Title: Mitigating the effect of Wind
1Mitigating the effect of Wind
- Peter Eriksen
- EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre
2The effect of headwind
3NM90 sec., 40 landings/hour
3NM72 sec., 50 landings/hour
3Mitigation of head wind
2,5NM75 sec., 48 landings/hour
3NM72 sec., 50 landings/hour
4Time Based Separation Project
- Initial Arrival Capacity Recovery Estimate
- Up to four arrival slots can be recovered per
hour - Initial Hazard Analysis
- No indications that the procedure will be unsafe
- Initial reaction from ICAO
- No initial objections, follow-up required
- Acceptance from ATC Controllers
- Controllers that have been exposed to the concept
are aware of the problem and supportive - Acceptance by airline pilots
- No negative reactions from pilots
5Time Based Separation Project
- The initial feasibility study will be completed
this year. - The EUROCONTROL Airport Domain will propose that
the project enters into the programme initiation
phase - Further validation will then be undertaken
6Cross Wind Departures
7The way forward for Cross Wind
- Study the transportation of Wake Vortex in Cross
wind conditions - Study the In-ground effect
- Develop the Cross Wind Departure Operational
concept - Look into Cross wind arrivals
- The activity is undertaken in cooperation with
the FAA
8.and the parallel runway?
Max. 250m
9http//www.airliners.net/open.file/358316/L/ Thai
Airways MD-11 at Zurich, Switzerland, May 24,