Title: SGA Electronic Bulletin Board
1SGAElectronic Bulletin Board
2Total University Revenues (248.6M)FY 2007-08
2008 UNCW Financial Report
3Use of Tuition Increases (2.5M)FY 2009-10
As approved by Board of Governors, February 12,
4FY 2009-10 Mandatory Fees (2,401.80 per year)
As approved by Board of Governors, February 12,
Student Activities Student Support, Media, SGA,
Union, Campus Recreation, Postal Services,
Athletic Facilities, Cultural Events, ID/Debit
Card, Leadership, ASG
5UNCW Student Financial CommitmentFY 2009-10
- Example Undergraduate student, North Carolina
resident, lives in Galloway Hall and owns a car
(parks on campus). - Financial Commitment (Academic Year)
- FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 Change
- Regular Term Tuition 2,459.00 2,565.00 106.00
- Mandatory Fees
- General Fees 1,530.15 1,599.80 69.65
- Debt Service 452.00 708.00 256.00
- Special 20.00 20.00 n/a
- Miscellaneous 66.00 74.00 8.00
- Postal mailbox charge 22.00 22.00 n/a
- Room (Galloway Hall) 3,950.00 4,108.00 158.00
- Board (9 Plus 270 Plan) 2,770.00 2,880.00 110.00
- Parking Fee 270.00 300.00 30.00
- Total 11,539.15 12,276.80 737.65
- (6.4 increase4.3 increase w/o debt service)
6Tuition Mandatory FeesUndergraduate Resident
7Appropriation per Student FTE