Title: 1 John
1- 1 John
- Christians are forgiven ALL there sins. 18-10
- However, Christians can still sin. 21
- 1. What is sin?
- - For the gentile (Rom 1-2)
- - For the Jew (Rom 1-2)
- - For the believer(1 John 323)
- Not believe on Jesus.
- Anything not congruent with love
22. What happens when a Christian sins? Â Is our
fellowship affected? Â a. Positionally
- no  b. Conditionally - yes
3- I have resisted the Holy Spirits leading, He
testifies with / convicts me that this is not
right. - b. My Father loves me so much!
- Â
- c. Jesus paid such a high price to set me free
from the slave block! - Â
- d. People have been hurt by my behavior!
- Â
- e. I should feel bad about it and be desperate to
have Him change me by His Power into all he has
called me to be (like Jesus) - Â
- f. I am faced with the consequences of my actions.
43. Why do we still sin? Â Â a. My unrenewed mind
can cause me to live a defeated life. (Rom
85. 121-) Â b. I live in a fallen world. (2
Cor 44) Â c. I still have sinful tendencies.
(Gal 513) Â d. We have an enemy going around
looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 58)
54. What do I do when I sin? Â Def Confess - To
say the same  Confession is not to be
forgiven ... But because we have been
forgiven  Def Repent - Change my mind I.e.
how I think about the situation. Â This would
include a. The destructive nature of this
behavior b. The love my Father has for me c.
The price that has been paid d. The gift of