Title: Sorting
1Sorting Recursion
- Briana B. Morrison
- Adapted from Alan Eugenio
- William J. Collins
- Review
- Insertion Sort
- Selection Sort
- Bubble Sort
- This term
- Tree Sort
- Heap Sort
- Radix Sort
- New
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
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14Selection Sort
- Loops through input and selects
smallest/largest value and swaps with current
location - Worst case O(n2)
- Average case O(n2)
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21Bubble Sort
- Loops through input doing adjacent comparisons
- Biggest/smallest element bubble to top/bottom
- Worst case O(n2)
- Average case O(n2)
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n INSERTIONS worstTime(n) IS O(n log n).
therefore averageTime(n) IS O(n log
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54Heapify done.
55Sort done.
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57Radix Sort
- Recall that Radix Sort uses a vector of queues to
distribute and then collect from least
significant position to most significant
position. - Performance is O(nd) where d is the length of
the key ( of digits) - Remember that Radix Sort IS NOT a comparison
based sort.
58Divide Conquer Sorts
- Divide and conquer is a problem solving technique
that uses recursion - Divide problem into smaller problems that lead to
recursive step or stopping condition - Combine solutions to solve original
- Usually have 2 or more recursive calls that
involve disjoint collections
59Mergesort vs. Quicksort
- Mergesort
- Divides collection to smallest solvable problem
- Combines solutions (this is where the work is)
- Quicksort
- Divides collection by a pivot (this is where the
work is) - Combines solutions
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62The Merge Algorithm Example
- The merge algorithm takes a sequence of elements
in a vector v having index range first, last).
The sequence consists of two ordered sublists
separated by an intermediate index, called mid.
63The Merge Algorithm (Cont)
64The Merge Algorithm (Cont)
65The Merge Algorithm (Cont)
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76Partitioning Merging in mergeSort()
77Function calls in mergeSort()
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86Quicksort Example
- The quicksort algorithm uses a series of
recursive calls to partition a list into smaller
and smaller sublists about a value called the
pivot. - Example Let v be a vector containing 10 integer
values - v 800, 150, 300, 650, 550, 500, 400, 350,
450, 900 - Easy ways to choose the pivot
- First value
- Middle value
- Last value
87Quicksort Example
- Choose pivot as middle value, swap with first
value. - Example Let v be a vector containing 10 integer
values - v 800, 150, 300, 650, 550, 500, 400, 350,
450, 900
88Quicksort Example (Cont)
89Quicksort Example (Cont)
90Quicksort Example (Cont)
91- Now swap the pivot with the value pointed to by
scanDown - Then generate the recursive calls
92Quicksort Example (Cont)
93Quicksort Example (Cont)
94Quicksort Example (Cont)
95Quicksort Example (Cont)
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106Lets See Them Run
- // load the vectors with the same sequence of
100000 - // random numbers in the range 0 to 999999
- for(i0i lt VECTORSIZEi)
- rndNum rnd.random(1000000)
- v1.push_back(rndNum)
- v2.push_back(rndNum)
- v3.push_back(rndNum)
- v4.push_back(rndNum)
- timeSort(v1,HEAPSORT,"Heap sort")
- timeSort(v2,MERGESORT,"Merge sort")
- timeSort(v3,QUICKSORT,"Quick sort")
- timeSort(v4,INSERTIONSORT,"Insertion sort")
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111Sorting Animations
- http//www.cs.hope.edu/alganim/animator/Animator.
html - www2.dcc.ufmg.br/dorgival/applets/SortingPoints/S
ortingPoints.html - http//cg.scs.carleton.ca/morin/misc/sortalg/
112Summary Slide 1
- Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms - splits a
problem into subproblems and works on each
part separately - Two type of
divide-and-conquer strategy 1) mergesort
algorithm - Split the range of
elements to be sorted in half, sort each
half, and then merge the sorted sublists
together. - running time O(n
log2n), requires the use of an auxiliary
vector to perform the merge steps.
113Summary Slide 2
2) quicksort algorithm - uses a
partitioning strategy that finds the final
location of a pivot element within an
interval first,last). - The
pivot splits the interval into two parts, first,
pivotIndex), pivotIndex, last). All elements
in the lower interval have values ? pivot
and all elements in the upper interval have
values ? pivot. - running time
O(n log2n) - worst case of O(n2),
highly unlikely to occur