Title: ACTEonline'org tutorial
1Welcome to ACTEs redesigned Web site. Easier to
use and to navigate, this Web site will help you
keep up to date with ACTE and CTE news and will
give you more options for participation in the
CTE community.
2This PowerPoint tutorial will help you explore
the new features of ACTEonline. Press the space
bar or scroll with your mouse to move through
this tutorial.
3Log in to use ACTEonline to the fullest.
4Members, log in with your member ID (found on
your ACTE membership card, new member e-mail or
Techniques magazine mailing label) and password
(the default password is your last name).
5Nonmembers, register for free to start using
6Members, when you first log in to the new
ACTEonline, please take a moment to verify your
membership information. This will ensure ACTE can
contact you with important CTE and ACTE news.
7Join or renew your ACTE membership.
8(No Transcript)
9Find out what you can do to advocate for CTE!
10(No Transcript)
11The latest ACTE news, activities, programs and
publications couldnt be easier to find. Click a
tab to open a window into ACTE.
12Read the latest ACTE and CTE news, and get news
updates via RSS.
13Read ACTE blogs and other blogs about CTE.
14On the ACTE Convention Blog, attendees share
their experiences during the annual conference
and expo.
15The CTE Policy Watch Blog addresses ACTEs work
with policy makers and other organizations, CTE
legislation and policy, news analysis, and
advocacy tips.
16You can read and comment on blog posts.
17And receive updates to a blog via RSS.
18Or you can subscribe by e-mail to receive updates
in your inbox.
19One click takes you to the latest issue of
20Keep track of CTE professional development
21Learn whats happening in your Region, Division
or State Association.
22Enter the keyword youre looking for to perform a
Quick Search
23Or choose Advanced Search.
24Click the Advanced Search tab to search for
specific phrases or filter your results.
25myACTE is one of our favorite new features, but
you must be logged in to access it.
26 This personalized page is home to your favorite
pages on ACTEonline.
27While exploring ACTEonline, add pages important
to you to your favorites.
28If you are no longer interested in one of your
favorite pages, remove it with one click.
29Now you can easily print a page from ACTEonline,
use RSS to receive updates to a page, or share a
page with your colleagues.
30The Add Me bar takes you to a new page from
which you can follow links to ACTE on Facebook,
ACTE on LinkedIn, ACTE podcasts and other online
31The left menu is the backbone of the new Web site
and links to ACTEs departments and to resources
for you.
32The new ACTEonline has been re-organized to make
it easier for you to find what you need. For
instance, this new section houses CTE research
and data on effectiveness.
33ACTEs public policy resources are now under
Issues Advocacy.
34Issues Advocacy is your starting point for CTE
advocacy information. Enter your zip code to
contact your elected representatives.
35You, too, can advocate for CTE with the resources
in the Action Center.
36The Action Center has tips on working with
policymakers and the media. You can also join
the Ambassadors Network and help ACTE respond to
media enquiries about career and technical
37On the Vendor Resource Center, businesses can
learn about exhibiting at the ACTE Convention,
print and electronic advertising, and becoming an
ACTE event sponsor.
38Educators can search the Buyers Guide within the
Vendor Resource Center to find vendors by name,
location or product.
39The Educator Resource Center can help you improve
classroom instruction, develop new and innovative
programs, and pursue continuing education.
40ACTE has replaced its external Communities of
Practice online discussion groups with
easy-to-use forums directly on our Web site.
41On the Public Forums, participate in open
discussions about CTE topics important to you!
ACTE members, access forums for committees, task
forces and advisory boards here.
42Anyone can read the Public Forums and post
replies, but you must have an account and be
logged in to start a new topic on the Public
Forums or to access ACTE Committee Forums.
43To access a particular forum, click on its name.
44In each forum, there will be several topics.
Click on a topic name to read individual posts or
post your own reply.
45If youre logged in, you can start a new topic in
a particular forum
46and be notified of updates to a forum by e-mail.
47Even if youre not logged in, you can receive
updates to a forum via RSS.
48While the new ACTEonline home page can still be
found at www.acteonline.org, please note that the
URLs for secondary pages on the Web site have
changed. You may need to update links and
49Welcome again to the new ACTEonline.org! For
questions or comments about the new site, please
contact ACTEonline Editor Jonathan Miller at