Title: Ken Ducatel
1Technology Foresight and Strategic Intelligence
in Support of Policy
Ken Ducatel JRC/IPTS December 2002
2What Where is IPTS?
3What is Strategic Prospective Intelligence?
- Technology Forecasting
- on-going monitoring of technology developments
- early identification, validation and
implementation. - Technology Assessment
- support to decision making on technology impact
assessment on STEEPV criteria - identification of choices focus on specific
problems or technologies - Technology Foresight
- to bring together key agents stakeholders
- engaging in interactive/ open/ bottom-up
processes - development of shared visions (ownership)
Source A. Tübke et al. 2001 Strategic Policy
Intelligence (http//futures.jrc.es/menupage-b.ht
Strategic planning has moved from aiming at
rational planning to more evolutionary
Foresight complements existing policy decision
making processes (e.g. forecasts, tech assessment)
Strategic Planning
Shift from predictive to exploratory approaches
especially involving users to increasing
acceptance and reflecting the realisation that
the future is to be shaped rather than predicted
Less an elite process more participatory
recognising that in a Knowledge Society
intelligence is distributed
Future Studies
Source FOREN 2001 A Practical Guide to Regional
5Foresight Actors
Source FOREN 2001 http//foren.jrc.es/
6Foresight and SMEs
- SMEs and ST Strategic Intelligence
- Low relevance to SMEs - except University/High
Tech Start-ups, Spin-offs? - Even so do small firms have a voice?
- SMEs and Regional Foresight
- High potential relevance to SMEs
- But are SMEs really involved?
- Are the results of use?
7Regional Foresight 1 Lombardia Integrata (1999)
Registries offices
Single net
Geographic Information System
- Firms
- Assistance on new firm set-up and financial
support - Support on form filling
- Technical support
- Progress chasing
- Platform for consultancy services (environment,
Source Roveda http//foren.jrc.es/
8Regional Foresight 2 NE-UK Offshore
Source Olliviere http//foren.jrc.es/