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1Lets build together! Atomium - Brussels, 20-24
February 2006
- today
- Launch of the MAGlab marketing programme
- Affirm our strategic vision
- Introduce the WAR research
- Give a flavour of the new planning tool
- Launch a first Atomic Build on us deal
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
- The result of
- an inspired reflection on actual communication
needs (consumer in control, permission marketing,
continuity reach) - a deep understanding of the strengths and
weaknesses of magazines - a changing consumer media behaviour
- A communication commercial platform, supported
by fundamental research and a new media planning
6 The expression of our strong engagement to work
7BUILD ON US is more than a baseline, its a
8Its about time
- to move from the
- Old model of communicationgt advertiser (sender)
in control - towards a
- New model of communicationgt consumer (receiver)
in control
9Its about time
- Old model
- After the war era, the and the Baby Boom,
staggering demand for all kinds of goodsbirth of
the TV Commercial - Marketing driven by introduction of new products
product launches, consumer sees the commercial,
feels the need/desire and buys the product
(AIDA) - How advertising works the S-shaped learning
curve gt Media Planning Frequency Planning,
effective frequency (see 3)
10Its about time
- Traditional AV media suit the old model very
well - Message
- what you see (hear) is what you get gt low mental
processing, episodic learning - Send/Receive
- Real timegt time of sending equals time of
receivinggt intrusive - Media research
- Time specific measurement (diary, people
meter,PPM, Media Watch) - Perceived as being a good estimate of the
advertising contact
11Its about time
- New model
- After the millennium atmosphere, mature markets,
mergers acquisitions, globalisation, changing
demographics, the endless stream of new means of
communications - Theres little left to teach the consumer about.
Instead, the consumer determines when he wants
what information and what he does with it
permission marketing - How advertising works the law of diminishing
returns gt Media Planning Recency Planning,
continuity reach
12Its about time
- Print and digital media suit the new model
surprisingly well - Message
- More complex, many entries,5 senses (magazines)
gt high mental processing, semantic learning - Send/Receive
- Message available/retrievable at the right time
for the consumer (active approach) - Media research
- Until today
- Not very time specific (average issue readership,
UVM) - Perceived as being a poor estimate of the
advertising contact (except Response and Click
Through rates) - From now on BUILD ON US new
- Great buildings are built from a solid foundation
- Advertising success can be achieved by
continuous short term effects (Prof. J.P. Jones) - Continuous reach is a strategic need,
concentrated repetition is a tactical necessity - Magazines are the most cost effective and
reliable building material to construct a solid
(continuity reach) foundation
14Plan for maximum continuityand maximum
15Build on us
the new model of magazine planning
- Assuring the strategic needof continuous reach
choose continuity over bursts choose more
reach over more repetition
? use magazines as the foundation
16Build on us
the new model of magazine planning
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 w
17Build on us
the new model of magazine planning
- Fulfilling the tactical necessity for short term
repetition product (re-)launches short term
promotions or events
? use this magazine foundationas a launch
18Build on us
the new model of magazine planning
To have more effect with your burst, build on
magazines first!
Foundation Launch Platform
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 w
Magazines Short Term
Media/ Activation in magazines
19Its about timefor new insights
- Magazines are by nature an excellent medium
- for reaching a lot of consumers
- at the most privileged and intimate moments
- in a continuous way
- at an affordable price
- BUT theres a huge need to quantify these
qualities in the mediaplanning process
20Start a WAR to BUILD ON
21CIM is the currency
- how many readers in one week, month,for a title
- a detailed reader profile
- reading habits mode of acquisition, reading
frequency - Continues to be the trading currency
- large sample accurate measurement
22WAR is about time
- WAR adds information to CIM
- WAR Weekly Average page Reach
- qualifying the reader when, how many times, how
long, how many pages - Introducing the time dimension
- A thorough assessment of the chance to see a page
- a new improved approach to magazine planning
- the necessary information to understand the
R.O.I. of magazine campaigns
23WAR is about time
amongst others
- How many readers in one publication interval?
average issue readership - Reading any issue of a title in the publication
interval - Not issue specific
- Average issue reading is composed of the reading
of old issue as well as the current issue
Age 6
Age 5
Age 4
Age 3
Age 2
Issue age 1 week
Issue age 6
Age 5
Age 2
Age 1
Age 4
Age 3
24WAR is about time
amongst others
- CIM gt WAR
- Step 1 introducing the concept of audience
accumulation of an average issue over time
Starting from a specific issues to model an
average issue
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5
25WAR is about time
amongst others
- CIM gt WAR
- Step 2 taking into account multiple pick ups of
an issue by a reader - In CIM 1 reader 1 Opportunity to See
- In reality people read their magazine on more
than one occasion during the publication interval - People often spread their reading over more than
one publication interval - 1 reader obviously has more than 1 OTS
26WAR is about time
amongst others
- CIM gt WAR
- Step 3 taking into account the proportion of
pages seen - In CIM we measure readers of any part of the
magazine and their reading habits - We know from our own reading experience and
publishers research that readers do not read all
the pages - and spend the same amount of time reading
- Different readers have a different probability
to see a page
27WAR is about time
amongst others
- CIM average issue readership
- introducing the concept of audience accumulation
of an average of specific issue over time - taking into account multiple pick ups of an
issue by a reader - taking into account the proportion of pages seen
- Gross sample representative of the Belgian
population 12 - N 2749 clean and fully completed diaries
- Response rate after cleaning 47
- Number of observations on edition level is
sufficient, except for smaller monthlies
30Data collection
- AIR questionnaire
- Total readership
- Average Issue Readership
- Reading frequency
- Source of Copy
- Reading Volume
- ? AIR calibrated to CIM readership
figures - 2 week diary
31Data collection
- AIR questionnaire
- 2 week diary
- Max 6 editions / titles per day
- 7 day parts
- Multiple pick ups
- Time spent per reading event
- Total proportion read per day
33When do people read magazines?
