SymbioCity CleanWater Offer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SymbioCity CleanWater Offer


EU funding, bilateral, soft loans, investment, grants. View selected references ... H rjedalen in Sweden is well known for its beautiful surroundings. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: SymbioCity CleanWater Offer

SymbioCity CleanWater Offer
A Swedish Integrated Water and Wastewater
Business Initiative
The Swedish Model
... for integrated water and waste water
  • In Sweden the private and public water sector has
    worked with the device that high standards for
    water supply and sewage is the basis for high
    living standards. To reach those objectives it is
    necessary to consider the overall water
    situation, which is the foundation of the Swedish
  • The Swedish model means putting all of the pieces
    together. Social, environmental and technical
    aspects. To ensure sustainable water usage,
    reliable water supplies, better water quality,
    environmental stewardship, efficient urban
    development, protection of agriculture, and a
    strong economy.
  • In more detail this means an integrated view
    regarding waste water treatment, drinking water
    supply, rain water treatment, sanitation and
    energy production. The model has, regardless of
    project size (e.g. single plants or entire
    regions), rendered in optimised usage of water,
    raw materials and energy both in short and long
  • The key driver of the Swedish Model is the close
    collaboration between Swedish private and public
    water sector, academia, financing and
    governmental bodies, which has resulted in a
    world leading water and waste water management.

The Swedish Model
SymbioCity CleanWater Offer
Mission Offer Finances Business areas and
references Organisation and partners The Swedish
  • CleanWater acts as a platform for promoting
    export of the Swedish Model for Integrated Water
    and Waste Water treatment.
  • CleanWater enhance and promote the Swedish water
    sector abroad in line with the objectives of EUs
    water directive and the UN Millennium Goals for
    drinking water.
  • CleanWater represents the Swedish water sector in
    international forums, and are a natural contact
    point and bridge between the customer and the
    Swedish knowledge and product base within the
  • CleanWater ensures closer collaboration among its
    partners and guarantees that Swedish knowledge
    and expertise are used to reach optimal result.

The Offer
  • The SymbioCity CleanWater Offer has the capacity
    to design, construct, service and maintain the
    most favorable solution from a holistic point of
  • This is our offer, whether we are awarded a total
    contract for a region, a single commission or
    responsibility for daily operation and
    maintenance of different systems, equipment and
  • For long-term positive affects CleanWater prefer
    to work with local partners.

Typical CleanWater contracts
  • Bringing projects from the idea stage through
    feasibility, planning/designing, construction,
    management and monitoring of new or existing
    water or waste water plants in conjunction with
    energy production facilities
  • Taking total turn-key responsibility or
    delivering separate products.
  • Full support regarding waste water treatment
    plants, drinking water supply plants and rain
    water treatment plants
  • Climate adoption
  • Institutional development and management support
  • Assembling successful consortiums, handling small
    and large scale project from start to aftermarket
  • Master plan and support regarding purchasing as
    well as funding
  • Education, RD, quality assessments, license,
    services and functional sales
  • Exchange programme
  • Demonstration visits

Financial structure
  • Successful CleanWater contracts time and again
    require more than a sound technical expertise,
    management skills and local knowledge. It needs a
    solid financial structure. That is why the
    CleanWater has well experienced financial
    partners ranging from demonstration and
    contribution funds to a portfolio of different
    kinds of beneficial loans and equity.
  • CleanWater are engaged in this funding range, as
    a result of those different kinds of funding is
    common during a project life span.
  • The CleanWater has the possibility and capacity
    that together with the client work out a suitable
    funding scheme, from the initial sketch,
    throughout the different project phases, to
    maintenance and services.

CleanWater grant partners
  • DemoEnvironment
  • ... is a grant offering support for modern
    environmental technology solutions in the areas
    of sustainable urban development and renewable
    energy. DemoEnvironment gives the recipient
    countries an opportunity to test modern
    environmental technology solutions and makes it
    possible for companies to demonstrate their
    knowledge and products.
  • Sida Swedish International Development
    Cooperation Agency
  • ... supports private sector development.
    Partnerships between Swedish and partner country
    businesses are often mutually beneficial. Credit
    and investment support from Sida can, for
    example, facilitate necessary infrastructure
    improvements. The Start-South and Start-East
    programmes stimulate alliances between companies
    in Sweden and partner countries. Swedish small
    and medium-size companies are encouraged to
    invest in new markets while companies in Sidas
    partner countries gain access to Swedish
    technology and know-how.

