Title: Introduction to LEGO RCX robotics and Robot Sumo
1Introduction to LEGO RCX robotics and Robot Sumo
- Workshop Day 3
- CJ Chung
- Associate Professor of Computer Science
- Lawrence Technological University
2Workshop Third Day
- Improved Sumo program
- Mini Competition
- Tips and Ideas to improve your Robot!
- Advanced Topics in RCX code (optional)
- Team Pictures
- Planning
3Review Basic Sumo
- Repeat the following forever
- Go forward until the edge
- Backward slightly (in Big block)
- Turn right
- Problems?
- Same behavior all the time!
- Touch sensor was not used
4Improving the Sumo program
- Introduce a random wait value for turning
- Introduce a touch sensor watcher whenever the
bumper is hit, change the direction
5Improved Sumo Program
Random between 0.5 1.2 seconds
If your opponent is pushing Your back, then
change your direction
6Mini Sumo Competition 1
- Without Unknown Problem
- Every team will compete with every other team
- Team picture time!!!
7Team Picture
- The team picture will be printed on your personal
certificate - Please submit the following for each team
- Team name
- Team member first and last name
- Team member grade
- Team member gender
8Mini Sumo Competition 2
- With Unknown Problem
- The robot must wait until touch sensor is pressed
- Wait 5 seconds, then start to move
- You cannot use the previous way using a touch
sensor watcher! Why? Whenever the touch sensor is
pressed, the robot will spin
9Better Program for the competition 2
- A nested loop
- Repeat Until that will terminate the loop
immediately when the termination condition is met
Unknown Problem solution
10Is this a perfect program?
- No, there are still some problems
- One example
- The robot detects the edge line.
- Move backward.
- Turn right around 90 degrees.
- Then the robot must see the outside of
the ring which is very dark!!!
11Ideas to improve your SumoBot
- Improve (debug) your program!
- Applying Theories learned in Physical Science
- Mass, Newtons laws
- Friction
- Gearing
- Wheel size
- Power level
- Detecting the opponent (can be done later)
- Touch sensor
- IR and light sensor
12Ideas to increase weight of your Robot
- What is the max weight of each division?
- Add more Lego blocks, if you have some at home
- Add Coins, Used Batteries, or others make a
holder using cardboards - Put your team name on the robot. An idea make a
team flag
13Ideas to increase friction of your Robot
- Use rubber bands
- Add more wheels later for Worlds
14Gearing Ideas
- Use gear train to increase gear ratio
- Considering resources, this is not allowed for
the school qualifier - The winner from the school qualifier may consider
this idea later
15Changing Wheels?
- Using bigger wheels
- Considering resources, this is not allowed for
the school qualifier - The winner from the school qualifier may consider
this idea later
16Make sure the Power!
- RCX power level 1 7
- Voltage of your batteries should be around 9V
- How to check the voltage level
- In RIS, click on Settings
- LTU will provide fresh batteries for all the
teams on the competition day
17Changing the shape of the Robot
- Make it sturdy
- Front part may need some changes (After the
school qualifier)
18Height of the robot matters?
- Consider the center of gravity
19Ideas using 2 Touch Sensors
- A touch sensor front left
- Another touch sensor front right
- If left sensor is pressed turn left and push
hard - If right sensor is pressed turn right and push
hard - If both left and right sensors are pressed, push
straight hard
20What is next? - Meet with your teacher at least
twice before the school qualifier
- Improve your programs
- Add stuff for the max possible weight for your
robot - Review what you have learned for the unknown
problem. If you do not solve the unknown problem,
you lose automatically - Signed Media Release form must be ready before
the qualifying competition date at your school
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23Implementing Proximity Sensor to detect opponent
- Use a Lego Light sensor and Infrared message
sending capability of RCX - RCX is continuously sending IR messages
- Using another light sensor facing forward,
measure fluctuations in the light intensity that
is reflected from objects - The higher the fluctuation, the closer the robot
is to an object
24How to detect the light fluctuation??
- You need to store previous sensor reading(s)
- Compare with current reading
- If the difference is more than threshold value,
some thing is in front!
25preval becomes the value of Light 3
preval preval 3
If the current light sensor reading is greater
than (previous value 3), then some thing is
26Sumo with proximity sensor
- Repeat forever
- Scan until find the opponent
- Go forward until the edge
- Backward slightly
- Turn right
27My Blocks (optional topic)
28Opening a saved program (optional)
- Never use File Open! There is a bug involving
MyCommands - Use Main Menu Program Vault