Title: Patient Care Assessments Chart Audits
1Patient Care Assessments(Chart Audits)
- Faculty Assembly
- March 24, 2009
- Background
- New Process to be instituted for Patient Care
Assessments (PCA) or Chart Audit - Instructions for Chart Audits
3Our Current Clinic QA Procedures
- Quality Care Council (QCC)
- Meets quarterly
- Includes Faculty Clinic Advisory Committee (FCAC)
which meets monthly. Chaired by Dr Schwenk and
currently includes Drs. Banker, Dickey, Fischer,
Goebel, Langenwalter, Misischia, Reyes, and
Rieken - Considers faculty input about clinic
4Our Current Clinic QA Procedures
- Quality Care Council (QCC)
- Includes Student Clinic Advisory Committee (SCAC)
which also meets monthly. Chaired by Dr Schwenk
and includes Year III and IV class presidents,
Director of Clinic Operations, Director of Team
Managers, and two elected representatives from
Years III and IV - Considers student input about clinic
5Quality Care Council
- Reviews the following
- Accident reports
- Adverse outcomes
- After hours calls
- Patient satisfaction surveys
6Quality Care Council
- Reviews the following (contd)
- Infection control audits
- (Please do them when asked!)
- Patient Care Assessments
- (completed by FCAC in the past)
- Patient Chart Accuracy and Completeness,
- (completed by Records office staff in the past)
- Required new process since introduction of
axiUm - Will be automated
7I Need Help with a New Process
- What?
- Two Patient Care Assessments per month
- See the Patient Care Assessment form
- Who?
- In the past FCAC committee did them all (did
total of 20/month) - All clinical faculty with gt50 appointments and
team leaders (will yield about - 60 audits/month)
8I Need Help with a New Process
- Why?
- Quality assurance to maintain our standard of
patient care and student education - Accreditation Standard 5-1 b
- The dental school must conduct a formal system
of QA for the patient care program that
demonstrates evidence of an ongoing review of a
representative sample of patients and patient
records to assess the appropriateness, necessity
and quality of care provided. - Increase of assessments performed
9I Need Help with a New Process
- When?
- Patient names provided first Monday of each month
- Due last day of the month
10I Need Help with a New Process
- How?
- Using axiUm
- Should take 30-60 minutes per audit
- May use any computer in the clinic
- If you want quiet/privacy, you can use the area
outside my office or the quiet rooms next to pedo
if unoccupied (operatories 113-116) - Directions to follow
11Patient Care Assessment Process(Chart Audit)
- List of patients assigned to each faculty member
will be at front desk the first Monday of the
month beginning in April along with chart audit
forms and axiUm handout - Patients will be selected at random by team
leaders to include patients from each students
patient pool - Request chart from front desk staff (for
radiographs only), all other info is in the
electronic health record (EHR)
12Patient Care Assessment Process (PCA)(Chart
- Chart will be signed out to you and you are
responsible to return it (or receive 100 point
penalty ?) - Charts should not be left unattended or taken out
of the clinic for patient privacy reasons - Return completed forms to front desk
- Audits will be due by the last day of each month
13axiUm is more than swiping.
- Log onto a clinic computer using clinic/clinic.
- Open axiUm by double clicking on
- Swipe or enter user name and password
- Click on the rolodex icon or picture
14(No Transcript)
15axiUm is more than swiping..
- Enter complete patient number with no dash, e.g.
20081456, or last name, comma, and first initial,
eg Schwenk,D (not case sensitive) - Then select appropriate column below name or
chart number. Pt name will appear in bottom box - Double click on the correct name. It will be
highlighted in the column on the right. - You may have to close pop ups regarding payment
status or other information that appear.
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17PCA Form Question 1Appropriate history,
clinical exam and radiographs
- Click on the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Icon
on the left. - This will open up the patient record.
- Odontogram, perio charting and various tabs will
be shown.
18(No Transcript)
19PCA Form Question 1Appropriate history,
clinical exam and radiographs
- Compare radiographs to odontogram
- To view historic odontograms, click on sundial
and enter appropriate date.
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21Question 1 continued
- To view patient charting at time of treatment
planning, enter that date. - The odontogram that appears upon opening the
record shows the current status. - We will have a cheat sheet soon for the symbols
22PCA Form Question 2Diagnosis consistent with
- For treatment plan, click that tab.
- To view detailed plan, highlight the txp listed
and click on detailed plan tab below.
23(No Transcript)
24PCA Form Question 2Diagnosis consistent with
- To see diagnoses click on diagnosis tab at the
25(No Transcript)
26PCA Form Question 3Treatment plan consistent
with Diagnosis and patient medical status.
- Medical history, screening form and oral
diagnosis information is under forms tab. - Click on that tab, highlight medical history on
the right, then click on appropriate tab in the
middle of the screen.
27(No Transcript)
28PCA Form Question 4 Alternate treatment plan
given when appropriate
- Alternate treatment plans would be listed under
treatment plan tab or notes might reveal
alternatives offered.
29PCA Form Question 5Chart entries appropriate
- Select Treatment History tab and click on All
in the right hand column to view treatment
notes. - Look for incorrect tooth numbers, notes that are
inappropriate or unapproved (blue), or other
problems. For example, previous note states 4
extracted and later note is about doing a post
and core on 4. - Planned and completed treatment are listed under
the appropriate tabs on the right.
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31PCA Form Question 6Treatment provided in a
timely manner
- Close EHR by clicking x on upper right.
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33PCA Form Question 6Treatment provided in a
timely manner
- Rolodex will appear. Click on chart icon in the
middle and patient card shows up. - Appointments are listed and cancelations or
failed appts are indicated. - Contact notes will also indicate what happened
with appts. Click on white note pad to see them.
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37PCA Form Question 7Appropriate disposition?
- Select forms tab in EHR and look for referrals.
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39PCA Form Questions 8-9Appropriate case
management and treatment not compromised for
student progress
- Judgment call
- Use your overall evaluation of the case.
40- A copy of this presentation will be posted on the
SDM intranet at sdm.siue.edu if you wish to
review it. - For your reference, a few color copies of the
screen shots will be available at the front desk
when you check out your charts. Please return
them when you finish your audit. - Feel free to write any comments on the forms that
you feel necessary to clarify issues found - I am available to you for help
42Thanks for your help with this and for everything
else you do in the clinic!