Beneficial loans and equity partners
  • NIB Nordic Investment Bank
  • ... is a multilateral financial institution and
    has financed over a thousand projects since it
    began operating in 1976. NIB finances investment
    projects and project exports, both in and outside
    the member countries. High priority is given to
    investments furthering economic cooperation
    between the member countries. NIBs provision of
    credits is highly suited to investments that
    secure energy supplies, improve infrastructure or
    support research and development.
  • NEFCO Nordic Environment Finance Corporation
  • ... is an international finance
    institution established by the five Nordic
    countries. NEFCO finances investments and
    projects in Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia,
    Lithuania and Belarus, in order to generate
    positive environmental effects of interests to
    the Nordic region. NEFCO administers a range of
    different funds for a variety of purposes.
  • Swedfund
  • ... offers venture capital and competence for
    investment in Africa, Asia, Latin America and
    Eastern Europe (non-EU members). Their vision is
    to contribute to the development of profitable
    companies and thereby stimulate sustainable
    economic development in the countries in which
    they invest. With more than twenty-six years
    experience of investing in emerging markets they
    have developed a large international network.
    They can where needed call in other parties such
    as international and local banks, private
    investors and other financial institutes.
  • Kaupthing Bank
  • ... is a Northern European bank offering
    integrated financial services to companies,
    institutional investors and high net worth
    individuals. The bank has raised 1 billion for
    CleanTech investments

Financial risk minimisation
  • EKN The Swedish Export Credits Guarantee Board
  • EKN provides companies, banks and other financial
    institutions with state-supported guarantees
    against losses incurred in export transactions. A
    guarantee functions as an insurance. EKN handles
    risks in most countries all over the world.
    Long-term credits, high-risk markets, specific
    transactions, small transactions if theres no
    cover on the commercial insurance market, EKNs
    guarantees may be there to help. EKN can issue
    guarantees for various fields of business the
    export of goods as well as services, plants,
    construction works, and lease agreements.

Contract bidding
  • EU, WB, EDRB ...
  • Throughout the vast amount of completed
    international projects the CleanWater partners
    has generated a profound experience of contract
    bidding from funds as the EU-structural fund,
    World Bank (WB) and the European Bank for
    Reconstruction and Development (EDRB).

CleanWater business areas
  • Integrated Water Management
  • Drinking Water Supply
  • Wastewater Services and Systems
  • Bio Gas Energy Production

Integrated Water Management
Benefits Optimisation on total resources on a
society level Strategy to reach society
objectives Holistic optimisation
  • Rationale
  • Integrated water management means putting all of
    the pieces together. Social, environmental and
    technical aspects. To ensure sustainable water
    usage, reliable water supplies, better water
    quality, environmental stewardship, efficient
    urban development, protection of agriculture, and
    a strong economy.
  • History
  • Sweden has a legislation, a managerial tradition
    and a long experience to incorporate many stake
    holders in decision making regarding water
    management. To base decisions with a regional
    impact on a holistic approach to reach lasting
    benefits and long term efficiency for the
    community. To organise and a conduct systematic
    studies, communication, and decisions making in a
    complex legal, organisational and political
    environment is a well established way of
    conducting water management in Sweden.
  • Projects
  • Pro-active projects using a range of tools and
    expertise. Evaluate scenarios, sensitivity
    studies, economic comparison, risk analysis,
    environmental impact etc. in a structured manner.
    Projects have been done in conjugations of water
    resources planning and urban water management and
    for capacity building on central and local level

Several hundred references Swedish resources gt
10 companies gt 40 number of experts gt 15
countries Common financial structure EU funding,
bilateral, soft loans, investment, grants
View selected references
Drinking Water Supply
Benefits Safeguarding public health Sustainable
production systems
  • Rationale
  • Nothing has greater impact on our lives than
    water. Water is fundamental for our health,
    comfort and prosperity. We believed water to be
    an endless resource, and Nature would take care
    of any irresponsible misuse. Today, we know
    better! CleanWater has the knowledge and
    experience to handle any aspect of fresh water
    production, from an sustainable point of view.
  • History
  • Swedish members of the CleanWater have worked
    within this area for over 140 years! Export
    started 1903! In the early days focus was on
    providing freshwater and fire fighting. Today the
    focus are from a broader perspective including
    environmental, social and economical effects,
    reaching from a whole region to a single plant.
    The development in Sweden has given the
    CleanWater Group members an extensive experience
    and knowledgebase. Only in Sweden, the CleanWater
    Group members has designed, constructed, serviced
    and maintained more than 2000 public water
    plants. This knowledge and experience has been
    exported throughout the globe, to more than 100
  • Projects
  • The several thousand reference projects covers
    all the aspects within this business area, from
    the idea stage through feasibility,
    planning/designing, construction, management and
    monitoring of new or existing drinking water
    plant, in part or as turn-key solutions.
    Demonstrations and educational services can be
    provide around the globe as well as funding

