., you cannot
    calculate mean)

Statistical Methods
  • Scales of measurement
  • Interval and ratio scales
  • Interval scale ordered categories in which
    differences between categories are meaningful
  • Measures of distance, time, etc.

Statistical Methods
  • Discrete versus continuous variables
  • Discrete separate indivisible categories
  • E.g., number of children, number of correct
  • Continuous
  • Infinite number of possible values
  • E.g., time, length, weight

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Statistical Methods
  • Frequency distribution
  • Points to note the sum of the frequencies equals
    the total
  • Mean (arithmetic average)
  • Sum of all the scores divided by the number of
  • What is the mean of the scores on the previous
    table can you think of another way to calculate
    the mean?

Statistical Methods
  • Frequency distribution
  • Proportion measures the fraction of the total
    group that is associated with each score
  • Proportion p f/N where f frequency of a
    particular score and N total number of scores
  • Percentage proportion 100 p 100
  • f100/N

Statistical Methods
  • Frequency distribution
  • Organized tabulation of individuals located in
    each category on the scale of measurement
  • Table
  • Graph

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Statistical Methods
  • Frequency distribution
  • 20, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 80, 80, 80, 90

Statistical Methods
  • Grouped frequency distribution table
  • When a set of data contain a wide range of values
    it is necessary to group data into intervals so
    as to be able to produce an informative table
  • See book for further details about grouped
    frequency distribution table

Frequency distributions
  • Frequency distribution graphs
  • Represent pictorially frequency distribution
  • The x-axis or abscissa depicts the independent
  • The y-axis or ordinate depicts the dependent

Statistical Methods
  • Frequency distribution
  • 20, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 80, 80, 80, 90

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Statistical Methods
  • requency distribution
  • 20, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 80, 80, 80, 90

Statistical Methods
  • Shapes of frequency distributions
  • Symmetrical distributions
  • Distribution in which it is possible to draw a
    vertical line through the middle of a frequency
    distribution and each side is the mirror image of
    the other
  • Skewed distribution
  • Distribution in which the scores tail of at one
  • Positively skewed ?tail is at the positive or
    right end of the distribution
  • Negatively skewed ? tail is at the negative or
    left end of the distribution

Statistical Methods
  • Percentiles and percentile ranks
  • used to describe an individuals performance
    relative to the performance of a sample
  • Rank or percentile rank refers to the percentage
    of individuals in the distribution with scores at
    or below the particular value
  • E.g., amnesics are defined as individuals whose
    memory performance scores fall at or below the 2
    percentile range, but whose performance on other
    cognitive tasks is in the normal range.GRE
    scores are frequently reported as percentile

Statistical Methods
  • Percentiles and percentile ranks
  • cumulative frequency (cf) number of individuals
    with scores at or below a given score
  • Cumulative percentage c cf100/N

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