Title: Czech Republic
1Czech Republic
- PWW Directive Solution
- 1999-2008
- Decision making process
2Initial Situation 1999
3Selected solution
- Integrated waste management was selected because
it shows high potential in recycling with
moderate cost while able to achieve all targets - Deposit system was avoided as integrated waste
management does create enough recycling to meet
all targets including plastic material recycling
while deposits are very costly comparing to added
recycling - Mandatory reuse of packaging was avoided as both
expensive and potentially less environmental in
long distance and as well creates barrier to
- In general best market conforming implementation
of PPW recovery system is to make all filler or
importers to purchase services indirectly through
tradable certificates similar to emission
permits. However this solution would work
properly only when actual recycling in country is
roughly in balance with legal requirements. -
- If this is not a case then such solution is
unstable and actually does subsidise commercial
packaging recycling, which does not need any
support. Only when all B2B packaging waste stream
is exhausted recyclers will invest in household
waste separate collection. - As efficient implementation of household waste
collection requires at minimum several years such
situation will either lead to unpredictable
increase of recycling services cost (or
certificates cost) or targets are simply not met
as paying penalties is cheaper than to buy
5Selected legal implementation
- All fillers have to achieve prescribed recovery
targets, but there are no targets specific to B2B
or HH packaging. - All fillers have to give all consumers option to
return used packaging for recycling or they
should participate in national scheme providing
such option - Fillers may create a special legal entity
packaging recovery scheme enabling them to
comply with regulation in more efficient
collective solution
6Legal solution to avoid discrimination
- PROs in Czech Republic
- Have to be a non-for-profit entity licensed by
government authority - Have to be owned by fillers while none of them is
allowed to own more than 33 - Have to offer same contractual terms to all
filler in the market - Have to offer same contractual terms to all
municipalities in the country - Should not discriminate any packaging
7Legal solution to avoid conflict of interests
- Waste management companies or recyclers
- Are prohibited to be owners of PROs
- Are prohibited to participate in PROs management
- Members of PRO management are prohibited to
participate in management of any other company - Owners of PRO are prohibited to make any business
in waste management related fields
8Organizational implementation
- One recovery organization was licensed in Czech
Republic, however law does not exclude more of
them - PRO license defines details of its operation
- Fillers are free to use waste management services
directly when service of recovery organization is
not needed (merely when recycling B2B packaging)
9Technical implementation
- PRO concluded contracts with all municipalities
in country to arrange household waste separate
collection - Municipalities are free to choose waste
management company to provide actual service as
well they are free to use collection equipment
for non-packaging recyclable waste separation - Collection centres are placed so to be convenient
to citizens ie. close to housing not necessarily
in proximity of shops.
10Technical implementation
- PRO concluded contracts with major waste
management companies to ensure B2B packaging
recovery. These are standard commericial
contracts on waste services. - PRO concluded contracts with waste separation
lines to provide municipalities with
infrastructure to process collected waste. - PRO concludes contract with recycler when
necessary to support recycling of commodities
with negative market value like residual mixed
11Results in packaging waste
12Results in municipal waste
Only half of recycled waste is packaging
- Integrated household waste and general packaging
management gives much better results both in
packaging waste recycling an household waste
recycling then single focused packaging waste
recovery - To achieve this PRO have to be controlled by
fillers, but co-operating closely with
14Czech RepublicImplementation overview
- From voluntary agreementto
- Packaging Law
15Brief history
- 1997 Packaging mentioned in legislation for
the first time - 1999 Voluntary agreement on packaging recovery
concluded - 2002 Packaging Law in force
- 2004 Technical amendment of law
- 1997 Pilot projects on packaging recovery
- 1999 Recovery organization on voluntary base
- 2002 Packaging recovery organization licensed
16Legislation 1997-2001
- No specific requirements, packaging producers
should respect limits on heavy-metal content - Generally set target of 15 recycling
- Extended producer responsibility defined in law
applicable from 2002 (never effective) - Since 1999 voluntary agreement concluded to
start-up packaging waste recoveryIn 2001 about
30 of fillers (by amount of packaging)
participated in agreement
17Status in 2001
- Transition period pre-agreed with EU until 2005
- Recovery organization operating on 70 of
territory - Two self-compliance scheme in operation
- 37 of all packaging participating in recovery
organization - Recycling rate increased from 11 to 27 within
three years of voluntary agreement - About 46 of consumers participated in sorting
18Status 2001
192002 Packaging Law
- Essential requirements
- Full set of CEN standards implemented as
mandatory since July 2002 - Packaging marking
- Material marking mandatory on all consumer
packaging - Producer responsibility
- Producers have to ensure take-back of consumer
packaging - Producers have to meet recycling/recovery targets
set up to 2005 - Recovery organization
- Defined by law as a special type non-for-profit
company - Subjected to licensing procedure carried by
20Shared responsibility
- In Czech Republic all parts of supply chain are
responsible to packaging recovery - Packaging manufacturers
- Packers/fillers
- Wholesalers and Retailers
- By law business partners may conclude agreement
on actual fulfilment of law - However it is a typical for the market that
packer/filler take care for take-back and
recycling (covers the cost) - and packaging manufacturers are responsible for
essential requirements
21Fair competition
- Company placing product to market is free to
