Title: DataDriven DecisionMaking Grade 8
1Data-DrivenDecision-MakingGrade 8
- Analyzing data to inform instruction.
22004 Results by Objective
TAKS Grade 8 Reading / Spring 2004 / Houston ISD
/ All Students
3BlueprintReading 8 Number of items tested by
Selections may be narratives, expository pieces,
or mixed pieces, which combine two types of
writing. Paired pieces may be used beginning at
Grade 4.
4BlueprintReading 9
5TAKS Objective 1 The student will demonstrate a
basic understanding of culturally diverse written
6TAKS Objective 2 The student will apply
knowledge of literary elements to understand
culturally diverse written texts.
7TAKS Objective 3 The student will use a variety
of strategies to analyze culturally diverse
written texts.
8TAKS Objective 4 The student will apply
critical thinking skills to analyze culturally
diverse written texts.
9- Review Spring 2003
- Analyze Spring 2004
- Discuss implications