Several thousand references Swedish resources gt
50 companies gt Several hundreds of experts gt 100
countries Common financial structure EU funding,
bilateral, soft loans, investment, grants
View selected references
Wastewater Services and Systems
Benefits Sanitation Decreased eutrophication
  • Rationale
  • Adequate wastewater treatment is fundamental in
    order to avoid sanitary and health problems in
    populated areas. It also serves as a measure for
    environmental protection, thus preventing
    contamination and eutrophication of receiving
    waters. Another aspect of wastewater treatment is
    the potential for nutrient recovery re-cycling
    of nutrients for fertilisation of cultivated
  • History
  • Thanks to its long history of municipal
    wastewater treatment, today Sweden has one of the
    most far-reaching effluent standards in the world
    for treated wastewater. Sewage treatment plants
    were introduced as early as the 1930s.
    Mechanical treatment was followed by biological
    treatment in the 1950s and chemical treatment by
    means of precipitation in the 1970s, thereby
    reducing discharges of the nutrient phosphorus.
    During the final decade of the century, nitrogen
    reduction was introduced for all major coastal
  • Projects
  • The several thousand reference projects covers
    all the aspects within this business area, from
    the idea stage through feasibility,
    planning/designing, construction, management and
    monitoring of new or existing water or waste
    water plants in conjunction with energy
    production facilities, to turn-key and functional
    sales contracts. Demonstrations and educational
    services can be provide around the globe as well
    as funding support.

Several thousand references Swedish resources gt
30 companies gt 100 experts gt Close to a hundred
countries Common financial structure EU funding,
bilateral, soft loans, investment, grants
View selected references
Bio Gas Energy Production
Benefits Decreased environmental impact Waste
to raw-material Renewable fuel production
  • Rationale
  • One of the laws of nature states that energy
    cannot be destroyed. It can never be used up,
    only transferred between bodies and converted
    into different forms. It is also true that energy
    can destroy. Poorly utilized energy can have a
    negative effect on both the environment and
    financial profits. Fortunately, there are many
    good examples of sensible and efficient energy
    applications, creating biogas is one of them.
    Biogas is recovered from biological waste such as
    sewage sludge and food and farm waste. It is an
    efficient, renewable form of fuel that does not
    compound the greenhouse effect since there is no
    emission of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, biogas
    emits considerably less nitrogen oxides, carbon
    oxide, carbon monoxides and hydrocarbons than
    petrol and diesel.
  • History
  • Production of biogas has been a known technology
    since the middle of the 19th century. In Sweden
    it became more commercially used during the
    energy crisis in the 70s. One of the first
    commercial biogas recovery plants was built in
    Sweden in the early 90s. This product evolved
    from the broad experience within energy systems,
    which also has positioned the CleanWater partners
    in the forefront of product development. The RD
    within the area has given new state-of-art low
    emission and high-yield products, which covers
    all the stages from design and  construction to
    turnkey renewable fuel production plants.
  • Projects
  • The CleanWater's genuine experience provides Bio
    Gas -Energy Production solutions, from design to
    turn-key responsibility, covering the whole
    production chain. That is from the wastewater
    treatment plant to biogas to fuel, ending with
    infrastructure for refuelling vehicles. In recent
    years, many municipalities, transportation firms
    and bus companies have chosen the partners of
    CleanWater to design, build and service gas
    refinement plants and filling stations worldwide.
    CleanWater is well experienced to raise funding
    together with the client for these projects. 

Several thousand references Swedish resources gt
30 companies gt 100 experts gt Close to a hundred
countries Common financial structure EU funding,
bilateral, soft loans, investment, grants
View selected references
References Integrated Water Management
  • Selected references
  • IWM demonstration and exchange program of Umeå
  • IWM of the Lyckebyån district, Sweden
  • Constructed Wetlands, Dämme, Sweden
  • System Analysis, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • State-of-the-art pilot plant, Sjöstadsverket,
  • Please contact the CleanWater co-ordinator for
    guidance and contacts for the selected or
    references or a further extended list of
    Integrated Water Management references.
  • Magnus Andersson
  • 46 766 365 302
  • Notice
  • Demonstrations and up to 3 months exchange
    programmes are available at Integrated
  • Climate Adoption services and supportEducational