comply either - by registering itself with licensed recovery
organization - or by transferring responsibility to customer
when selling product (but is not possible to
transfer it to consumer) - or by self-compliance recovering packaging by its
own or through contracted party - Self-complying company
- have to register itself with government office
- each year to proof amount of actually recovered
packaging - give evidence of operational collection system
- inform consumer on organization of collection and
collection places
22Ambitious targets set
23Targets are manageable in principleplastic is
ahead, but glass cannot make 2005
24National waste management plan revision 2004
- National waste management revision is under
process - expected is decrease of unrealistic glass target
80 set to year 2005 - expected is increase of plastic target above 25
for year 2008 - these changes will influence amendment of
packaging law expected by the end of year and
also targets set to recovery organization
25National waste management plan revision 2004
26Current status
- Packaging law ensures pretty good enforcement of
obligations - free-riding dropped substantially
- Packaging waste recovery / recycling improvement
in line with expectations - 2003 targets were achieved also 2004 estimates
seems to meet expectations - Separate collection of household waste is
improving - 97 of territory is covered with separate
collection scheme - about 65 consumers do participate in separate
collection - nation wide communication campaign is expected to
increase participation to at leas 75
27Free riding is decreasing
- 2001 retailers were not responsible for recovery
- only 600 major companies complied with law
- free-riders placed to market about 60 of all
packaging - 2002 retailers were made to proof that their
suppliers took measures to recover packaging - about 18 200 registered with recovery
organization or for self-compliance and presented
reports - free-riding dropped to 16 of all packaging in
market - 2003 government authorities started to audit
self-compliance - about 20 800 companies registered
- free riding dropped to about 6 of all packaging
in market
- Czech Republic has well balanced packaging law
- Compatible with EU market
- Strong enforcement makes level ground to all
companies and to all ways of compliance - Packaging waste recovery is improving
- Fully developed packaging recovery organization
- Growing consumers participation in selective
collection - Almost all territory covered with selective
collection system - Self-compliance is under though supervision of
authorities, such schemes have to meet same
criteria like PRO
29- Integrated Packaging Recovery System in the Czech
Republic - Financial responsibilities in system
30Packaging Act 477/2001
- Any joint stock company may request license to
operate as PRO providing - Company prooves its ability to offer compliance
service in line with legal requirements (is able
to guarantee collection and recovery) - Company is owned solely by legal entities placing
packaging to market (is owned by industry) - None of company owner is undertaking any business
activity in waste management (no shareholder is
in conflict of interest) - Company is non-for-profit ie. no profit is
distributed to owners (no shareholder has profit
from operation) - Company does not operate in any other business
than packaging recovery (packaging recovery is
only company purpose) - Terms of compliance service are same to all
business partners including shareholders and no
packaging is discriminated neither negatively nor
positively (same conditions to all) - License is issued by Environment Ministry in
consensus with Economy Ministry. License may
include additional requirements on operation.
31Contractual management
- PRO has basically two options how to organize
household packaging waste collection and recovery - To contract collection and recovery to waste
management operators disregarding existing waste
management system in municipalities - or to conclude agreements with municipalities and
use the same waste management operator used by
32Contracting WMC directly Pros
- To contract collection to waste management
company directly avoiding municipality gives PRO
direct influence on collection arrangements - Direct contracts are more flexible as they avoid
any political decision making in municipalities - Direct contracts are simplier in administration
as they are regional - Direct contracts with WMC operating other
municipal waste may be less costly to PRO as WMC
may use income from municipality to cover part of
packaging waste management cost (hidden transfer
of cost to municipality) but also may be more
costly as income from PRO may be used to cover
other waste cost (hidden transfer of cost to PRO)
33 and cons
- Avoiding municipality in collection organization
may bring conflicting solution in general
household waste management - Regional contract on packaging waste to one waste
management company bring such company competitive
advantage enabling it to win all municipal
tenders in area thus creating regional waste
management service monopoly - Regional solution avoiding municipal decision
making leads to one fit all organization of waste
management disregarding municipal interest - Operation of two independent waste management
schemes in one territory is less efficient
- Municipal waste is one waste, household waste is
one waste stream from this stream packaging waste
should be recycled to achieve PW Directive
targets and non-packaging waste should be
recycled to achieve LF Directive targets. - When household waste management is contracted by
two independend bodies (municipality and PRO) it
leads to following - Waste management solutions are not coordinated,
may be conflicting efficiency from economy of
scale is lost - household waste management financing is less
transparent as it is financed from two contracts
under different terms - waste management operators may use their
comparative advantage resulting from existing
contract on one stream part in tenders for other
part of stream it may result in extra profit and
increase of waste management cost both to
municipality and PRO
35Transparent solution?
Financed by municipality. Operated by company X
Financed by PRO. Operated by company Y
- Confusing to citizens.
- Costly because of double infrastructure.
- Never coordinated properly.
Municipal Bin PAPER No paper boxes please! Use
other one.
Packaging Bin PAPER No newspaper please! Use
other one.
