Title: B' Kuppan
1Ordered Mesoporous Carbon and its application in
National Centre for Catalysis Research Dept. of
Chemistry IIT Madras
B. Kuppan 06-02-09
- Porous solids - scientific and technological
interest - ability to interact with atoms, ions
and molecules at surfaces and throughout bulk of
material - Distribution of sizes, shapes and volumes of the
void spaces in porous materials directly related
to their ability to perform desired function in
particular application. - High SA/volume ratio provides a strong
driving force to speed up thermodynamic processes
that minimize free energy - In high surface area materials the active
sites are more isolated - Materials with uniform pores - separate
molecules on basis of size. - Used as adsorbents, catalyst supports, and
electrode materials. - In recent years, DMFC have attracted
significant attention because of their high - energy transfer efficiency and low pollution
causing potential. - In this study Pt/OMCs anode catalyst for DMFC
was prepared by a - novel liquid reduction method using
paraformaldehyde has reducing agent.
3Synthesis of MCM-41
6.56 g CTAB 0.69 g NaOH 57 ml H2O
1.5 ml TMAOH 15 ml H2O 4 g f.silica
Stirred 30 mints
Stirred 10 mints
Soln.X Soln.Y Stirred 1.5 h
pH 11.2-11.5
Autoclave at 100 ºC for 1 day
Cal at 550 ºC
C.T. Kresge, M. E. Leonowicz, W. J. Roth, J. C.
Vartuli and J. S. Beck, Nature, 359 (1992) 710
4Synthesis of NCCR-1
1 g MCM-41 1.25 g sucrose 0.14 g H2SO4 5 g
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Black powder
0.8 g sucrose 0.09 g H2SO4 5 g H2O
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Carbonized at 900 0C for 6 h under N2 atm.
Washed with 10 HF at RT and with EtOH
R. Ryoo, S. Hoon and S. Jun, J. Phys. Chem. B,
103 (1999) 7743
6N2 isotherm and pore size distribution MCM-41 and
7Synthesis of MCM-48
J. S. Beck, J.C. Vartuli, W. J. Roth, M. E.
Leonowiez, C. T. kresge, K. D. Schmitt, C. Chu,
D. H. Oison, and E. W. Sheppard. S. B. McCullen,
J.L. Schlenker. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114 (1992)
8Synthesis of CMK-1
1 g MCM-48 1.25 g sucrose 0.14 g H2SO4 5 g
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Black powder
0.8 g sucrose 0.09 g H2SO4 5 g H2O
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Carbonized at 900 0C for 6 h under N2 atm.
Washed with 5 HF at RT and with EtOH
R. Ryoo, S. Hoon and S. Jun, J. Phys. Chem. B,
103 (1999) 7743
10N2 isotherm and pore size distribution of MCM-48
and CMK-1
11Synthesis of SBA-15
4g P123 80 ml H2O 80 ml HCl (2M)
Stirred at 40 0C
8.8 g TEOS
Stirred at 40 0C for 24 h
Aged at 100 0C for 48 h
Washed EtOH and dried Cal at 550 0C
D.Zhao, J. Feng, Q. Huo, N. Melosh, G. H.
Fredrickson B. F. Chmelka and G. D. Stucky,
Science, 279 (1998) 548
12Synthesis of CMK-3
1 g SBA-15 1.25 g sucrose 0.14 g H2SO4 5 g
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Black powder
0.8 g sucrose 0.09 g H2SO4 5 g H2O
Dried at 100 0C for 6 h and 160 0C for 6 h
Carbonized at 900 0C for 6 h under N2 atm.
Washed with 5 HF at RT and with EtOH
S. Jun, S. H. Joo, R. Ryoo, M. Kruk, M. Jaronice,
Z. Liu, T. Ohsuna and O. Terasaki, J. Am. Chem.
Soc, 122 (2000) 10712
14N2 isotherm and pore size distribution SBA-15 and
15Textural properties
Sample SBET (m2/g) pore vol.
(cc/g) pore size (nm)
MCM-41 1339 1.26
2.5 NCCR-1
1079 0.826
1.1 SBA-15 764
1.019 5.7 CMK-3 882
0.786 3.5 MCM-48
1544 0.83
2.4 CMK-1
773 0.57
16Preparation of 20,10 wt Pt/NCCR-1 , Pt/CMK-1 and
60 mg NCCR-1/CMK-1/ CMK-3 20 ml H2O 0.049 M
H2PtCl6 (2.1 ml)
Ultrasonication 30 min
Heated at 343 K / N2 for 3h
10 ml Na2CO3 Paraformaldehyde
Stirred 2.5 h
Filt. Washed dried under vaccum at 358 K for 20
Pt/NCCR-1, Pt/CMK-1 and Pt/CMK-3
W. Wei, C. Jieming, C. Yu and L. Tianhong, Chin.
J. Catal, 28 (2007) 17
17XRD pattern
10 wt Pt/MC
20 wt Pt/MC
20 Pt/CMK-3
19Electrocatalytic activity of the catalysts for
methanol oxidation
20 mg Pt/x 0.5 ml H2O 5 µl Nafion (5 )
Sonication 30 min
10 µl slurry on GC electrode
Dried at 308 K
1 M H2SO4 1 M MeOH
X NCCR-1, CMK-1 and CMK-3
25 mV/s at 298 K
V. Raghuveer and A. Manthiram J. Electrochem.
Soc, 152 (2005) A 1504
20Cyclic voltammograms
CVs of (a) Pt/NCCR-1, (b) Pt/CMK-1 and (c)
Pt/CMK-3 catalyst recorded in 1 M H2SO4 and 1 M
CH3OH with a scan rate of 25 mV/s at 298 K
21Chronoamperometric response recorded in 1 M
H2SO4 and 1 M CH3OH at potential 0.7 V
22Cyclic voltammograms 20 Pt/OMCs
CVs of (a) Pt/NCCR-1, (b) Pt/CMK-1 and (c)
Pt/CMK-3 catalyst recorded in 1 M H2SO4 and 1 M
CH3OH with a scan rate of 25 mV/s at 298 K
23Chronoamperometric response(20wt Pt/OMCs)
recorded in 1 M H2SO4 and 1 M CH3OH at potential
0.7 V
25(No Transcript)
26SEM, EDX of MCM-41 and NCCR-1
27TG-DTA of MCM-41 NCCR-1
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29SEM and EDX
30TG-DTA of MCM-48 CMK-1
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32SEM and EDX
33TG-DTA of SBA-15 CMK-3
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