Title: KEK Hiroshi Yamaoka
1May 11, 05
Task list for Magnet/Iron yoke
KEK Hiroshi Yamaoka
Solenoid magnet Iron yoke Experimental hall and
other facilities
2Task list for Magnet
Iron Yoke
Coil/superconductor design - Optimize coil
configuration 2 layers coil Al support cylinder
Correction coil? ? Calculation Magnetic
force on the coil - Superconductor
design Conductor size, Material(Al?, Cu?) ?
Calculation Load line, Quench simulation Coil
support system Configuration(Rod?, triangle
shape?, string?), size? ? Calculation
De-centering/shifted force
Self-weight, Thermal load Coil
supports have to withstand these forces. Cryostat
design - Calculate required wall thickness.
Calorimeter is supported on the inner vacuum
wall. Assembly/Installation - Assembling
procedure. - How install the magnet into iron
yoke. Cooling scheme Thermal design Cryogenics
system Power Supply
Correction coil
3Task list for Iron Yoke
Magnetic field calculation - Optimize iron yoke
configuration Field uniformitylt2mm
Correction coil Try to loose amount of
iron Support structure for iron yoke (barrel
yoke/end yoke) How support the yoke against
forces. Fixture, Bolts? Configuration, Size
? Calculation Self-weight, magnetic force,
seismic force? The size of support ? Minimize as
possible Yoke assembling Weight of one layer
gt1000 tones. ? Assembled from several piece of
segments due to a limit of crane
capacity. Segment configuration with keeping
stiffness as complete one structure has to be
considered. Construction Make a construction
procedure ? Easy/quick construction with high
assembling accuracy. Adjust way to the beam
line/level Maintenance procedures Design
Easy/quick access mechanism to the inner
Barrel Yoke
End Yoke
Mag. force
4Experimental hall and other facilities
Space for Solenoid/Yoke assembling Estimation of
required space for - Coil winding - Cryogenic
system - Yoke assembling. Required crane