The Viruses and VirusLike Agents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Viruses and VirusLike Agents


The Viruses and VirusLike Agents – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Viruses and VirusLike Agents

Chapter 13
  • The Viruses and Virus-Like Agents

13.1 Foundations of Virology
  • Many Scientists Contributed to the Early
    Understanding of Viruses
  • Dimitri Ivanowsky and Martinus Beiherinck studied
    the tobacco mosaic virus
  • Walter Reed studied foot-and-mouth disease and
    yellow fever

Figure 13.3b, page 371
Figure 13.4, page 373
  • Frederick Twort and Felix dHerelle studied
  • In the 1930s, it was discovered that viruses are
    nonliving agents composed of nucleic acid and
  • Alice M. Woodruff and Ernest W. Goodpasture
    developed a culture technique using chicken eggs

Figure 13.2, page 371
13.2 What are Viruses?
  • Viruses Are Tiny Infectious Agents
  • Viruses are small, obligate intracellular
  • They lack the machinery for generating energy and
    large molecules
  • They need a host eukaryote or prokaryote to
  • The viral genome contains either DNA or RNA, but
    not both

  • The capsid is the protein coat, made up of
  • The nucleocapsid is the capsid with its enclosed
  • Some capsid proteins are spikes that help the
    virus attach to and penetrate the host cell

  • Naked viruses are composed only of a nucleocapsid
  • Viruses surrounded by an envelope are enveloped
  • A virion is a completely assembled, infectious
    virus outside its host cell

Figure 13.5, page 374
  • Viruses Are Grouped by Their Shape
  • Helical viruses have helical symmetry
  • Isocahedral viruses have isocahedral symmetry
  • Viruses that have both helical and isocahedral
    symmetry have complex symmetry

Figure 13.6, page 375
  • Viruses Have a Host Range and Tissue Specificity
  • A host range refers to what organisms the virus
    can infect
  • Host range depends on capsid structure
  • Many viruses infect certain cell or tissue types
    within the host (tissue tropism)

13.3 The Classification of Viruses
  • Nomenclature and Classification Do Not Use
    Conventional Taxonomic Groups
  • Viruses can be named according to a number of
    different conventions
  • The International Committee on Taxonomy of
    Viruses (ICTV) is developing a classification
  • DNA viruses contain single- or double-stranded
    DNA genomes

  • RNA viruses contain single- or double-stranded
    RNA genomes
  • strand RNA viruses have mRNA genomes
  • strand RNA viruses have RNA strands that would
    be complementary to mRNA
  • Retroviruses are replicated indirectly through a
    DNA intermediate

13.4 Viral Replication and its Control
  • The Replication of Bacteriophages Is a Five-Step
  • T-even group bacteriophages are virulent viruses
    that carry out a lytic cycle of infection
  • The phage nucleic acid contains only a few of the
    genes needed for viral synthesis and replication

Figure 13.7a, page 375
  • Phase 1 Attachment occurs when a phages tail
    fibers match with a receptor site on the
    bacteriums cell wall
  • Phase 2 Penetration occurs when the phage tail
    releases lysozyme to dissolve a portion of the
    cell wall
  • Phage DNA is injected into the bacterial
  • Phase 3 Biosynthesis is the production of new
    phage genomes and capsid parts
  • Phase 4 Maturation is the assembly of viral
    parts into complete virus particles
  • Phase 5 Release is the exit of virions from the
  • It is also called the lysis stage when the cell
    is ruptured

  • Temperate phages do not lyse the host
  • They insert their DNA into the bacterial
    chromosome as a prophage (lysogenic cycle)

Figure 13.8, page 380
  • Animal Virus Replication Has Similarities to
    Phage Replication
  • Animal viruses attach to host plasma membrane via
    spikes on the capsid or envelope

Figure 13.9, page 382
  • Since receptor sites vary from person to person,
    some people are more susceptible to a certain
    virus than others
  • Animal viruses are usually taken into the
    cytoplasm as intact nucleocapsids
  • Uncoating is the separation of the capsid from
    the genome
  • This occurs as some animal viruses enter the cell

  • After the new viruses are assembled, envelope
    proteins are incorporated into a cellular
  • The virus buds, taking the membrane part with it
    as an envelope

Figure 13.10, page 383
  • Some Animal Viruses Can Exist as Proviruses
  • Some DNA viruses and retroviruses insert their
    genome into the host chromosome as a provirus
  • Retroviruses use reverse transcriptase to
    transcribe their RNA to DNA
  • It can then be inserted into the host chromosome

Figure 13.11, page 384
  • The provirus encodes a repressor protein that
    prevents activation of the viral genes necessary
    for replication
  • It is in a state of latency
  • Latent proviruses are immune to the host bodys
  • They are propagated each time the cells
    chromosome is reproduced
  • Eventually the provirus will be activated and

  • Antiviral Drugs Can Be Used to Treat a Limited
    Number of Human Viral Diseases
  • Antibiotics do not work against viruses
  • Viruses lack the elements with which antibiotics
  • Some antivirals exist to affect
  • viral penetration/uncoating
  • genome replication
  • maturation/release

