Title: Results of the CSuite Executive Survey
1Results of the C-Suite Executive Survey
December 13, 2007
James W. Hughes, Dean Joseph J. Seneca,
University Professor Edward J. Bloustein School
of Planning and Public Policy Marc D. Weiner,
Associate Director Bloustein Survey Research
2C-Suite Sample Details
- Sampling Frame 665 companies
- Generated Sample 185 companies
- Number of Completed Interviews 135
3Geographic Distribution of C-Suite Respondents
- North Jersey 59
- Central Jersey 46
- South Jersey 11
- Other States 19
- Total 135
4Industry Distribution of C-Suite Respondents
- Financial Activities 43
- Prof. Bus. Services 24
- Manufacturing 19
- Misc. Services 12
- Other/Unidentified 37
- Total 135
5Advantages of Doing Business in New Jersey
- Positive
- Factor Responses
- Air Transportation 76.5
- Location w/in the Northeast 69.9
- Quality of Workforce 67.9
- Availability of Workforce 67.1
- Quality of Public Education 66.6
- Quality of Higher Education 64.4
- Access to Healthcare 57.7
6Disadvantages ofDoing Business in New Jersey
- Negative
- Factor Responses
- Cost of Housing 88.8
- Cost of Living 88.1
- State Tax Levels 83.2
- Local Land-Use Regulations 70.8
- State Regulations 64.2
7Decision to Expand
- Of 129 respondents
- 104 reported that they plan to expand within the
next few years - Of those 104 planning to expand
- 61 plan to expand in New Jersey
8Decision to ExpandMost Important Factors
- of
- Factor Responses
- Quality of Workforce 87.5
- Availability of Workforce 83.6
- Amount and Type of Taxes 77.5
- Availability of Space 67.0
- Access to Markets 52.4
- Government Regulation 51.5
- Cost of Housing and Living 47.1
9Where to Expand
- Of the 104 companies planning to expand
- 61 plan to expand in New Jersey
- 40 plan to expand elsewhere in the Northeast
- 51 plan to expand in a different region of the
U.S. - 36 plan to expand in a different country
10New Jersey StrengthsComparison to Other Locations
- NJ Stronger/
- Factor Total Responses
- Quality of Public Education 27 / 35
- Quality of Higher Education 23 / 31
- Access to Markets 35 / 53
- Quality of Workforce 52 / 88
- Availability of Workforce 41 / 85
11New Jersey WeaknessesComparison to Other
- NJ Weaker/
- Factor Total Responses
- Cost of Housing and Living 46 / 47
- Amount Type of Taxes 73 / 77
- Government Regulation 43 / 51
- Government Incentives 24 / 37
12Which Taxes Are Most in Need of Reform?
- of
- Tax Responses
- Property Tax 47.2
- Tax on Business/Corporations 26.0
- State Individual Personal Income Tax 23.6
- Real Estate Transfer Tax 1.6
- State Sales Tax 1.6
13Long-Run Commitment to New Jersey
- of
- Company Will Responses
- Definitely Stay 40.0
- Probably Stay 52.5
- Probably Leave 6.7
- Definitely Leave 0.8
- 92.5 of respondent companies
- plan to remain in New Jersey