Title: Design Manual Workshop
1The New Stormwater Quality Design Manual
Sacramento and South Placer Regions Public
Information Workshops March 2007
2Topics Well Cover Today
- Background and need for requirements
- Overview of stormwater quality control measures
included in the Design Manual - Stakeholder outreach
- Schedule
- Review of development standard requirements
whats new, whats changing? - Challenges
3Background and Need for RequirementsWhy Are We
Doing This?
4Why Are We Doing This?
- Required By State and Federal Regulations
- Stormwater Permits issued to the local
municipalities implement Clean Water Act and
California Water Code - Permits require development standards to reduce
pollutants in urban runoff to the maximum extent
practicable - Protect Local Waterways and Associated Uses
(e.g., fish, drinking water, recreation) - Development can negatively impact urban streams,
due to increased imperviousness and pollutant
loadings from automobile use and other activities
5Negative Impacts of Development on Urban Streams
- Reduced or no recharge for groundwater
- Increased runoff volumes, peak flow rates and
durations which can lead to downstream erosion - Increases in water temperature in creeks
- Delivery of pollutants to creeks
- Sediment and construction-related pollutants
- Pesticides and fertilizers (phosphorus)
- heavy metals, oil grease, and hydrocarbons
- detergents and more
6National studies have shown correlations between
increased imperviousness in a watershed and
stream/habitat degradation More pavement roofs
impaired waterways
7Background Permit RequirementsSacramento
Areawide Phase I NPDES Municipal Stormwater
- Current permit effective January 2003 December
2007 - Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership
includes 7 permittees County of Sacramento and
Cities of Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove,
Folsom, Galt and Rancho Cordova - Program began in 1990 requirements for
development initiated in mid 1990s - Permit required a Development Standards Plan (Dec
2003) to propose amendments to the local programs
- Permittees required to amend standards by May 18,
8Background Permit RequirementsCity of
Roseville Phase II NPDES Municipal Stormwater
General Permit
- General permit issued to Roseville in 2003
- Development standard requirements are described
in Attachment 4 to the general permit - Roseville opted to proactively collaborate with
Sacramento program to provide regional
consistency for development community and share
resources - Stormwater quality development standards will be
new for Roseville
9The Sacramento/Roseville Collaborative
ProcessNew Stormwater Quality Design
ManualControl measures included in the
ManualStakeholder outreachSchedule
10New Stormwater Quality Design Manual
Project Goals
- Create standardized, easy-to-use format to
promote consistency and streamline the permitting
process - Consolidate all stormwater quality design
criteria in one manual - Tailor information to Sacramento Region
- Integrate low impact development (LID also
known as runoff reduction) measures
11New Stormwater Quality Design Manual
- Primary audience engineers, planners,
architects, landscape architects, environmental
consultants, public agency plan reviewers - Additional audience developers, property
owners, elected and appointed government
officials, regulators, interested general public - Goal is to get people to use the manual at the
earliest possible stage in site layout and
planning this requires early involvement of
engineers and collaboration between planners,
architects and engineers
12Post-Construction Stormwater Quality Control
- Control measures installed during construction to
reduce pollution in runoff from completed
(post-construction) projects, for the life of the
project - Three types addressed in new design manual
- Source control prevent pollutants from
contacting site runoff at the source - Runoff reduction reduce volume of runoff
discharged from the site (also known as LID) - Treatment control remove or reduce pollutants
that have been entrained in runoff
13Examples of Control Measures Featured in Design
- Source Control
- No Dumping stamps on new storm drain inlets
- Design details for waste management, loading and