Integrated Water Management Umeå Municipality
Planning of Water ResourcesReference project
  • Background
  • The new EU framework about water means that all
    water resources are supposed to be planned on
    river basin level. The river Lyckebyån concerns
    three municipalities and three counties in the
    southeast of Sweden. To have influence on coming
    rules for the use of the water resource in
    Lyckebyån the three municipalities Emmaboda,
    Lessebo and Karlskrona intend to provide the
    water authority with a vision plan.
  • The project
  • The legal Association of River Lyckebyån,
    including the three municipalities, decided that
    the best way to influence on the decisions about
    the acceptable use of the water resource was to
    create a plan that considered all demands on the
    water resource. Such a planning must involve all
    stakeholders in the river basin landowners,
    municipalities and their water and waste water
    treatment plants, industries, hydro power plants,
    organisations of different kind etc and
    consider all demands for the future. Of course a
    good water status must be in focus but also
    variety in quantity. To achieve these goals a
    Water Advise Unit will be settled as responsible
    for the vision plan and the contacts with The
    Water Authority.
  • Important experiences
  • The organisation for the planning of the water
    resource according to the EU Framework is shown
    in this illustration. Taking initiatives the
    stakeholders of the river basin will fulfil
    demands from EU but will also have the
    possibility to influence on decisions about the
    water resource.

Facts Participating companies Vatten och
Samhällsteknik AB has been the adviser to find
out the suitable organisation for this kind of
planning on river basin level. Finance The
Swedish Water and Waste Water Association The
Association of River Lyckebyån Vatten och
Samhällsteknik AB
Constructed WetlandReference project Kalmar
  • Background
  • The water in the river Törnebybäcken is polluted
    by urea from the airport of Kalmar and storm
    water from industrial areas of the city Kalmar.
    The environmental demands on the airport mean
    that they have to purify the water especially for
    the load of nitrogen. To solve the problem was
    decides to design a constructed wetland.
  • The project
  • The project started with a pre study and an
    approval according to the environmental laws of
    Sweden. This approval was accepted and detailed
    design was followed by construction work. The
    organization and the financing of the project
    were shared by the airport of Kalmar and Kalmar
    Municipality. The monitoring program has shown
    that the nitrogen load has been decreased by
    1080 percent during the running period of 10
    years. Some possible adjustments have been
    findings from research in the wetland.

Facts Total investment costs 5.5 MSEK. Running
costsAbout 150,000 SEK/year Design Vatten
och Samhällsteknik AB Construction work Bo
Jonsson, Markteknik
Systems Analysis Wastewater and Biowaste in
Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Project
  • The objective was to develop support for
    decisions on the future sustainable management of
    wastewater and biowaste in the Göteborg region.
    Eight system alternatives were studied within a
    time frame from now to the year 2050 with five
    criteria for sustainability based on the Urban
    Water Framework Hygiene, Environment (divided
    into Emissions and use of Resources), Economy,
    Socio-cultural and Technical function.
  • Conclusions
  • Considerable differences between the studied
    alternatives when single indicators were
    considered, but small with multicritera analysis.
  • No indication to abandon the centralised system
    of today.
  • Using wastewater sludge or to extract a pure
    phosphorus product at the treatment plant are the
    most sustainable ways to return phosphorus to
  • If more than 1530 of the nitrogen is to be
    returned in wastewater and biowaste, this will
    require too much energy.
  • Considerably more nutrients in the wastewater
    than in the biowaste. It is more sustainable to
    digest biowaste than to compost it.
  • It will always pay off to reduce the pollutant
    sources in the society.

Facts Finance City of GothenburgGryaab
(regional wastewater company) Analysis CIT
Urban Water Management AB References Malmqvist
Heinicke, 2007 City of Gothenburg, 2007 (in
Pilot plant for sewage treatment experiments
Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm
  • Problem
  • Sewage treatment methods are normally well
    established. However, changes in effluent
    demands, hydraulic or organic load or changing
    prices for energy, chemicals or sludge handling
    can demand changes in technology. New processes
    or combinations of unit operations or alternative
    equipment should be tested in smaller scale
    before investment in full scale.
  • Solution
  • An advanced pilot scale equipment was constructed
    in 20022003 by Stockholm Water Ltd. The direct
    purpose was to compare different methods to treat
    a relatively concentrated sewage from a new city
    area that was built to approach sustainability,
    Hammarby Sjöstad.
  • The aim was to reach strict effluent limits and
    possibly also get nutrients in forms that could
    be accepted by farmers. After four years of
    testing the equipment was in 2008 handed over to
    IVL and KTH for further testing of systems and
  • There are now two aerobic and two anaerobic
    complete lines (including sludge treatment and
    membrane technology) that can be greatly modified
    for different purposes, and used by researchers
    and companies.

