Title: MIDDAY MEAL SCHEME Annual Work Plan
1MID-DAY MEAL SCHEMEAnnual Work Plan Budget
2Demographic profile socio-economic indicators-
Literacy,Sex ratio,Poverty ratio, MMR, IMR
Total Population (as per 2001 census) -
2,69,45,829 Males - 1,38,85,037 Females -
1,30,60,792 S.T. - 70,87,068 S.C. -
31,89,320 Population growth - 23.19 Density
of Population - 338 persons per Sq. Km. Sex
ratio - 1000941 Literacy rate
- Overall - 54.13 Male -
67.94 Female - 39.38 Poverty ratio -
40.30 IMR - 69 MMR - 371
Total Malnutrition - 59.20 Malnutrition
(Children) - 54.00 Under Height -
41.00 Under Weight - 31.00 Over Weight -
5.30 Anemia - 6-35 months babies -
77.70 15-49 years (Male) - 37.40 15-49 years
(Female) - 7.40 Pregnant Women -
68.04 Vitamin Deficiency - 23.30
No. of Govt. Primary Middle Schools - 20570 No.
of Govt. aided Primary Schools -
1001 (including minority, Madarsa, Sanskrit
school) No. of EGS Centres - 17214 No. of
AIE Centres - 115 TOTAL -
38900 Enrollment In Govt. Primary Schools
- 3726308 In Govt. aided Primary Schools -
260336 In EGS Centres - 1203803 In AIE
Centres - 9836 TOTAL - 5200283 Dropout
Rate (at grade 5) Boys - 41.44 Girls -
46.62 Total - 43.83 Scheduled
caste Boys - 47.33 Girls -
55.05 Total - 50.77 S.T. Boys -
47.82 ST. Girls - 53.39 S.T. Total -
50.33 (Date based on 2002-03 to 2004-05)
5MDM - Coverage
- 2003-04 Started in 4,400 Govt. Schools on
pilot basis - 2004-05 Extended to all Govt. primary
Schools - 2005-06 Extended to Govt. Aided minority
schools, Madarsas EGS/AIE Centres
6- MDM Implementation
- Implementation assigned to Saraswati Vahini, a
Group of parent mothers. - Saraswati Vahini functions as a sub-committee of
Village Education Committee (VEC) . - The cooking and distribution assigned to
Mata Samiti, a group of parent mothers
identified from the members of Saraswati Vahini - Honorarium at the rate of 20-30 paise per school
day per child is paid to the Mata Samiti members
as a cooking cost. - Members of VEC and Sarswati Vahini procure the
cooking ingredients eg. Fuel, Condiments, Oil
etc. on monthly basis.
7- MDM Implementation
- The State Govt. allots conversion cost to all
Dy. Commissioners. - The DCs transfer the money directly to the
account of Saraswati Vahini by draft/cheque. - Bank Account of Saraswati Vahini is operated
jointly by chairman of VEC and the convener of
Saraswati Vahini. - A separate cash book and other registers are
being maintained by the Chairman/Secretary of
VEC and Convener of the Saraswati Vahini. - Conversion cost is fixed at Rs. 2 (Rs.1 central
assistance Rs.1 state share) per child per
school day.
8- Monitoring mechanism
- For management and monitoring, steering cum
monitoring committees have been set up at state,
district and Block levels -
- State Level Committee Chief Secretary- Chairman
- Director, Primary Education - Secretary
- 14 other members.
- District Level Committee Dy. Commissioner
Chairman - D.S.E. - Secretary
- 11 other members.
- Block Level Committee Block Development Officer
- Chairman Block Edu. Extension Officer
Secretary 7 other members. - Mobilization of Mothers Active participation
of mothers by ensuring their presence during
preparation, cooking and serving of food
every day.
9Weekly menu and its nutritional assessment
10 MDM - Coverage
11(No Transcript)
12(in Quintals)
Up to December 2006
13(No Transcript)
14- MDM - External Evaluation
- Sample Size 113 Schools in
- 22 Blocks spread over
- 18 Districts (Randomly Selected)
- Quality of Food-grain 40 Schools good quality
- 57.5 Satisfactory Quality
- Quality of M.D.M. 21 Respondents good
quality - 72 Satisfactory Quality
- 7 Bad Quality
- Adequacy of quantity of For 72 of children
adequate - M.D.M. Served and 28 food inadequate
- Discrimination in distribution No discrimination
observed in the - of cooked meal sample size.
15- Regional variation irregularity Good in term
of regularity in Latehar, Ranchi, Gumla,
Lohardaga, West Singhbhum and East Singhbhum - District not good in term of regularity in
Palamu, Sahibganj, Jamtara, Pakur Dhanbad,
Chatra, Godda, Garhwa, Deoghar - Infrastructure in schools
- Drinking water 65.50 school have drinking
water facilities - Kitchen Shed 23 schools have Kitchen sheds
- Utensils 54 schools have utensils
- Teachers Involvement 80 school teachers
involved in implementation of M.D.M. - Impact on enrolment In 60 of sample schools
the enrolment of boys and Attendance In 73 of
the sample schools the enrolment of girls
have increased. In 73 of the schools
attendance of the boys has increased while
in 77 of the schools average attendance of
girls has increased.
16Composition of MDM
17 Expenditure report awaited.
18Requirements of Food Grains and Cooking Cost for
Up to December 2006
19MME Funds Required
20 21Requirements for Kitchen Sheds
22Points of Concern
- Timely allocation of funds regarding kitchen cum
store constructions and kitchen devices. - No FCI godowns in 6 districts.
- Complaints about poor quality of rice supplied by
FCI. - Interruptions due to non availability of stocks
in FCI godowns.