Title: Undulator Tuning Status
1Undulator Tuning Status
- R. Colon, S. Jansson, S. Kaplunenko, Y. Levashov,
- Ed. Reese, Z. Wolf, A. Weidemann
Done (6)
Ready for feet (4 1)
To be re-fiducialized (15) (Room for storage?)
To be tuned (3)
To be repaired (8)
At Argonne (2)
3Repair plan
- Using CMM data specify wedged shims locations
and sizes (Matlab program). - Replace shims on the gap tuning stand.
- Check the gap on the CMM
- Start tuning the undulator if gap is straight to
50 microns and the gap size is bigger than 6.8mm.
Possible problems
1. For undulators S/N 23, 26, 30, 36, 38
No problems, just time and a lot of wedged shims
of different sizes (order more shims)
2. For undulators S/N 04, 05, 06, 40
S/N 04 and 06 to be taken apart will need to
learn how too do it properly at MMF (training of
MMF team) S/N 05 and 40 have a big bow in X (
200 microns in horizontal plane) should it to
be fixed?
Two areas to replace shims
Ed Reese
Ed Reese
6Reference undulator
Problem with probe calibration
Probe re-calibrated
K is corrected for temperature and
X-position R.M.S 9?10-5
7Mechanical Y axis
Scan in Y at every 9-th pole, find minimum
Fit a straight line to find Y axis position, y0
8Magnetic Y axis
- Scans in Z at y0 0.1mm (3 scans)
- K calculation for each scan
- Fit to find Y position at minimum K
Y probe on axis
Magnetic axis
Mechanical axis
20 µm
?S ƒ(I1x, I1y)
X probe off axis
Plastic enclosure
Hall probe planar effect!