Facts Finance ITTSwedish Water
AssociationSwedish Environmental
Agency Partners IVL Swedish Environmental
Research Institute Royal Institute of Technology
(KTH) Contact Östen Ekengren (IVL)
References Drinking water supply
  • Selected references
  • Water Treatment Plant Lofsdalens, Sweden
  • Uppsala water treatment plants, Sweden
  • Please contact the CleanWater co-ordinator for
    guidance and contacts for the selected or
    references or a further extended list of
    Integrated Water Management references.
  • Magnus Andersson
  • 46 766 365 302
  • Notice
  • Swedish efforts in AfricaIndias bilateral
    agreement with Sweden Successful implementation
    of concession and functional sales contracts

Drinking Water SupplyWater Treatment Plant
Lofsdalens vattenverk
  • Background
  • Härjedalen in Sweden is well known for its
    beautiful surroundings. The area is not heavily
    populated most of the year but during the winter
    season the sleepy villages becomes ski paradise
    for ski yearning people coming. Heavy variations
    as far as number of drinking water consumers are
    concerned and long distances between the existing
    water purification plants has challenged the
    authorities responsible for the drinking water
  • The project
  • Surface water is used as raw water for production
    of drinking water at Lofsdalens water
    purification plant. The surface water is
    contaminated with organics and humic acids which
    made it unsuitable for drinking without water
    treatment. The demands as far as drinking water
    consumption is concerned vary during the year,
    the spectra is between 100-700 m3/day. In the
    past the solution was flocculation and filtration
    with chemicals. With the variation in flow and
    low temperatures of the water at winter time the
    plant needed a lot of manual attendance for
    regulating the chemical addition. The maintenance
    people from the main city was located 100 km from
    the plant and the travel costs was big with
    several visits a week to the plant.
  • A complete NF plant, delivered by HOH
    Vattenteknik AB became the solution for cost
    efficiency. The plant is totally automatized and
    the steering and control of the plant can be made
    from a central control room in the main city
    which saves money and environment due to long
    distances in the area.
  • Reflections
  • The plant has been operating as originally
    planned for over 10 years. In order to save both
    economical and environmental recourses solutions
    with low maintenance needs must be taken into
    consideration. According to roomers the skiers in
    Härjedalen enjoy their drinking water just as
    much as their skiing, in other words- we are

Facts Participating companies HoH
Vattenteknik Sweco Finance Muncipality of
Drinking Water SupplyUppsala water treatment
Background The Uppsala ridge is one of Swedens
largest ground water basins. The soil, which is
rich in lime, makes the water very hard. The hard
water dissolves copper from copper pipes in
buildings, which will cause problems. In the two
new water treatment plants, Bäcklösa and Gränby,
the water is treated before distribution. The
project Uppsala municipality awarded Malmberg the
contract to design, deliver and install all
mechanical equipment, stainless steel pipes,
fittings and instruments to both of the new water
treatment plants. The process is almost
identical for both plants and consists of the
following steps Aeration Aeration is done in
two parallel connected staircase aerators for
aeration and evaporation of carbon dioxide.
Water softening The water will be softened in
fluidized sand beds, where the hard raw water
will be pumped into the bottom of the five 11
meters high reactors. The upward flow lifts the
grit, and the bed is fluidized. By adding lye,
the pH value will increase and the lime will
deposit on the grit, which makes the grit
particles grow and settle to the bottom. A
fraction of the raw water bypasses the reactors.
It is mixed with softened water to receive the
desired degree of hardness. Filtration
Filtration is done in six two-media filters in
each plant. For backwashing the filters, there
are flush pumps and aerators for combined
air/water flushing. Bäcklösa WTP has also been
equipped with ten carbon filters for further
treatment. Important experiences After start up
of the two plants, the city today has a drinking
water of high quality that fulfills all
requirements and needs.
FACTS Participating companies Malmberg Water
AB Sweco Peab others Finance Uppsala
Swedish CleanWater Partnership
References Wastewater Services and Systems
  • Selected references
  • Hyderabad, India
  • Gao Bei Dian sewage treatment plant, China
  • Qinghe sewage treatment plant, China
  • Reference presentation of Purac A CleanWater
    member (5min)
  • Ellinge Wastewater treatment plant, Sweden
  • Please contact the CleanWater co-ordinator for
    guidance and contacts for the selected or
    references or a further extended list of
    Integrated Water Management references.
  • Magnus Andersson
  • 46 766 365 302
  • Notice
  • Integrated Wastewater plant heat and energy
    self-sustainable as well as supplier to the
    municipality. RoI less than 2 years
  • Validate and test your coming process
    construction in state-of-the-art pilot plant
  • EU RD 50 increased energy efficiency in WWTP
    by enhanced control
  • Educational services Hands-on course in
    operating a WWTP, based on the latest applied RD
  • Innovative proven design and construction
    methodologies decreases construction and
    maintenance costs by 20

