Title: Global Science Forum
1The future of European Science Policy in a Global
context A Global Science Forum - ICSU
symposium Saturday August 28, 2004 930-1230
Global Science Forum
2- The OECD Global Science Forum (formerly the
Megascience Forum) - http//www.oecd.org/sti/gsf
- A venue for meetings of senior science policy
officials of OECD countries. - Its goal identify and maximise opportunities for
international co-operation in basic scientific
research by - Exploring opportunities for new or enhanced
international co-operation in selected scientific
areas. - Defining international frameworks for vital
national or regional science policy decisions. - Addressing the scientific dimensions of issues
of global concern.
- Some current activities
- The implementation of an International
Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility - A report on Future Large Programmes and Projects
in Astronomy and Astrophysics - A Workshop on Management Practices for
Establishing Large International Scientific
Research Facilities - A study on the Declining Interest in Science
Studies Among Young People
Global Science Forum
3- The International Council for Science (ICSU)
- http//www.icsu.org
- A non-governmental organization representing a
global membership that includes both national
scientific bodies (101) and international
scientific unions (26). - A forum for the development of both science for
policy and policy for science, through - Planning and coordinating interdisciplinary
research to address major issues of relevance in
both science and society - Advocating for freedom in the conduct of
science, promoting equitable access to scientific
data, and facilitating science education and
capacity building - Acting as a focus for the exchange of ideas,
the communication of scientific information and
the development of scientific standards
- Some current activities
- Parent of the four major global environmental
change research programmes - Planning for the International Polar Year (IPY)
2007-08 - Represent science in UN summits Sustainable
Development (Johannesburg, 2002), Information
Society (Geneva, 2003)
Global Science Forum
4The future of European Science Policy in a Global
context Speakers
Chairman Prof. Hans CHANG, chairman of the
European Strategic Forum on Research
- Dr. Judy FRANZ, Executive Director of the
American Physical Society - Prof. Kiyoshi KUROKAWA, President of the Science
Council of Japan - Dr. Khotso MOKHELE, President of the National
Research Foundation, South Africa - Dr. Ian CORBETT, Head of administration of the
European Southern Observatory (ESO) - Prof. Carlo HEIP, Director of the Centre for
Estuarine and Marine Ecology, The Netherlands - Dr. Robert-Jan SMITS, Director, Directorate B
Structuring the European Research Area,
European Commission Directorate-General for
Global Science Forum
5The future of European Science Policy in a Global
context Some key questions
- Are efforts towards strengthening and
integrating European science compatible with the
increasing globalisation of science ? What is
European science anyway ? - Is Europe talking enough with its other partners
when planning for increasingly expensive large
research projects or infrastructures ? - Is promoting European science always compatible
with promoting science itself ? - Will national agencies coordinates their
policies in international programme ? - Can Europe produce co-ordinated regional
policies and priorities in science and at the
same time maintain excellence and encourage
imagination and innovation? - What is the role of the European Commission and
other European institutions and what will change
for funding mechanisms in FP VII?
Global Science Forum
6The future of European Science Policy in a Global
context Programme
Introduction Prof. Hans CHANG
- The co-ordination between European initiatives
and other major regions of the world - Dr. Judy FRANZ
- Prof. Kiyoshi KUROKAWA
- The problems faced by developing countries in
collaborations with European scientists - Dr. Khotso MOKHELE
- The challenge of coordinating Europe s
governments or agencies policies in a new ERA - Dr. Ian CORBETT
- Prof. Carlo HEIP
- The role of the European Commission and of other
European institutions and bodies - Dr. Robert-Jan SMITS
Conclusion Prof. Hans CHANG
Global Science Forum