36One operator solution?
Operated by company X
Municipality is chargedfor part of cost. How
much depends oncontractconcluded.
PRO is chargedfor part of cost. How much
depends oncontractconcluded.
Waste Bin PAPER Put anything here we will charge
Not transparent, nobody actually knows what is
the cost.
37Trilateral solution?
Operated by company X financed in trilateral
Agreement on joint contract
- Fine to citizens
- Not very flexible
- Administration is very complex
- Very efficient coordination
Common Bin PAPER Put anythingwe agreed.
38Subcontract solution?
PRO contracts municipality to organize packaging
waste recovery as partof household waste and pay
municipality for collection and recovery cost
Municipality selects supplier of its choice
Operated by company X
- Fine to citizens
- Very flexible to municipality
- Administration is not so complex
- Municipality has full control over waste
Municipal Bin PAPER For packagingwe are paid.
39Czech solution
- PRO is directly responsible for (does contract
directly suppliers) - Recycling capacities (contracts with recyclers
where necessary, like in case of mixed plastic) - Sorting capacities (contracts with regional
sorting centers to provide capacity for municipal
waste) - Nation wide communication campaign to citizens
(contracts with advertising/P.R. agencies) - Recovery of industrial/commercial packaging
(contracts with waste management companies) - PRO does not directly interfere with local
household waste management, local citizens
communication and school education
40Czech solution
- PRO is concluding contracts with municipalities
on financing of selected waste collection, but
selection of local waste management operator is
still fully in competency of local municipality - PRO is offering free of charge project management
and consultancy to municipalities, but does not
dictate solutions - PRO is financing local communication campaigns in
agreement with municipalities (regions) - PRO is providing schools with trainings for
teachers and educational kits, but is not
directly active in schools
41Czech solution
- To avoid any discrimination of municipalities PRO
is by law mandated to keep uniform contracts to
all municipalities and also to conclude contract
with any municipality interested in - Contractual payments to municipalities are set
according to national average costs of selective
waste collection, municipalities are so
reimbursed for cost of packaging waste
collection, but free to select solution best
suiting local needs
42Czech solution
- Municipalities are free to choose which sorting
center, recycler or waste management operator
they will use, however PRO is forced to ensure
that there is enough capacity on market this
support competition in waste management and keeps
solution efficient - Municipalities are free to refuse contract with
PRO when not satisfied with conditions, this
force PRO to set conditions such a way that
contracts are attractive to most municipalities - Contractual terms do reflect national waste
management plan, structure of payments does
motivate municipalities to improve waste recovery
43Companies Contractual packaging fees
Subsidies for the waste quantities collected
Project Advice and Support
Communication, waste recycling promotion
44Take-back and recovery obligations
Waste Act obligation of the waste separation
and recycling
Packaging recovery organization Authorized
Package Company (according to Packaging Act)
Contract on Associated Compliance
Contract on support waste collecting
Waste management companies
Reporting Packaging Recovery
Environment Ministry
45Payments to municipalities
- Municipalities are financially motivated to
improve waste collection efficiency - Payments to municipalities depends on actual
amount of waste collected not on equipment used,
this motivates municipalities use equipment
efficiently - Basic per ton rates depend on per capita
collection output to motivate municipalities to
increase overall collection - Basic rates are modified following changes of
secondary material prices in market and depend on
per capita output of municipality - Quality of collection network and sorting is
improved by bonus scheme applicable to basic per
ton rates - Bonus on collection network density motivates to
install more equipment and increase overall
output - Bonus on three material sorting motivates to
implement separate plastic collection - Bonus on white glass collection motivates to
collect this glass separately improving quality
of collected waste and its value
46Impact of bonus scheme
Average cost
Average cost
Average cost
Average cost
Average cost
47Financial flow
48Impact in household waste recovery
- Due to integrated approach not only packaging
recovery increased but also total household waste
recycling is increasing
49Results in five years
1997-1998 No PRO in place 1999-2001 PRO set
voluntarily 2002-2003 PRO set by law
50Learning from experience
- It is better to set just frame law setting
targets and principles of PRO operation - In respect to contractual solutions is better to
leave the choice to municipalities and PRO how
they will or will not cooperate - It is important to achieve good cooperation of
municipalities and industry to achieve efficient
solution in short time
51Most important lesson
- Czech Republic has very diverse territory both
from sociological and geographical point of view - To ensure efficient household waste recovery in
all environments need very local approaches. To
this is best way to leave decisions on local
communities and not to force uniform solution to
all areas
52Czech Republic
- Consumer Education Programs
53Communication Public relations
- Towards consumers aimed to promotion of awareness
of environment and recycling waste - Towards clients, municipalities and companies
participating in waste management (WM and
recycling companies) aimed to explain legal
framework and operational principles of packaging
recovery organization
54Consumer communication
- Strategy messages
- 2004 you have to sort (quantity)
- Don't be lazy Sort waste (no more evasion!)
- 2005 you have to sort in the right way (quality)
- Don't be lazy Sort waste in the right way (or
recycling will be unable) - 2006 thank you for cooperation (results)
- Thanks your cooperation we made ... nice things