Title: Risk Mitigation
1CSR Centre for Excellence
- Risk Mitigation CSR in Africa Striking a
Balance - 22 October 2009
2Context for a Canadian CSR Strategy
- Canada, its provinces and territories, still
provide some of the most attractive jurisdictions
to explore and extract worldwide - Survey in 2007 shows there are even more
operations run by Canadians outside Canada than
in Canada - TSX is host of more mining exploration and
extraction companies than all the other stock
exchanges - A similar situation applies to Oil and Gas
3Context for a Canadian CSR Strategy
Building the Canadian Advantage A CSR Strategy
for the Canadian International Extractive Sector
The Strategy comprises 4 pillars
CSR Centre for Excellence
Promotion of Voluntary CSR Performance
Host Government Resource Capacity Building
Extractive Sector CSR Counsellor
4CSR Centre for Excellence
The Strategy calls for the development of a CSR
Centre for Excellence in an existing institution
outside government that will provide
- Up-to-date, relevant information on CSR for
clients in government and industry - Business-friendly tools to implement
CSR/inventory of extractive sector regulations
and policies - Community of practice public platform for
stakeholders to share information - The centre will hosted by The Canadian Institute
of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
5Proposed Mandate Objective
- To improve the social and environmental
performance and reputation of Canadian companies
by improving their capacity to address CSR in
their operations internationally.
- To encourage Canadian companies to implement CSR
practices on the ground by facilitating access to
CSR knowledge
6Proposed Definition, Roadmap and Metrics
- CSR will be interpreted in an inclusive,
non-judgmental way and cover issues related to
social, environmental and ethical business
- The Centre will be developed in phases over the
next 12- 18 months - Building on the GOC CSR policy and Roundtables,
the immediate priority is for end-to-end mining
and oil gas practices in Latin America and
Africa - Short term priority French version
- Mid term priority applicability to Canadian
North, Spanish version - Long term vision one-stop-shop across sectors
and geographies
- Short term ? widespread use of Centre
- Usage metrics, survey results, etc.
- Long term ? changes in behavior on the ground,
improved reputation - Performance on key indicators, survey results,
Possible Success Metrics
7Proposed Operating Model
Canadian Centre for CSR
Academics, Civil Society Organizations,
Companies, Indigenous groups, Educators, General
Public, Government, Foreign Governments,
Investors/ Financial Institutions, Media,
- Consumers of knowledge will have unrestricted
access to the full range of information. Some
information will be available free-of-charge,
some of it will require registering, while some
will be available for a fee (depending on source).
- Interim Committee
- Responsible for getting Centre established and
building platform for its sustainability
Knowledge out
- Community of Practice
- A central web-based database of research, tools,
best practices, training materials and experts
- Advisory Panels and Roundtables
- Represents a spectrum of interests, experience
- Provides unrestricted input on material issues
Knowledge in
Case Studies
Training Materials
Contact Registry
Contact centre
- Sources of knowledge will include but not be
limited to national and international
contributions from industry, consultants, all
levels of government, indigenous groups,
academics and civil society organizations
8Priorities for the interim committee
- Set immediate priorities for key operational
issues - Outline the Centres long term funding model and
processes - Set up initial Advisory groups for operational
issues - Content, functionality, funding, others
- Prioritize Roundtable issue topics
- Human rights, China, Junior Mining, Oil Gas,
Competitiveness, Benchmarking, Mapping, others - Confirm pace of roll-out to other industries
- Outline a marketing and communications strategy
- Formalize partnerships
- Detail roadmap and reporting framework, including
performance indicators - Others?