other areas that can generate pollution - Runoff Reduction
- Pervious pavement
- Disconnected pavement and roof drains
- Treatment Control
- Vegetated swales and filter strips
- Detention basins/ponds
14Source ControlNo Dumping Messages forStorm
Drain Inlets
15Runoff Reduction ControlsPervious Pavement
16Runoff Reduction ControlsDisconnect Impervious
Alternative Driveways
Divided Sidewalks
17Runoff Reduction ControlsDisconnected Roof Drains
18Runoff Reduction ControlsInterceptor Trees
19Treatment Controls
Bioretention Stormwater Planters
Portland State University City of Portland
20Treatment ControlsVegetated Swales
Old Way
New Way
21Treatment ControlsVegetated Swales
Gateway Oaks Sacramento
Expo Parkway Sacramento
22Treatment ControlsSand Filters
City of Sacramento Dept. of Utilities Parking Lot
23Treatment ControlsWater Quality Detention Basins
North Natomas
24Treatment ControlsProprietary Filters and
25What Do Local Agencies Allow?Sacramento
Stormwater Quality Partnership
Two types currently acceptable StormVault and
StormFilter (7.5 gpm ZPG media) by CONTECH
For current approved list, see
26What Do Local Agencies Allow?City of Roseville
- The City of Roseville is currently reviewing
performance information on many of the stormwater
treatment devices that are available on the
market today - Prior to adoption of the new Stormwater Quality
Design Manual, the City will post on their
website a new list of approved proprietary
stormwater treatment devices
27Water Quality Treatment Controlswe can learn
from others successes
Dublin Ranch water quality swales and detention
28Runoff Reduction Measures we can learn from
others successes
Pervious pavement, Emeryville
29Combination Approaches we can learn from others
Divided sidewalks and vegetated swales Greenbriar
Development, Livermore
30How Are Redevelopment Projects Addressed?
- Significant Redevelopment includes, but is not
limited to - Expansion of a building footprint
- Replacement of a structure
- Replacement of impervious surface that is not
part of routine maintenance activity and - Land-disturbing activities related to structural
or impervious surfaces.
31Significant Redevelopment (contd)
- The standards described in the Design Manual
shall apply only to the redeveloped area. - Exception In cases where all drainage from the
existing developed portion flows through the
redeveloped portion, the treatment control
measure must be designed for the entire
contributing shed. - Check with local permitting agency for details.
32What Is the Incentive for Using Runoff Reduction
(Low Impact Development) Features?
- Reduced volume of runoff
- Less water to treat in stormwater quality
treatment facilities - Possibly less land required for certain types of
facilities (e.g., detention basins) - Possibly decreased size for other types of
devices (e.g., underground vault) - Possible cost savings to developer
33Stakeholder Outreach for the Design Manual
- Stakeholder mailing list
- Notifications when public draft is available
- Web site Background information, access to
documents, project update fact sheets - Outreach to professional associations
- Development focus group meetings and early
review opportunity - Public review draft available for 6 weeks
34Design Manual Schedule
- Agency review draft July 2006
- Development focus group draft December 2006
- Public review draft February 16, 2007
- Available at web site
- Written comments due March 30, 2007
- Final manual May 18, 2007 (regulatory deadline)
35Design Manual Workshops
- March 8, 2007
- 900 am to 1200 pm
- Woodcreek Oaks Golf Club
- March 20, 2007
- 130 pm to 430 pm
- City of Elk Grove Council Chambers
36Development Standard RequirementsforSacramento
County agenciesCity of RosevilleHow have (or
will)standards change?What projects are
37Summary of Changes Being Madeby Local Agencies
- Adoption of new/revised planning policies to
better address water quality impacts of urban
development - Implementation of new standards, effective
- May 18, 2006 (Sacramento County/cities)
- Summer 2007 (City of Roseville)-see next slide
- Publication of new Stormwater Quality Design
Manual by May 18, 2007 - Standards address post-construction stormwater
quality control measures. Construction-phase
requirements are not changing at this time.