Capacity Building on Cleaner Production
Hyderabad Region, India
  • Background
  • The cost of environmental damage is estimated to
    be over 5 of Indias GDP. India currently
    generates over 110,000 million litres of
    wastewater a day, and over 12,000 tonnes of
    hazardous waste. Untreated wastewater places
    increased stress on existing water supply. With
    an industrial production growth rate of 7.4 per
    year, waste generation is set to exponentially
    increase in the next 20 years. Proper treatment
    and discharge of industrial waste is an immediate
  • The untreated effluent of most companies will not
    fulfil the requirements that should be set by the
    common effluent treatment plant. Therefore a
    pre-treatment is needed.
  • The project
  • The concept of cleaner production and
    resource-efficiency is very useful for
    implementing a pre-treatment, but also for
    process optimisation. In general, the concept
    implies to treat effluents where they are
    generated, and try to recycle valuable resources
    like chemicals, water and energy. Also hazardous
    substances and substances that might harm
    treatment processes at a common treatment plant
    can be prevented from leaving the factory in
    harmful concentrations.
  • This three year project shows how to implement
    solutions for cleaner production in different
    Indian industries and address cleaner production
    as a tool for efficient treatment of industrial
    emissions and effluents. The project will
    demonstrate how cleaner production can contribute
    to an improved environmental situation and
    sustainable water use, in combination with
    economical savings for the industries. It will
    also establish contacts with Swedish technology
    suppliers with interesting cleaner production

Facts Partners IVL Confederation of Indian
Industry Environment Protection Training and
Research Institute Gamana Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Finance The
Indo-Swedish Facility for Environmental
Initiatives and Innovations Contact
person Sara Nilsson, IVL
References Wastewater Services and Systems Gao
Bei Dian sewage treatment plant
References Wastewater Services and Systems Gao
Bei Dian sewage treatment plant
  • Beijing, China
  • SIDA financed
  • Order value SEK 173,300,000
  • Design and supply of mechanical and electrical
    equipment for a municipal sewage treatment plant
    with a capacity of 500 000m3/d, serving more
    than 1,200,000 people, including supervision.
  • Date of completion November 2000

References Wastewater Services and Systems
Qinghe sewage treatment plant
  • China
  • SIDA financed
  • Order value SEK 83,000,000 USD 10,300,000
  • Pre-treatment, primary sedimentation, secondary
    treatment, sludge treatment, supervision,
    commissioning and staff training comprised. The
    contract includes extension of the existing works
    of Qinghe STP to nitrogen removal.
  • Completion date September/October 2002
  • 1 000 000 P.E.
  • 350 000 m3/d

Wastewater Systems Ellinge wastewater treatment
  • Background
  • Ellinge WWTP serves the community of Eslöv and
    the Procordia Food production plant. Depending on
    the season, the load varies from approximately
    25,000 p.e. to 100,000 p.e. This calls for a
    highly flexible treatment process.
  • The project
  • During 2005-2006 Malmberg made, on a total
    contract, a comprehensive reconstruction and
    expansion for improved biological reduction of
    nitrogen and sludge treatment. The contract
    included site preparation, building construction,
    machinery and sanitation installations, and
    electrical installation and automatic control
    equipment. Malmberg also carried out the project
    planning, design, installation, commissioning,
    fine tuning and testing for this turn-key
    contract. The two old trickling filters were
    converted into basins where the return sludge is
    fed to Procordias pretreated waste-water and
    reject water. The activated sludge basins were
    modified, internal pumping of water from
    Procordia was built, and new pipes and blowers
    were installed. The whole sludge treatment area
    was reconstructed, including new pipes and new
    receiving stations for external sludge from the
    municipality and industry. A sludge silo was
    erected for the collection and mixing of all
    sludge streams before digestion, and a mechanical
    thickening step was added. A great number of new
    pumps were mounted, e.g. pumps for primary and
    return sludge. A sampling room was also built.
    numerous rebuilding measures were also made
    throughout the treatment plant. The contract was
    carried out in an atmosphere of excellent
    co-operation with Eslöv Municipality, as well
    process personnel at Ellinge WWTP.
  • Reflections
  • There has been a thorough analysis of treatment
    results from the two years following start up,
    evidence that the chosen technology works to full

