Title: Dr Nicola Pavoni Office: DH 225 n'pavoniucl'ac'uk www'ucl'ac'ukuctpnpa
1Dr Nicola PavoniOffice DH 225n.pavoni_at_ucl.ac.uk
B01 Macroeconomics
MacroeconomicsOliver Blanchard (MIT)Third (or
fourth) Edition, Prentice Hall
2Introduction--The Issues and Approach of
- Three time-frames of macroanalysis
- Short-run
- Medium-run
- Long-run
The Issues and Approach of Macroeconomics
- Central Variables of Macroeconomics
- Output, Y
- Real gross domestic product (GDP)
- Measures total income of an economy
- Unemployment, u
- Measures the number of people looking for a job,
but who are without a job - Inflation, p
- The rate of change of the general price level
4Aggregate Output
Defining GDP Three Approaches
- 1) Final good
- 2) Value added
- 3) Income
5Aggregate Output
Aggregate Output (national income and product
accounts, or NIPA)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Y
- The value of the final goods and services
produced in an economy during a given period
6Aggregate Output
Nominal Real GDP
- Recall
- GDP the value of final goods and services
produced - Value is the price of the final good
- Therefore,
- GDP Price x Quantity of final goods produced
7Aggregate Output
Calculating Real GDP
- Real GDP value of final goods in constant
prices - PtYtNominal GDPt(Todays )
PtcarsQtcarsPtban. Qtbananas - Yt Real GDPt (base year )
P0carsQtcarsP0ban. Qtbananas - P0 base year (1980 for instance)
8Aggregate Output
Real GDP in Units
Production of cars
- 1991 -- 10,000
- 1992 -- 12,000 (20 increase)
- 1993 -- 13,000 (8.33 increase)
9Aggregate Output
Real GDP in 1992 s
Car Production x 1992 Prices
- 1991 -- 10 x 12,000 120,000
- 1992 -- 12 x 12,000 144,000 (20 increase)
- 1993 -- 13 x 12,000 156,000 (8 increase)
Note Nominal 1992 GDP Real 1992 GDP
10Nominal and RealU.S. GDP, 1960-1998
11Aggregate Output
Defining GDP Three Approaches
- 2) Value Added Approach
- The increase in the value of goods as a result of
the production process
12Aggregate Output
- Final Goods are purchased by the ultimate user
- Intermediate Goods form inputs to other firms
production processes
13Aggregate Output
Defining GDP
- 3) GDP from the income side
14The Composition of GDP byType of Income
15Aggregate Output
Technical Notes For the Course
- GDP growth in year t -- rate of change in real
GDP in year t - GDP growth (yt - yt-1)/yt-1
- Expansions -- periods of positive growth
- Recessions -- periods of negative growth(2
consecutive quarters)
16The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
The Unemployment Rate
17The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
Counting the Unemployed
18The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
Unemployment and Economic Activity
- Okuns Law
- High output growth -- reduces unemployment
- Low output growth -- increases unemployment
19Social Implications of Unemployment
- Unemployment rates and duration vary by
population groups - Certain groups incur a disproportionate share of
unemployment when unemployment increases - These are mainly young people
20Change in the U.S. Unemployment Rate versus U.S.
GDP Growth 1960 - 1998
21The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
- The Inflation Rate, p
- A sustained rise in the average price level
- Two Measures of the Price Level
- GDP Deflator
- Retail Price Index (RPI)
22The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
The GDP Deflator
- Average price of final goods produced
- GDP deflator in year t Pt
23The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
The GDP Deflator
- Pt is an index number
- P1993 102.6 (1992 100)
- Index numbers are used to measure rate of change
over time
24The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
The Retail Price Index (RPI)
- Average prices of goods consumed
- List of goods consumed by the typical person
- Calculate the weighted average level of prices
- The RPI is not equal to the GDP deflator
- Some final goods are sold to business,
government, and foreigners - Some consumer goods are imported
25Why do we care about inflation?
- Prices and wages do not rise proportionally
- Inflation creates market distortions due to
- Regulation
- Taxation
- Uncertainty for business investment
26Change in the U.S. Inflation Rate versus the U.S.
Unemployment Rate, 1970-1998
27The Other MajorMacroeconomic Variables
The Phillips Curve
- Low unemployment --inflation rate increases
- High unemployment -- inflation rate decreases
28Growth, Unemployment, andInflation in the EU,
1960-2000 1994-2000 2001-2004 (in
percent) (average) (average) (average)
Output growth rate 3.1 2.3 1.5 Unemployment
rate 5.8 9.0 7.8 Inflation rate 5.4 2.0 2.3
29A Road Map
The Central Question of Macroeconomics
- What determines the level of aggregate output and
unemployment? - Short-run (a few years) demand policies
- Medium-run (10 years) supply policies
- Long-run (50 years) government, education,