Title: More Excel Functions
1More Excel Functions
2Excel Formulas Provide the Power
- Look up formulas in Help and select Examples
of commonly used formulas
3Text or String Functions
- Excel has numerous useful functions for
manipulating text in worksheets - Text functions are also known as string
functions - string refers to a string of characters
- Text functions can help you perform tasks that
would otherwise require a tremendous amount of
manual work
4Some Commonly Used Text Functions
- CONCATENATE Joins several text items into one
text item - also can use the concatenation operator,
- FIND Finds one text value within another
(case-sensitive) - SEARCH Finds one text value within another (not
case-sensitive) - LEFT Returns the leftmost characters from a
text value - MID Returns a specific number of characters
from a text string starting at the position you
specify - RIGHT Returns the rightmost characters from a
text value - REPLACE Replaces characters within text based
on position - SUBSTITUTE Substitutes new text for old text in
a text string - TEXT Formats a number and converts it to text
- TRIM Removes spaces from text
- UPPER Converts text to uppercase
- VALUE Converts a text argument to a number
5Text Function Examples
6Lookup Functions
- Used to return values from ranges by looking up
a specific value within the range heres a few - HLOOKUP Looks in the top row of an array and
returns the value of the indicated cell - VLOOKUP Looks in the first column of an array
and moves across the row to return the value of a
cell - MATCH Looks up values in a reference or array
- INDEX Uses an index to choose a value from a
reference or array - ADDRESS Returns a reference as text to a single
cell in a worksheet
7Logical Functions
- AND Returns TRUE if all its arguments are
TRUEAnd(A1gt0,C15) will only be true if there
is a 5 in C1 and the value in A1 is positive - IF Specifies a logical test to perform
- NOT Reverses the logic of its
argumentNot(A1) is True if A1 is currently
False and vice versa - OR Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE
Or(A1gt0,C15) will be true if there is a 5 in C1
OR the value in A1 is positive
IF(logical condition, result if true, result if
false) IF(A1gt5,Go for it,Nope)
8The IF() FunctionLearn to read the Help files to
decipher how to use functions
9Information Functions
Information functions are useful for finding out
things about cells. For example, if some cell is
blank perhaps you want to ignore it in a
calculation. You can use the ISBLANK() function
to check if a cell is blank.
10Math and Trig Functions
- Many, many mathematical functions, heres a few
- Sum(), Product(), Fact()
- Floor(), Ceiling(), Int(), Round()
- Sin(), Cos(), Tan()
- Rand()
- Exp(), LN(), Log(), Log10()
11Descriptive Statistics in Excel
- MIN(), MAX()
12Nesting Functions Inside Other Functions
- Often you need to use multiple functions inside
the same formula to accomplish some task - If(Len(A1)gt12,Invalid phone ,OK)
- Assume A1 Report Date 1/25/2003To get the
date into B1Datevalue(Mid(A1,13,11))