Title: Matrix Algebra - Tutorial 4
1Matrix Algebra - Tutorial 4
Use two port matrix techniques to form a matrix
equation relating the input and output voltages
and currents for the circuit shown below.
Evaluate v2 and i2 when v1 17V and i1 4A.
Find the A matrix for the above circuit. Hence,
assuming i2 0, evaluate v2/v1. Verify this is
correct by some other method. Convert the A
matrix to its equivalent Y matrix.
Use matrix techniques to find the complex
transfer function of the above. Evaluate the Gain
and Phase of the network when v1 is a sinusoid
whose angular frequency is 3 rad/s.
Find the A matrix of the above circuit in terms
of L, C, R and s, the Laplace variable. Convert
the matrix to the equivalent Z matrix.
Find the A matrix of the circuit below omitting
the 0.2? resistor, convert it to its Y form and
hence find the Y matrix of the complete circuit.