- Why database security is a serious concern for an
organization. - The type of threats that can affect a database
system. - How to protect a computer system using
computer-based controls.
3Database Security
- Data is a valuable resource that must be strictly
controlled and managed, as with any corporate
resource. - Major operational functions of an organization
depends on the data. E.g. Payroll, Stock Control. - Confidential data needs to be kept secure.
4Database Security
- Database Security is a mechanism that protect the
database against intentional or accidental
threats. - Emergence of database approach data shared
among different users. - Database needs addinational security control over
the activities of the users on the data
5Database Security
- Organization should take necessary measures to
avoid following situations - Theft and fraud
- Loss of confidentiality (Organization)
- Loss of privacy (Individual)
- Loss of integrity
- Loss of availability
6Database Security
- Security Threat
- A threat may be caused by a situation or event
involving a person, action, or circumstance that
is likely to bring harm to an organization. - Threats classified into
- Malicious (intentional)
- Accidental (unintentional)
7Threats to Computer Systems
8Countermeasures Computer-Based Controls
- Authorization
- Access controls
- Views
- Backup and recovery
- Integrity
- Encryption
- RAID technology
- The granting of a right or privilege, which
enables a subject to legitimately have access to
a system or a systems object. - Authentication is a mechanism that determines
whether a user is, who he or she claims to be. - Authorization uses authentication for verifying
the user and password.
10Access Control
- Based on the granting and revoking of privileges.
- A privilege allows a user to create or access
(that is read, write, or modify) some database
object (such as a relation, view, and index) or
to run certain DBMS utilities. - Two Types
- Discretionary Access Control
- Mandatory Access Control
11Discretionary Access Control (DAC)
- SQL standard supports DAC through the GRANT and
REVOKE commands. - The GRANT command gives privileges to users, and
the REVOKE command takes away privileges. - E.g. GRANT SELECT, UPDATE
12Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
- MAC based on system-wide policies that cannot be
changed by individual users. - Each database object is assigned a security class
and each user is assigned a clearance for a
security class, and rules are imposed on reading
and writing of database objects by users.
13Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
- MAC determines whether a user can read or write
an object based on rules that involve the
security level of the object and the clearance of
the user. - These rules ensure that sensitive data can never
be passed on to another user without the
necessary clearance. - A popular model for MAC is called Bell-LaPadula
14MAC -Bell-LaPadula model
- Client Relation With SecurityClass
- Users with C label see only first two tuples.
Assume label S gt label C. Then users with
label S can see all the tuples.
- Is the dynamic result of one or more relational
operations operating on the base relations to
produce another relation. - A view is a virtual table that is not existent in
the database - A view is generated upon the user request at
particular point of time
- SELECT S.S, S.sName, S.status, S.city
- WHERE S.cityLondon
- GRANT SELECT, UPDATE (sName, status)
- TO Dan, Misha.
- Using a view is more restricted than simply
having privileges granted to users on base
17Backup and Recovery
- Backup
- Process of periodically taking a copy of the
database and log file (and possibly programs) to
offline storage media. - Recovery
- Process of restoration of the database after a
failure, to a state that is acceptable to the
users. - Journaling
- Process of keeping and maintaining a log file (or
journal) of all changes made to database to
enable effective recovery in event of failure
- Prevents data from becoming invalid, and hence
giving misleading or incorrect results by
enforcing integrity rules. - Two Integrity rules
- Entity Integrity (Primary Key)
- Referential Integrity (Foreign Key)
- The encoding of the data by a special algorithm
that renders the data unreadable by any program
without the decryption key. - Two types
- Symmetric Encryption - uses the same key for
both encryption and decryption - Asymmetric encryption - uses different keys for
encryption and decryption
20RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
- Hardware that the DBMS is running on must be
fault-tolerant, meaning that the DBMS should
continue to operate even if one of the hardware
components fails. - RAID is one solution that provides a large disk
array comprising an arrangement of several
independent disks that are organized to improve
reliability and at the same time increase
performance. - Performance increased by data striping and
reliability improved by storing information on
redundant disks (mirrored disks)
21RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
22RAID Levels
- RAID 0 Nonredundant
- RAID 1 Mirrored
- RAID 01 Nonredundant and Mirrored
- RAID 2 Memory-Style Error-Correcting Codes
- RAID 3 Bit-Interleaved Parity
- RAID 4 Block-Interleaved Parity
- RAID 5 Block-Interleaved Distributed Parity
- RAID 6 PQ Redundancy
241. Mandatory access control enforces security
control by ________ on each database
object. a) creating views b) assigning a security
class c) using GRANT and REVOKE d) using
encryption e) applying integrity rules 2. The
process of keeping track of all the changes
made to the database is called ______________
. a) backup b) before imaging c) after imaging d)
recovery control e) journaling 3) The primary
purpose of using RAID technology is to
ensure that the hardware the DBMS running
on must _____________ . a) support distributed
transactions b) be consistent during recovery c)
provide efficient access controls d) be fault
tolerant e) backed up periodically
251. Mandatory access control enforces security
control by ________ on each database
object. a) creating views b) assigning a security
class c) using GRANT and REVOKE d) using
encryption e) applying integrity rules 2. The
process of keeping track of all the changes
made to the database is called ______________
. a) backup b) before imaging c) after imaging d)
recovery control e) journaling 3) The primary
purpose of using RAID technology is to
ensure that the hardware the DBMS running
on must _____________ . a) support distributed
transactions b) be consistent during recovery c)
provide efficient access controls d) be fault
tolerant e) backed up periodically