Title: Semantic modeling of System Requirements
1Semantic modeling of System Requirements
- Lunch presentation _at_GDMC
- Lieke Verhelst MSc Student for GIMA
- Feb 27th 2009
2Problem Area
Figure taken from "OGC Sensor Web Enablement
Overview And High Level Architecture", Mike
Botts, George Percivall, Carl Reed, John Davidson
Eds. OGC, 2007
3Examples of ST sensor data
- Recordings taken from radiosonde and pilot
balloon observations, stored in the Integrated
Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA). - Records from the Antarctic Iceberg Tracking
Database - GPS track (Garmin)
4User questions
- How did the frost line move over the years?
- Where and when do icebergs a and b collide?
- Do bikers and hikers get in each other's way in
area x? - Combinations of
- Time
- instants or intervals
- historic data or real data
- Space
- Point, line, region
5Database implementation
- Depends on
- Data set (real time, historic data)
- User question (spatial analysis? temporal
analysis?) - System requirements (speed, storage)
- Available solutions (Oracle, DB2, Informix,
Postgres/GIS, ESRI) - Involves
- Information analysis (data type, data model)
- DBA work (indexes, storage)
6MSc Research
- Objective to provide users of sensor data with
guidelines how to choose the right database
implementation for their purpose. If possible
automate this process.
7Research question
- Designing a method that models the concepts of
sensor data (e.g. sample frequency, size of data
file, structure of sensor data) in order to
generate a suitable database implementation - Apply a weighted qualification to the proposed
result - Automate the process to the DB implementation
8How can we model this?
- Via Classes to tables
- Via stereotypes and tagged values to index types
- From UML to DDL
- but how to (automatically) guide the user
towards selection of the appropriate
implementation? -gt expert system
9Semantic modeling
lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'UTF-8'?gt lt!DOCTYPE
rdfRDF lt!ENTITY rdf 'http//www.w3.org/1999/0
2/22-rdf-syntax-ns'gt lt!ENTITY kb
'http//protege.stanford.edu/kb'gt lt!ENTITY
rdfs 'http//www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema'gt gt lt
rdfRDF xmlnsrdf"rdf" xmlnskb"kb"
xmlnsrdfs"rdfs"gt ltrdfsClass
rdfabout"kbIndex" rdfslabel"Index"gt ltrdfs
subClassOf rdfresource"rdfsResource"/gt lt/rdfs
Classgt ltrdfsClass rdfabout"kbSpeed"
rdfslabel"Speed"gt ltrdfssubClassOf
rdfresource"rdfsResource"/gt lt/rdfsClassgt ltrdf
Property rdfabout"kbsolutionFor"
rdfslabel"solutionFor"gt ltrdfsdomain
rdfresource"kbIndex"/gt ltrdfsrange
rdfresource"rdfsClass"/gt lt/rdfPropertygt lt/rdf
- extended RDF
- Constraints, relationships among resources,
cardinality, domain and range restrictions,
union, disjunction, inverse, transitive - OWLDL based on description logic
- existential quantifier ?, which can be read as
at least one, or some - universal quantifier ?, which can be read as
only - rules (!!)
11Research work Steps
- Create OWL-DL ontology
- Apply logic rules
- Generate DDL
- Implement in DB
12Software Used
- Create OWL-DL ontology (Protégé)
- Apply logic rules (Pellet or Racer, Jess,
JessTab) - Generate DDL (OWL-gtUML-gtDDL, Poseidon, Eclipse)
- Implement in DB
1. Demonstrate how reasoner can categorize
instance to predefined class
2. Demonstrate use of rule engine