Facts Participating companies Malmberg Water
AB ERAN Miljökonsult others Finance Eslöv
References Bio Gas- Energy production
  • Selected references
  • Sobacken Biogas plant, Sweden
  • Himmerfjärden, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Green Gas concept of Biogas
  • Skellefteå Biogas Plant
  • Please contact the CleanWater co-ordinator for
    guidance and contacts for the selected or
    references or a further extended list of
    Integrated Water Management references.
  • Magnus Andersson
  • 46 766 365 302
  • Notice
  • Increased number of contracts regarding the whole
    production chain from digesters to renewable
  • Production plants available for demonstration

Bio Gas Energy production Sobacken Biogas Plant

Bio Gas Green Gas concept of BiogasKönnern
Biogas upgrading plant
  • Background
  • The Biogas Plant Könnern in Germany was planned
    to produce biogas from green gas products and
    then to be burnt in gas engines (CHPs). According
    to Malmbergs customer, this was in the beginning
    of the project the best solution according to the
    subvention guidelines, EEG. A new version of the
    subvention was launched and a technical bonus was
    added so that upgraded biogas by Malmberg was the
    most profitable solution.
  • The project
  • Malmberg Biogas got in April 2007 an order to
    deliver the biggest biogas upgrading plant in
    Germany, also the biggest one in the world to
    produce clean methane to the natural gas grid
    from green products. The plant is based on the
    principle of a water scrubber and Malmberg
    Technologies in the field of upgrading biogas had
    then been focusing on the best solution for
    optimizing the upgrading plant together with the
    production plant. So that biogas in the total
    values chain could be produced to the lowest
  • The scope of delivery was an upgrading plant
    including injection station to the natural gas
    grid the delivery time was set to inject gas at
    20 December 2007 in Könnern. The upgraded biogas
    should be distributed by the gas company MITGAS
    (owners RWE), and to be sold as a new product
    launched as MitBioGas, both private and
    commercial purpose. The profit for the customer
    was to sell green gas at the same cost as for
    fossil natural gas.

Facts Participating companies Malmberg Water
AB EnviTec Biogas GmbH others Finance agri.capita
l GmbH
Bio Gas Green Gas concept of BiogasKönnern
Biogas upgrading plant
  • Important experience
  • In the past the traditional way of using biogas
    in Germany was to inject electricity direct to
    the electric grid at the biogas production plant.
  • With Malmberg Biogas the customer has found a new
    way through the natural gas grid the customer
    can higher the efficiency in total by injecting
    the electricity in other locations and then make
    use of the heat losses, which today stands for
    2/3 of the input to the gas engine. Heat resource
    by biogas plants was in the past seen as a
    surplus, today must the total energy demand be
  • New heat solutions are implemented for a total
    decreasing of the energy demand. Energy from
    biogas will therefore only allow heat from green
    energy, which has resulted in that products with
    low heat demand, both in production and
    upgrading, will be the most optimal ones.

Facts Participating companies Malmberg Water
AB EnviTec Biogas GmbH others Finance agri.capita
l GmbH
Bio Gas Energy ProductionSkellefteå Biogas
  • Background
  • The municipal biogas plant, situated at Tuvans
    wastewater treatment plant in Skellefteå,
    receives domestic waste, slaughterhouse waste and
    liquid waste
  • The project
  • The plant has three receiving units, of which two
    are for source-separated domestic waste and one
    for slaughterhouse waste.
  • The units for domestic waste are equipped with
    four bottom screw conveyors each for
    decomposition and homogenisation of the incoming
    substrates and discharge to the transport
    conveyors for further transport to two mixers. In
    the mixers, the substrate is diluted to the right
    DS concentration. From the mixers, the substrate
    is led to a bio-separator for separation of
    non-digestable material. After that, the
    substrate passes through a disperser for further
    decomposition and is then led to the buffer
  • The slaughterhouse waste is transported with a
    bottom screw conveyor to the disperser for
    decomposition and from there to the buffer tanks.
  • Liquid waste is pumped to the buffer tanks via
    the disperser.
  • From the buffer tanks the substrate is pumped to
    two hygienisation tanks where the substrate is
    heat-treated at 70 C before it is pumped to the
    digester. To avoid too high temperature in the
    digester, the incoming substrate is cooled with
    the dilution water flow that is recycled to the
  • The produced biogas is then upgraded to vehicle
  • .

