Title: Consulting Business Startup Evaluation Progress Report
1Consulting BusinessStart-up EvaluationProgress
Report 2
- EMMP Capstone Project
- Central Team
- 03/04/2003
- Work Completed
- Project Tools Created
- Project Control Tools
- Project Activities
- Attention Areas
- Summary
- Next Steps
3Work Completed (Project Proposal from Report 1)
- Project Definition Evaluate the start up of an
- engineering consulting business focusing on
- manufacturing improvements.
- Deliverables include case study and business
- start-up analysis
- Limited to 700 team work hours
- Limited to 100 in expenses
4Work Completed (Current Project Proposal)
- Project Definition Evaluate the start up of an
- engineering consulting business focusing on
- manufacturing improvements.
- Change Notice 3 Redefine the time and schedule
for the Business Start-up Analysis. Time and
Schedule change from 51.25 days to 59.5 days. New
completion date is planned for 5/16/03.
5Work Completed (Schedule)
- Due to Change Notice 3, business case outline and
schedule changed
6Project Control Tools
- Project Hours Spreadsheet
- (process owner - Jim Heimler)
- MRCT - Master Revision Control Tracker
- (process owner - Tron Melzl)
- MRCT will be terminated by 3/04/2003. Project
documents revision will be control on the teams
web page. - Change Notice Process
- (process owner - Tony Sciortino)
- Schedule Update Process
- Budget
- Web Page - http//my.execpc.com/tmelzl/
- (process owner Alex Sender)
7Project Control Tools Created
- Budget
- A 100 budget was set up at the beginning of the
project for incidentals. - No budget forecast.
- No spending to date.
8Project Activities To Date(Case Study)
- As of Progress Report 1
- Chose, Researched, Analyzed, and Summarized
Business Continuous Improvement Methodologies. - Summary
- II. Processes
- III. Deliverables
- IV. Tools
- V. Ease of Implementation and Sustainability in
any Manufacturing Setting - VI. Miscellaneous
9Project Activities To Date(Case Study)
- Continuing Case Study Work
- Established Research Conclusions
- Identification of Core Continuous Improvement
Methodologies (Lean Mfg. and Six Sigma) - All other methodologies should be considered as
- offshoot of founding fathers
- a tool to assist with Lean Mfg. and Six Sigma
programs - During research, realized ironic shift in Mfg.
Sector towards Lean and Six Sigma as Lean Six
10Project Activities To Date(Case Study)
- Continuing Case Study Work
- Further Research Conclusions
- Lean and Six Sigma are complimentary but there
are still more opportunities. - Led towards two additional research questions
- How can a company be certain that they are
solving the right problem? - How could a company achieve extraordinary results
with Lean or Six Sigma without an additional
method to streamline creativity and innovation?
11Project Activities To Date(Case Study)
- Continuing Case Study Work
- Development of AAR SIMPLE Methodology.
- Best practices of Lean and Six Sigma.
- Integrated TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem
Solving) - Focus on
- solving the correct problem (root cause
identification methods) - creative and innovative solutions
12Project Activities To Date(Case Study)
- Continuing Case Study Work
- Completed Case Study Deliverables
- Detailed AAR SIMPLE Methodology
- A full detail of the origins/development of the
AAR SIMPLE Methodology - Introduction to SIMPLE Solutions and a detail of
consulting Service Plans and Options - 8 step process flow detail with process outline
and frequently used tools - Terms glossary
- Bibliography
13Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Business Plan Outline for SIMPLE Solutions
Limited Liability Company Completed - Company Start-up Summary Completed
- Company start-up cost equal 26,925
- Company Ownership
- Each individual will be entitled to 20 of the
company and will be equally responsible for the
company ownership. - Company location, Downtown Milwaukee, WI
14Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Company Product and Service Outline Reviewed.
- Service Plan 1
- SIMPLE Solutions will follow the AAR SIMPLE
methodology through the Assess, Analyze, Redefine
and Study steps. The resulting deliverables from
Service Plan 1 are - clear definition of the problem
- full understanding of the Critical to Quality
output factors (CTQ-Ys) - project Solutions Document
- At the conclusion of Service Plan 1, the
customer has an option of continuing with SIMPLE
Solutions to the next service plan.
15Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Service Plan 2
- Service Plan 2 is a continuation of the AAR
SIMPLE methodology through the Investigate and
Minimize steps. The resulting deliverables from
Service Plan 2 are - extensive statistical and experimental data
analysis - a full understanding of the input factors (Xs)
and relative importance of each - root casue(s) identified
- At this stage in the project, however, SIMPLE
Solutions offers two different service plan
options for the customer. - Option 1 SIMPLE Solutions representatives will
complete all required - activities in the Investigate and Minimize steps.
Deliverables are - outlined above.
- Option 2 SIMPLE Solutions representatives will
facilitate and train - customer resources to complete all required
activities in the Investigate - and Minimize steps. Deliverables are outlined
above. - At the conclusion of Service Plan 2, the customer
has an option of - continuing with SIMPLE Solutions to the next
service plan.
16Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Service Plan 3
- Service Plan 3 is a continuation of the AAR
SIMPLE methodology through the Perform and
Lasting Effects steps. The resulting
deliverables from Service Plan 3 are - completion of the Implementation Plan
- project performance review
- a control plan for lasting effects.
- At this stage in the project, SIMPLE Solutions
offers the same two service plan options for the
customer as outlined in Service Plan 2. - Option 1 SIMPLE Solutions representatives
will complete all required activities of the
Investigate and Minimize steps. Deliverables are
outlined above. - Option 2 SIMPLE Solutions representatives will
facilitate and train customer resources to
complete all required activities in the
Investigate and Minimize steps. Deliverables are
outlined above. - Future Services
- Seminars, Additional Consulting,etc.
17Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Market Analysis
- Overall Market
- Geographic Area
- Market Size
- Market Segmentation
- Company w/in Specific Industry
Potential To Go After
18Project Activities To Date(Business Start-Up
- Market Analysis
- Competitive Analysis
- Major Competitors
- Strengths Weaknesses
- Threats Risks
- Our Differences
Potential Customers
19 Attention Areas
- Barriers To Overcome
- Issues
- UWM requirements
- Deliverables for final presentation
- Schedule
- Close watch items, see if any further changes
required to deliver on time.
21Next Steps
- Completed Case Study Phase on 2/25/03
- Create real life example
- Work on final presentation
- Began Business Start Up on 2/3/03
- Continue progress on market analysis and rest of
deliverables - Progress Report 3 scheduled 4/10/03.