  • Most antivirals target the replication enzymes of
    the virus by
  • inserting base analogs in the replicating DNA
  • blocking replication of the viral genome
  • Reverse transcriptase inhibitors prevent the
    synthesis of DNA in retroviruses
  • Protease inhibitors impede the HIV protease that
    trims viral proteins in capsid construction
  • Neuraminidase inhibitors block an enzyme in the
    spike of influenzaviruses
  • This prevents the release of new virions into the

  • Interferon Puts Cells in an Antiviral State
  • Interferon (IFN) is a group of naturally-produced
    proteins that alert cells to a viral infection
  • Some IFNs have anti-cancer properties
  • Cells in an antiviral state can inhibit viral
    replication by preventing protein synthesis

  • IFNs bind to receptors on cells, triggering them
    to produce antiviral proteins

Figure 13.12, page 388
13.5 The Cultivation and Detection of Viruses
  • Detection of Viruses Often Is Critical to Disease
  • Rivers postulates expand upon Kochs postulates
    to help identify viruses
  • Filtrates of infectious material shown not to
    contain bacterial or other cultivatable organisms
    must produce the disease or its counterpart
  • Filtrates must produce specific antibodies in
    appropriate animals

  • Cytology uses light microscopy to examine cells
    for cytopathic effects (CPEs) of viral infection
  • Unusually, viruses can be observed directly by
    electron microscopy

Figure 13.13, page 390
  • Cultivation and Detection of Viruses Most Often
    Uses Cells in Culture
  • In a primary cell culture, cells form a monolayer
    in a culture dish
  • The type of cell culture depends on the virus to
    be cultivated in the monolayer
  • Viruses can be detected by the formation of
    plaques, a clear zone within the monolayer

Figure 13.14c, page 391
13.6 Cancer and Viruses
  • Cancer Is an Uncontrolled Growth and Spread of
  • A tumor is a clone of abnormal cells
  • Normally, the body surrounds a tumor with a
    capsule of connective tissue
  • a benign tumor
  • Tumor cells can break free from the capsule and
    spread to other tissues of the body (metastasis)
  • a malignant tumor

  • Viruses Are Responsible for Up to 20 Percent of
    Human Tumors
  • 60-90 of human cancers are associated with

Figure 13.15, page 393
  • Oncogenic viruses include
  • Epstein-Barr virus is linked to Burkitt Lymphoma,
    a tumor of the jaw
  • Human papilloma virus (HPV) is associated with
    cervical cancer
  • There is now a vaccine against the 2 most common
    strains of HPV

  • Oncogenic Viruses Transform Infected Cells
  • The oncogene theory suggests that protooncogenes
    normally reside in the chromosomal DNA of a cell
  • They can be transformed to oncogenes by
  • radiation
  • chemical carcinogens
  • DNA damage
  • viruses

Figure 13.16, page 395
  • Sometimes a virus inserts its DNA (as a provirus)
    into a cells chromosome next to a protooncogene
  • When virus replication is triggered, the provirus
    replicates its only DNA as well as a few adjacent
    host genes
  • V-oncogenes are protooncogenes captured in the
    viral genome
  • When the oncogenic viruses infect another cell,
    the v-oncogene is under the virus control not
    the cells control
  • The v-oncogene can then code of growth factors
    stimulating uncontrolled cell proliferation

Figure 13.17, page 396
13.7 Emerging Viruses and Viral Evolution
  • Emerging Viruses Usually Arise Through Natural
  • Emerging viruses may spread to new populations,
    or may expand host range
  • Genetic recombination can lead to new viruses
  • Mutation can occasionally be advantageous and
    create a new or new strain of virus

  • There Are Three Hypotheses for the Origin of
  • The regressive evolution hypothesis
  • Viruses are degenerate life-forms
  • The cellular origins hypothesis
  • Viruses are derived from subcellular components
    and macromolecules that escaped from cell walls
    and replicated inside hosts
  • The independent entities hypothesis
  • Viruses coevolved with cellular organisms from a
    self-replicating molecule present on primitive

13.8 Virus-Like Agents
  • Viroids Are Infectious RNA particles
  • Viroids are tiny fragments of RNA that cause
    diseases in crop plants
  • The replication cycle and disease causation
    process of viroids are not understood
  • One hypothesis suggests they originated as introns

Figure 13.18, page 400
  • Prions Are Infectious Proteins
  • Transmissible spongiform ecephalopathies (TSEs)
    can occur in humans and other animals
  • For example, mad cow disease
  • TSEs are neurologic degenerative diseases that
    can be transmitted within or between species
  • Originally, scientists believed TSEs were caused
    by a virus
  • Stanley Prusiner discovered the proteinaceous
    infectious particle (prion)

Figure 13.19a, page 401
  • The protein-only hypothesis predicts that prions
    are composed only of protein and contain no
    nucleic acids
  • Normal cellular prions have a different shape
    than abnormal prions, the latter of which cause
  • TSEs may spread when infectious prions bind to
    normal prions
  • This causes normal prions to change shape and
    become abnormal
  • Abnormal prions do not trigger an immune response

Figure 13.19b, page 401
  • Death of the host occurs from nerve cell death
    leading to sponge-like holes in brain tissue
  • Symptoms include
  • dementia
  • weakened muscles
  • loss of balance
  • This results from insoluble aggregates of
    abnormal prions in the brain
  • The human form of TSE is called variant CJD
    (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)
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