Day part Mon Tue Wed
Thu Fri Sat Sun
Net of 12 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
After 22.30
All day
34How many times do they read in a day?
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Net of 12 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 50
-55 56-60 61-65 66-70
Theoretical contact delivery potential of
magazines 120 GRPs/day Or gt 800 GRPs/week
After 22.30
All day
35Are you ready to throw the switch?from AIR
to Average PAGE Reach
36Whats the probability of seeing a page?
- Daily assessment of proportion of pages seen
- If more than one reading occasion in a day
proportion read on each occasion determined by
share of time spent reading - Final maximum net proportion of pages read per
issue determined by the proportion read
question in AIR questionnaire
37A new vocabulary
- Issue Reach
- Net coverage
- Average publication interval
- Average Page Reach
- NAP NAP cume
- GAP GAP cume
- X Rate
- Audience accumulation of an average PAGE in an
average issue over time (day, week, )
38Gross Average Page Hits
- The sum of gross contacts in the target group
with an average page in a one issue - number of people that read an identified issue
of a given title on a specific day (number of
days after publication date) X number of pick ups
during that day X pages read, looked at or
leafed through per reading occasion on that day - ? GAP Hits
- Daily gross count the number of contacts with
the page on a given day - Cumulative over time the sum of page contacts
(page hits) over a given time period
39Gross Average Page Hits
Plan 3 insertions in 3 weeks in Dag
Allemaal/Expres, Ciné Télé Revue, HUMO, Knack, Le
Vif/LExpress Télé Moustique
tuesday -monday
monday -sunday
Delayed contacts helps continuity
Planning period
40Net Average Page Reach
- The net number of different people in the target
group that have a contact with an average page in
one issue - number of people that read an identified issue
of a given title on a specific day (number of
days after publication date) X pages read,
looked at or leafed through on that day - ? NAP Reach
- Daily net count the net number of different
people making the gross page hits - Cumulative net reach over time net number of
different people who have any contact with the
average page across a number of days (this is
not the sum of individual days net, only the new
people are added day after day)
41Net Average Page Reach
Plan 3 insertions in 3 weeks in Dag
Allemaal/Expres, Ciné Télé Revue, HUMO, Knack, Le
Vif/LExpress Télé Moustique
Delayed contacts helps continuity
Planning period
42Exposure rate
- The number of times different people in the
target group have a contact with an average page
in one issue - GAP Hits/NAP reach
- ? X-Rate
- Daily X-Rate number of times individual people
have any contact with the average page in one day - Cumulative X-Rate over time number of different
times individual people have any contact with the
average page across a given number of days
43Exposure rate
Plan 3 insertions in 3 weeks in Dag
Allemaal/Expres, Ciné Télé Revue, HUMO, Knack, Le
Vif/LExpress Télé Moustique
CIM 3w WAR 3w 4w GRP 208.9 GAP 250.9 289.7 COV
68.9 NAP 57.1 59.2 OTS 3.0 X-RATE
4.4 4.8
Daily X-rate 0.0 1.3 1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2
1.2 1.2 1.2 Cume X-rate 0.0
1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.0
2.1 2.3 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2
3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4
44NAP The most severe definition of the
advertising contact
- From Stop/watch we know that the recognition for
succesfull campaigns varies from 60 to 95 - The net page reach from WAR close to recall of
an advertising page - SO, we can assume that the net page reach in WAR
is a close estimate of the number of consumers
recalling an advertising page - IF the creative work has stopping power!
45 Push the button the new magazine planningin
46What it looks like
47Get ready for the Atomic BUILD ON US deal!
48(No Transcript)
49Build on us deal N1
- 9 atoms stand for 9 campaigns
- First in, First served
- During maximum 9 months
- Starting from April until December 06
- You buy 10 insertions,
- You get 5 on top
50Build on us deal N1
- Dag Allemaal, HUMO, Knack
- Ciné Télé Revue, Télé Moustique, Le
Vif/LExpress - 78 coverage
- (cim 2005)
- 10 X 1/1 p 520.400
- 5 x 1/1 p 260.200
- 780.600
52Example Build on us deal N1
15 insertions in 6 titles spread over 24 weeks
53Example Build on us deal N1
54Example Build on us deal N1
55Example Build on us deal N1
56Example Build on us deal N1
Total Insertions 90 Average DAILY Daily GAP
.... 8,7 Daily NAP .... 7,3 X-rate
.... 1,2 TOTAL CUME Total GAP .
1479,6 Total NAP ... 68,9 Total X-rate
15 insertions X 6 titles spread over 24
57Build on us deal N1
- The combination with other offers, promotions
and/or contracts is not allowed - No retrospective appliciation
- Only valid for the period April-December 2006
- Advertisements for ONE product, not a range of
products - Not valid on combination rates
- Not valid on covers or creative formulas
58Be there when they need you !
- Advertising success can only be achieved by
continued short term effects