Title: Panama Bartholomy
1The Revolution will be Funded
- Panama Bartholomy
- Advisor to Chairman Douglas
- California Energy Commission
Going Green 8/13/09 Long Beach, CA
2Where We Are Going Today
- State Condition
- State Policies
- Funding opportunities
3Loading Order
- States preferred energy policy approach since
2003 Energy Action Plan (http//www.energy.ca.go
4(No Transcript)
5Energy Efficiency
6Renewable Energy
7Renewable Portfolio Standard
8Clean Vehicles
9Alternative Fuels
11Urban Water Use
12Climate Change
13Climate Change Scoping PlanA Framework for Change
14Recommended Reduction Measures Reductions Counted
Towards 2020 Target
- Million Solar Roofs
- Medium/Heavy Duty Vehicles
- High Speed Rail
- Industrial Measures
- High Global Warming Potential Gas Measures
- Sustainable Forests
- Oil and Gas Extraction and Transmission
- Additional Reductions
- California Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas
Standards - Energy Efficiency
- Renewables Portfolio Standard (33 by 2020)
- Low Carbon Fuel Standard
- Regional Transportation-Related GHG Targets
- Goods Movement
- Recycling and Waste (landfill methane capture)
15What is Coming?
Cleantech Venture Investments in CA and North
Cleantech Group Cleantech Investment 2008
Annual Review www.cleantech.com
16What is Coming?
- Energy Generation is the largest U.S. cleantech
segment, accounting for 59 percent of total U.S.
cleantech VC investment - Energy Efficiency (8)
- Energy Infrastructure (7)
- Energy Storage (7)
- Energy Infrastructure is the fastest growing
segment, increasing by 273 million from 2007 to
2008. - Other top growing segments
- Energy Generation
- Manufacturing/Industrial
Cleantech Group Cleantech Investment 2008
Annual Review www.cleantech.com
18American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Energy Funding Implications for California
19American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
- 787 Billion in funding appropriations and tax
relief - Nearly 63 billion for energy activities
- 42 billion in appropriations
- 21 billion in energy tax incentives
20ARRA Formula Energy Appropriations
- Total of 11.3 billion in formula-based funding
- 3.1 billion State Energy Program
- Energy Commission will receive 226 million
- 3.2 billion Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Block Grant Program - California local governments are expected to
receive over 300 of million - Energy Commission is expected receive 49 million
21ARRA Formula Energy Appropriations
- Total of 11.3 billion in formula-based funding
- 5 billion for Low Income Home Weatherization
- Community Services and Development Department
will receive 185 million - 300 million nationally for Energy Star Appliance
Rebates - Energy Commission is expected receive 30 Million
22State Energy Program
- First Tier
- Green Workforce 20 million
- State Buildings 25 million
- Local Government Buildings 50 million
23State Energy Program
- Second Tier
- Building Retrofit 96 million
- Municipal Financing
- Districts
- Residential Retrofit
- Commercial Retrofit
- Clean Energy 30 million
24Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
- 3.2 billion nationally
- 68 to local governments (directly to cities gt
30,000 and counties gt 200,000 population) - 28 to state energy offices
- 4 to tribes and competitive grants
- California local governments are expected to
receive over 302 million directly - Energy Commission is expected to receive 49
25CEC Workforce Development Activities and Plans
- Transportation
- Energy and Water Efficiency
- Renewable Energy
- 65 Million in Clean Energy Workforce Training
- State policy will push
- electricity and transportation
- efficiency and renewables at
- unseen scale
- Massive government and private investment will
create opportunity and jobs - An educated and well-trained workforce is
critical to attracting clean energy sector
investment - We will not achieve any of our clean energy
sector goals unless we develop the workforce
27Thank You!Panama Bartholomy(916)