Facts Participating companies Läckeby Finance Ske
llefteå Muncipality
Bio Gas Energy production Himmerfjärdens waste
water treatment plan
  • Background
  • Himmerfjärdens waste water treatment plant south
    of Stockholm has a load of 300.000 pe. Major
    energy consumption is found in the inlet pumping
    station biological treatment with full
    nitrification Sludge is digested and a large
    portion of the biogas is flared. A sharp
    increase in electricity cost triggered an energy
    conservation project to reduce opex.
  • The project
  • An energy survey with sensitivity analyses was
    undertaken in co-operation with experts from
    university and consultants. The project was
    initiated by Himmerfjärdens WWTP who financed the
    studies that resulted in significant energy
    savings and several projects being implemented,
    e.g. refurbishment of inlet pumps (energy savings
    of 23 percent), improved thickening before
    digestion, (lower heating cost and higher biogas
    production), a new gas engine connected to a
    blower, reduce electrical energy consumption with
    350 kW, upgrading biogas to vehicle fuel creating
    a revenue, calculated payback within 3 years.
  • Important experiences
  • Based on a thorough evaluation and sensitivity
    analyses significant energy savings and optimized
    usage of biogas, heat and electricity can be

Facts Participating companies LäckebyPurac Spångs
VA-ingenjörerna others Finance Himmerfjärdens
WWTP See journal World Water and Engineering,
March/April 2008, pp. 1924.
CleanWater Organisation
  • The initiative behind SymbioCity CleanWater
    Offer, was to a larger extent promote the Swedish
    model for integrated water and wastewater
    management abroad. Behind the initiative are the
    internationally most well merited and experienced
    private and public water management corporations
    of Sweden.
  • SymbioCity CleanWater Offer is organised as a
    consortium and is managed by the Swedish
    Environmental Technology Council, Swentec. The
    consortium which constitutes of more than 50
    members includes all the resources necessary for
    long and prosperous bilateral collaborations,
    involving the Swedish private sector,
    municipalities, research institutions, funding
    and Swedish governmental institutions.
  • All-in-all the SymbioCity CleanWater Offer has
    been involved in more than 10,000 project
    conducted in over hundred countries!

SymbioCity CleanWater Offer
Municipal organisations
Research organisations
Governmental bodies
CleanWater Board
  • Chairman
  • Kjell Axelsson VARIM
  • Board members
  • Magnus Andersson Co-ordinator, IMCG
  • Berit Gullbransson Swentec Swedish
    Environmental Technology Council
  • Henrik Held ITT
  • Lars Gunnarsson NKV, SYVAB
  • Lars Kylefors VOS Teknik
  • Christer Andersson Sweco
  • Roger Bergström Swedish Water Wastewater
  • Advisory group
  • Jan Johansson Nordic Investment Bank
  • Anders Hallersjö Swedish Trade Council
  • Lars Eklund Sida Swedish International
    Development Cooperation Agency
  • Fredrik Carlman Swedfund
  • Ulf Bojö NEFCO Nordic Environment Finance
  • Bo Jerlström Ministry for Foreign Affairs

The Swedish knowledgebase
  • Nothing has greater impact on our lives than
    water. Water is fundamental for our health,
    comfort and prosperity. We believed water to be
    an endless resource, and nature would take care
    of any irresponsible misuse. Today, we know
    better. We know that careless water usage will
    cause a great environmental impact.
  • Members of the SymbioCity CleanWater Offer have
    worked with water management for over 140 years.
    Export started 1903 with a sewage plan for St.
    Petersburg, Russia. In the early days focus was
    on providing freshwater and fire fighting,
    thereafter sanitation by sewage treatment.
  • Since the 1960s the environmental aspects have
    been the focus for Sweden, with a major
    construction period of wastewater treatment
    plants in the 60s and 70s. This has resulted in
    what might be the most far-reaching effluent
    standards in the world being enforced in Sweden.
    The water issue is ever evolving. Today the
    SymbioCity CleanWater Offer focus on integrated
    wastewater and water management, which optimizes
    water and energy resources from a broader
    perspective including environmental, social and
    economical effects, reaching from a whole region
    to a single plant.
  • The development in Sweden has given the
    CleanWater members an extensive experience and
    knowledgebase. Only in Sweden, the CleanWater
    members have designed, constructed, serviced and
    maintained more than 4000 public wastewater and
    water treatment plants and approximately 30
    meters of piping per capita to handle the
    infrastructure. This knowledge and experience has
    been exported throughout the globe, to more than
    100 countries and 10 000 projects!
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