Title: Abelian and Nonabelian Dbrane Effective Actions
1Abelian and Non-abelian D-brane Effective Actions
Pythagoras There is geometry in the humming of
the strings.
- Introduction
- Strings, D-branes, effective actions,...
- Explain the title
- Summary of most significant results
3Part I
4String Theory
Closed string
Open string
- Particles oscillation modes of the string
- In fact infinite number of modes infinite
number of different particles - Massless modes finite number
5Size and weight of strings
- Quantum fluctuations determine size
- Fundamental length a1/2 ¼ lp 1.6 10-33cm
- Planck mass lp-1 1.2 1019 GeV 25 mg
- LHC (CERN) 7 103 GeV
- Braneworld ?
Massless modes !
6Massless sector of two types of strings
- Gauge sector
- Gauge bosons
- Forces of the Standard Model
Open string
- Gravitational sector
- Graviton
- Antisymmetric tensor
- Dilaton
- Gravity !
Closed string
7Scattering amplitudes
- n-point amplitudes S-matrix
8Effective action I
- String scattering amplitudes
- External massless states
- Massive states can propagate internally
- Effective action
- Action of particle field theory that reproduces
- this S-matrix
9Effective Action II
10Why study string theory ?
- Renormalization properties better
- Quantum gravity
- Unification
- Tool to study other fields of physics and
11Open strings
- State
- Gauge potential
- Fieldstrength
Abelian case
12Chan-Patton factors
- are matrix-valued do not commute
- i.e order of product is important
- In fact
Non-abelian case
Neumann boundary conditions
Dirichlet boundary conditions
14Coinciding D-branes
- Mass open string / length
15What about fermions ?
- Supersymmetry
- Symmetry between bosons and fermions
- World-sheet supersymmetry
- Space-time supersymmetry
16Part II
17Massless vector boson
- Action in field theory Yang-Mills
- Effective action in string theory
- Born-Infeld
- Under the conditions
- Abelian
- Constant fieldstrengths
18Yang-Mills in 4d
19BPS solutions
- Bogomolnyi bound
- Background that preserves some supersymmetry
- Born-Infeld
Important properties that we want to generalize
20More than four dimensions
completely antisymmetric tensor
- Breaks symmetry
- Complex case
- Octonionic case
21Complex case
- Introduce complex coordinates
- BPS equations in complex coordinates
DUY condition
22For Born-Infeld theory
- Generalize the BPS equations ?
- Bogomolnyi bound
- Preserve some supersymmetry
- Yes !
- Complex case
DUY condition
23Reverse the logic
- Solutions of BPS equations have a natural
interpretation in D-brane physics - Link with supersymmetry
- Turn these BPS equations into a tool to construct
the effective action - Construct most general action and DUY condition
- Impose constraint
24Abelian case
- Abelian case constant field strengths
- Toy model to study techniques
Born-Infeld unique possibility
- Corrections with 4 derivatives (due to Wyllard)
25Wyllards action
26Non-abelian case
- No all order result in known
- Work order by order in
- Much more complex
- Order of fieldstrengths important
- Need derivative terms (no slowly varying field
strength limit) - Identities between terms in action
- Field redefinitions
27Java program
- So I had to write a computer program
Most general
of motions
Must be 0
DUY must
imply eom
Most general
Most general
field redefinition
- Symmetrize in the fieldstrengths using
- Follow abelian calculation more closely
- Internal check
- 1816 equations in 546 unknowns
31Results I
- Order a0 until a2 know for a long time
32Results II
from string theory
- Confirmed by other groups with various
- methods
33Results III
- Checks internal spectrum check
34Undetermined coefficients
- Study (ir)rationality of and
35Spectrum check
- Strings stretching between intersecting branes
- Calculate spectrum
- String theory
- Effective action
- a4 Sevrin Wijns, Nagaoka
- Abelian action with derivative corrections
- looks nice and suggestive
- Prove conjecture about more derivatives
- Study also with Weyl invariance method
- Non-abelian result looks complicated and
- rather ugly
- However both actions should possess very basic
properties like having BPS solutions, - supersymmetry,...
- Possibility to learn something about the
(ir)rationality of with n odd