Title: Dimuons and virtuality
1Di-muons and virtuality
- A. Koutsman
- 9-11 may 2006
- Best motivated extension
- Solves hierarchy problem (divergence scalar
fields, SM Higgs) - Solves naturalness problem (fine-tuning problem)
- Gives a credible cold dark matter candidate
(R-parity) - Required by string theory (not necessarily at TeV
- Extension of SM Qbosongt fermiongt,
Qfermiongt bosongt - Complexifies SM Higgs Sector 2 complex Higgs
doublets (and appropriate SUSY partners) - At least 105 new parameters in addition to SM
- SUSY is broken via hidden sector
- In SUGRA models gravity communicates the breaking
- Five(!) parameters to define an mSUGRA model
- m0 common mass of scalars at GUT scale
- m1/2 common mass of gauginos and Higgsinos at
GUT scale - A0 common value of trilinear couplings at GUT
scale - tanß ratio of Higgs vacuum expectation values
- sign µ 1 µ SUSY conserving Higgs mass
- Six points chosen in mSUGRA parameter space by
ATLAS - Lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP)
4SUSY production at LHC
- At LHC squarks and gluinos production dominates,
which subsequently decay through chains to the LSP
5dilepton decays
via slepton
via chargino
via Z/Higgs
6Alex mSUGRA point
- PYTHIA (Following Wiki example)
- m0 200
- m1/2 250
- A0 100
- tanß 10
- sign µ
183.92 GeV 98.14 GeV 183.42 GeV 112.48
GeV 219.24 GeV
85.7 GeV
7Alex mSUGRA pointselection cuts
8Alex mSUGRA point
9Alex mSUGRA point
Rest frame of
LSP always real !!!
Z virtual Why such a sharp peak? What is all the
grass? (Not IS/FS radiation)
10Alex mSUGRA point
No direction correlation between muons GRASS
Breit-Wigner with a kinematic cut-off SHARP PEAK
12ATLAS mSUGRA point 3
- m0 200 (200)
- m1/2 100 (250)
- A0 0 (100)
- tanß 2 (10)
- sign µ - ()
97 GeV 45 GeV 96 GeV 69 GeV 207 GeV
52 GeV
Values from Technical Design Report, PYTHIA
generates somewhat different masses
13ATLAS mSUGRA point 3
14ATLAS mSUGRA point 3
Rest frame of
LSP always real !!!
Why is there such a difference between point 3
and our point??? Also ATLAS TDR Point 5
reproduced with succes by Paul
Z virtual Z produced as real as possible But
where is the sharp peak?
15Ongoing work Suggestions welcome
16No Selection cuts except missing ET
17 pT
Missing ET gt20 GeV
Missing ET gt20 GeV gt1 good reco muon mother
18Angle between muons in rest-frame
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