Title: Viet Nam: Poverty Profile
1Viet Nam Poverty Profile
The First Regional Course on Poverty
Measurements Jakarta, 29 November - 10 December
Presented byNguyen The Ha Huang Jiacai Marilyn
2Spotlight on Viet Nam at a glance
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
1. Some geography - Borders China-North -
Borders Laos-West - 4/5th Viet Nam territory
mountainous /hilly - Most populated lowland
alluvial plain
2. Total population 79,727 (000)
Urban 20,022 (000) - Rural 59,705 (000) Male
39,197 (000) Female 40,530(000)
3. Total Area 330,991 square km
4. Annually Growth Rate is one of highest in the
world (7-8)
5. Viet Nam has a strong commitment toward
poverty reduction
3Poverty Line in 2002
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
- According to the World Bank, one person intakes
2100 calorie a day, this is the standard to
decide if a person is poor or not. - In 2002, one Viet Nam urban person needed
2,271,000 VND to satisfy 2100 calorie demand and
non food requirement per year, and one rural
person needed 1,969,000 VND to satisfy that same
4Relationship Between Food and Total (Food
Nonfood) Expenditures
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
5Poverty Rate by Urban and Rural from 1992 to 2002
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
6Poverty Rate by 8 regions from 1992 to 2002
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
7Regional Household Size by Poor and Non Poor
8Gender Adult Literacy Rate by Urban and Rural ()
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
9 Viet Nam Poverty Profile
10 Viet Nam Poverty Profile
11Overall Poverty Rate by 8 regions and Urban
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
12Head Count Index, Poverty Gap Index and Square
Poverty Gap Index
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
13Percentage Income Sources of the Poor and Non-
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
14Inequality Measurement by Urban and Rural
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
15Yearly Income Quintile by Urban and Rural
16Yearly Income Quintile by 8 Region
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
17Lorenz Curve for Urban and Rural
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
Viet Nam Poverty Profile
- From 1993, 58 of the population lived in
poverty, compared to 37 in 1998 and 31 in 2002.
This amounts to halving the share of poverty in
less than a decade. Progress has also been
substantial when other dimensions of poverty,
apart from expenditures, are considered. The
broader VDGs, which are localized version of the
MDGs, show a consistent improvement of social
indicators. While some regions and some
population groups gained more than others,
overall Viet Nam performance in poverty
reduction over the last decade can be considered
a success story.
19Thank you very much.