Title: DUSEL Site Selection Panel
1DUSEL Site Selection Panel
- April 19-22 Meeting
- Washington D.C.
- Agenda for this Meeting
- Report Outline
- Writing Assignements
- Site Selection Criteria
- Grading Proceedure
- Decision Making Process
3 April 19-22 Meeting Agenda Thursday April
19 8-12 Panel Business(Kotcher)
Introduction(Baltay) Site Visit
Report(Nelson et al) Cost Consultant
Report(Kotcher) General
Remarks(Kotcher) 1-4 Reverse Site Visit 1
(Cascades) 4-5 Committee Discussion 7-10
Reverse Site Visit 2 (Henderson) Friday April
20 9-12 Reverse Site Visit 3 (Homestake) 1-4
Reverse Site Visit 4 (Soudan) 4-6 Committee
Discussion Saturday April 21 9-6
Committee Deliberations Sunday April 22 9-12
Final Discussion and Vote 1-5 Report
Discussion Writing Assignments Note
Each Reverse Site visit will consist of 2 hours
of presentation and 1 hour of
discussion with the proponents.
4- DUSEL Selection Committee Draft Report Outline
- Executive Summary Baltay
- 1) Committee Recommendations Baltay et al
- For Each of the Four Proposals
- 2) Site Summary Nelson,McCreath
- 3) Site Suitability Iannocchione,Breidenba
ch - a) Infrastructure and Accessibility
- b) Geological and Engineering/Construction
Suitability - c) Radioactivity,Thermal Considerations
- d) EnvironmentAirport,Schools,Staff
availability - 4) Intellectual Merit Science Program, Initial
Experiments - a) High Energy Physics Fisher,Blucher
- b) Nuclear Physics
Hughes,Geesaman - c) Biology
Tuross,Bennett - d) Geology
Mogk,Mathez - e) Engineering Science McCreath
5- Broader ImpactEducation and Outreach
Eriksson,Mogk - a) Science Impact,Advancing Discovery
- b) Teaching,Training,Learning
- c) Broader Representation of Minority
Groups - d) Dissemination of Knowlwdge
- e) Benefits to Society,Scientific
Education - 6) Project PlansCost,Schedule,Risk,Staffing
McDonald,McCreath - Preconstruction Design Plan (first 3 years)
Sanders - Construction
- Transition, Commissioning
- d) Operations as DUSEL Lab
- 7) Management and Organization Sanders,?
- a) Management Plan
- b) Quality of the Team
- 8) Environmental Plans and Issues Livnat
- 9) Health and Safety Fudge,Andrews,Iannocchion
e -
6- DUSEL Site Selection Criteria
- As stated in the Summary of Program Requirements
in the S3 solicitation, The guiding principle
governing the review process for the proposals in
response to this solicitation is to select and
develop the site-specific plan that shows the
greatest potential for development of a
world-leading DUSEL at the best cost/risk value
to the government, and that would enable the
science and engineering activities defined by the
relevant communities. - In addition to the two NSB-approved criteria
Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts the
proposals will be reviewed against the following
additional criteria provided in Section VI.A of
the solicitation, which are further distilled
here. Note that neither the headings themselves
nor the corresponding subheadings are priority
ordered in any manner.
7- DUSEL Site Selection Criteria
- Suitability of the Site
- Ability of the site to support the facility needs
at the surface, and the depth and size of
experimental halls- proposed, and future
expansions - Subsurface characterization geological,
geotechnical, radiation backgrounds,
hydrological, thermal, etc. - Access to underground labs people and cargo
capacity max size, weight, rate - Availability of Services power, cooling water,
HVAC (normal and emergency) - e. Location of site
- Proximity to airport, roads, etc.
- Availability of schools, hospitals, local
housing, food services, etc. - Availability of, or ability to attract,
technical, scientific, engineering and other
Laboratory personnel - Implications or possible consequences of sharing
the proposed site with a non-DUSEL entity - Excavation and infrastructure needs and
requirements - Overall facility cost
- Overall facility risk
- Time scale for availability for science and
engineering - Environmental, permitting and legal issues
8- Facility Design
- Quality of the facility design and the design
plan, and the ability of the Proposing Team to
carry out the design in an efficient,
cost-effective, timely and sensible fashion - Strength of the Proposing Teams
- Qualifications of the Proposing Team to realize
the facility development and construction
project, the running of the DUSEL Laboratory and
the scientific and engineering program - Quality of the Science and Engineering Plan and
Initial Suite of Experiments - Quality of the plan for Broader Impacts, and
Education and Public Outreach - Quality of the Health and Safety Plan
- Quality of the overall Project Plan and Project
Execution Plan, the transition plan from
construction to operations, and the operations
plan - Quality of cost and schedule estimates, and the
risk assessments and their mitigation - Quality of the Proposing Teams connections
9Grading Sheet
Grading Sheet
10Please first assign a weight in to each line,
to add up to 100 for the 20 lines (5 each for
equal weights). Assign a grade A, B, C, D, F to
each line (criteria). Grades will be converted
to a fraction, then multiplied by the weight, and
then added up for each site for a total score. A
1 B 3/4 C 1/2 D 1/4 F 0
11Please first assign a weight in to each line,
to add up to 100 for the 20 lines (5 each for
equal weights). Assign a grade A, B, C, D, F to
each line (criteria). Grades will be converted
to a fraction, then multiplied by the weight, and
then added up for each site for a total score. A
1 B 3/4 C 1/2 D 1/4 F 0
12Decision Making Process
- Think of a two step process
- First Round Consider all candidate Sites
- Fill out Grading sheets for all 4 Sites on Friday
Night after we have heard all Presentations - Discuss and vote to select the two leading sites
on Saturday morning - Second Round - Runoff between two Leading Sites
- Fill out Grading sheets for two leading sites on
Saturday afternoon after a thorough discussion of
the two(do we need to do this?) - Finish discussion and vote to select a single
Site on Sunday morning
13H vs. H Comparison