Title: Integrating Social Studies
1Integrating Social Studies Reading/Writing
- Kathy Cassioppi,
- Social Studies (K-12)
- Curriculum Coordinator
- November 13, 2009
2Essential Questions
- What does the structure of Social Studies
curriculum in Rockford Public Schools look like
and how does one grade level connect with the
next? - How can Social Studies serve as the value-added
component to Reading Writing instruction?
3Social Studies Articulation K-9
4District Social Studies Framework
- District Website Social Studies Scope and
Sequence (http//webs.rps205.com/curriculum/ssandv
oc/SSArticulation.html) - "We can not always build the future for our
youth, - but we can build our youth for the future.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
5Best Practices for Social Studies
- Increase the in-depth study of topics or content
in each social studies discipline and decrease
cursory coverage of a lock step curriculum.
Deeper understandings help student learn, retain,
and apply skills and knowledge. Select the most
important content and concepts, the most
representative case studies, the most
precedent-setting events that students must know
and apply to their lives outside of school.
6Best Practices for Social Studies
- Increase activities that engage students in
inquiry and problem solving about significant
human issues. - Increase student decision making and
participation opportunities in school and in
wider social, political, and economic affairs.
Students need opportunities to practice
participation skills to carry on our
democratic republican form of government.
7Best Practices for Social Studies
- Integrate social studies disciplines within the
field as well as with other areas of the
curriculum. - Help elementary students build on their prior
knowledge from their experiences, television and
the Internet by providing content moving beyond
the traditional curriculum focus on family,
neighborhood, and community.
8Best Practices for Social Studies
- Increase knowledge and awareness of global
issues, ethnic groups and religious groups to
help students understand the environment that
surrounds them locally, nationally and
internationally. - Using multiple kinds of measures to assess
student understandings and skills should happen
throughout instruction. The spotlight is now on
"what the student has learned" not on "what the
teacher has taught."
9Best Practices for Social Studies
- Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
(http//dpi.wi.gov/cal/ss-bestpract.html )
10Elementary Teachers Edition
- Unit Planner with Core Extend Lessons and Skill
Lessons - Core Lessons incorporate State Standards,
included targeted reading skills with graphic
organizers - Extend Lessons dig deeper and enrichment
- Skill Lessons charts, graphs,
maps, study skills,
reading/thinking skills, etc.
11Elementary Teachers Edition
- Social Studies Independent Books
- Information about these is contained in the
teacher manual at the start of the unit - Three levels Extra Support (circle), On Level
(triangle), and Challenge (square) - Each teacher should have these in his/her
classroom - All centered around unit theme
12Elementary Teachers Edition
- Unit Bibliography recommendations of materials
that would support the content of the unit - Picture books
- Read alouds
- Reference books
- Independent readers
13Elementary Teachers Edition
- Reaching All Learners Extra Support, Challenge,
ELL - Center Activities/Cross-Curricular Activities
Language Arts, Math, Science ,Music, Drama, Art,
Physical Education - Grades K-2 TEs have Opening Routines Daily
Message, Look at a Map, Calendar and Holidays,
and Daily Writing Prompts
14Elementary Teachers Edition
- Big Ideas Essential Questions for the Units
- Kindergarten What are some things that have
changed over time? - Grade 1 What choices do people make to get the
things they want? - Grade 2 Why is the world around you important in
your life? - Grade 3 In what ways are people all the same?
- Grade 4 What do you like most about the place
where you live? - Grade 5 What does freedom mean to you?
15Elementary Teachers Edition
- Critical Thinking for each Core Lesson,
identifies skills and assists with Think Aloud - Analyze
- Cause Effect
- Compare
- Draw Conclusions
- Evaluate
- Fact Opinion
- Infer
- Synthesize
16Elementary Teachers Edition
- Performance Rubrics
- Writing Rubrics
- Reaching All Learners
- Background, Extra Support, On Level, Challenge,
ELL, Literature suggestions - Additional Language Arts, Math, Science, Art,
Music, Physical Education, Drama suggestions as
to how to integrate Social Studies concepts
within other areas
17Elementary Teachers Edition
- Using Videotapes
- Family Newsletters
- Graphic Organizers
- Outline Maps
- Vocabulary Cards
18Student Edition
- Unit Vocabulary Preview 4 words with actual
photographs when possible (you are there for
the students) - Can include
- Character Traits
- Geographic Terms
- Gazetteer
- Atlas
- Picture Glossary
- Holidays
- Historical Documents
- United States Presidents
- Biographical Dictionary
- Facts to Know State Databank / The 50 United
19Student Edition
- Grades K-3 Main ideas are underlined in blue
with a blue icon labeled main idea - Grades 4-5 Main ideas are stated under large red
headings in the lessons - Illuminates a very
important reading skill
20Social Studies Read Aloud
- Houghton Mifflin has included a Teacher Read
Aloud for each unit in order for teachers to
model fluency, pronunciation, etc. - Activate Prior Knowledge
- Preview the Chapter
- Read-Aloud Vocabulary
- Preview the Reading Strategy for Grades 1-5 only
21Social Studies Read Aloud
- Using Social Studies materials provides many
opportunities for the teacher to teach expository
text - The teacher can guide students to apply
strategies when
reading Social Studies
22Social Studies Shared Reading
- Big Books (Grades K-1)
- Skill Lessons
- Map Globe
- Chart Graph
- Study Skills
- Reading Thinking
- Citizenship
- Reading Skills / Graphic Organizer
- Extend Lessons include poems, songs, literature,
Readers Theater and connect to the lesson
23Social Studies Guided Reading
- Social Studies Independent Books sets are in
the classroom (3 levels Extra Support, On
Level, and Challenge) - Leveled Readers sets are in the Book Room (4
levels Language Support (diamond) added), Irene
Fountas, consulting author - Both types focus on the theme of the unit
24Social Studies Reading Workshop
- Within the text, students have direct connections
to reading strategies - Core Lessons offer opportunities to answer the
Essential Questions - Extend Lessons provide opportunities for
discussions on literature
25Social Studies Independent Reading
- Social Studies Independent Books in each
classroom - Extend Lessons offer additional avenues to
enrich and
extend the lesson
26 Social Studies Writing
- Opportunities abound in Social Studies!
- Critical Thinking within lesson and in the Lesson
Review lends itself to Extended Response - Cross-Curricular Activities Write a Letter
(Grade 4 Ask students to write a letter to
a friend or family member in which they describe
their feelings about their new homes. In their
letters, they should refer to the land, climate,
plants, animals, economy, and history of the
27Social Studies Writing
- Write a Journal Entry (Grade 3 Have students
think about what it would be like to be travelers
passing through Navajo land 200 years ago. Ask
them to write a journal entry describing the
traditional way of life. Suggest that they
include facts about Navajo farming, herding,
weaving, building homes, and
holding ceremonies.
28Social Studies Writing
- Write a Newspaper Article
- Create Math Word Problems
- Write a Questionnaire
- Make a Comic Strip
- Write a Poem
- Prepare an Oral Report
- And more!
29Middle School Social Studies
- Grade 6 Glencoes Journey Across Time The
Early Ages - Grades 7 8 Glencoes
The American Journey
30Middle School Social Studies
- Textbooks have similar features to facilitate
understanding the structure of the text (SQ3R) - Reading Strategies are built into the text
- Use of Foldables Graphic Organizers as reading
and vocabulary strategies and study guides
31Middle School Social Studies
- Consult Social Studies Coordinator for more
(815) 966-8918 or
32District Social Studies Website
- Your source for Social Studies information
- http//webs.rps205.com/curriculum/ssandvoc/
33Questions, Comments?