38Effective Date for New Standardsin City of
- After City adopts Design Manual (anticipated
Summer 2007), all projects without an entitlement
will be required to adhere to new development
standards - Projects that received entitlement prior to
Manual adoption will be encouraged to incorporate
stormwater quality control measures as much as
39Examples of Policies Being Added to General
Plans/Other Documents
- Preserve, create or restore riparian corridors,
buffers and wetlands - Limit disturbance of natural water bodies
- Minimize impervious and directly-connected
impervious areas (use infiltration where
feasible) - Implement source and/or treatment controls to
protect downstream water quality - Reduce downstream erosion
40Projects Affected by Development
StandardsResidential (Sacramento)
- Old Standard
- SFR lt 100 acres (25 acres for Sac City) source
control only - SFR 100 acres (25 acres for Sac City)
treatment control also reqd - MFR lt 1 acre source control only
- MFR 1 acre treatment control also reqd
- New Standard
- SFR lt 20 acres source control, runoff reduction
encouraged - SFR 20 acres treatment control also reqd
- MFR No Change
41Projects Affected by Development
StandardsResidential (Roseville)
- New Standard
- SFR lt 10 units source control reqd,
- SFR 10 units runoff reduction and/or treatment
also reqd - MFR lt 1 acre source control only
- MFR 1 acre treatment control also reqd
42Projects Affected by New StandardsCommercial-Indu
strial (Sacramento)
- Old Standard
- lt 1 acre impervious area source control only
- 1 ac impervious area treatment control also
- New Standard
- Old thresholds remain, and runoff reduction also
encouraged now - Road projects lt 5 acres impervious source
control only - Road projects adding 5 acres impervious
treatment control also reqd
43Projects Affected by New StandardsCommercial-Indu
strial (Roseville)
- New Standard
- 100,000 sf source control only
- 1 acre impervious area treatment control also
44Projects Affected by New StandardsAdditional
Notes Re Commercial-Industrial
- Category includes public facilities, parks,
schools and churches - Rooftop area included in impervious area
calculation - Sites discharging to an existing regional
treatment facility (e.g., detention basin) may
not have to do additional on-site treatment
45How Do Requirements Apply to Mixed Use
- Total entitlement project size dictates the
conditions and requirements that apply - Projects cannot be split into phases to avoid the
requirements - Decision will be made case-by-case, but in
general - If total project area lt 20 acres each land use
type in the development is treated per Table 3-2
matrix (some portions may get treatment, others
not) - If total project area 20 acres treat runoff
from entire project site
- General challenges
- Implementation Challenges
- Smart Growth projects
- Strategies for roadway projects
- Proprietary treatment devices
47General Challenges
- EARLY collaboration by the ENTIRE design team
(e.g., planners, architects, engineers) is not
taking place for the most part - Some of the features in the Manual may create
conflicts with some existing agency codes and
policies - There is resistance by engineers to some of the
practices (e.g., pervious pavement)
48General Challenges
- Infiltration techniques will be difficult on many
sites due to C and D clay soils - Some of the features may invite vector/mosquito
problems if not properly designed, constructed
and maintained
49Implementation Challenges
some features will not be plan or field checked
by agency drainage engineers (e.g., disconnected
roof drains) building department staff need to be
brought on board
- Conflict between achieving Smart Growth
objectives, and allowing space on these dense
project sites for utilities, runoff reduction
(LID) measures, stormwater quality treatment
features and open space - However, the stormwater permits mandate that
post-construction runoff is treated - Currently, there is no exemption or waiver
option such a program will take time to develop
51WaiversWhat do the stormwater permits require?
- Permittees may propose a waiver program that
would require any developers receiving waivers to
transfer the savings in cost, to a stormwater
mitigation fund - Funds may be used for projects within the
watershed of the waived project - Waivers may be granted when all appropriate
treatment measures have been considered and
rejected as infeasible - The regulators must approve the waiver program
prior to implementation
52Challenge Finding Treatment Alternatives for
Roadway Projects
- Permit requires treatment of runoff from roadway
projects of 5 acres or more in size - Difficult to isolate drainage for a portion of a
roadway - Limited menu of treatment options for these types
of projects - Vegetated swales and filter strips
- Proprietary underground devices
- Agencies need help coming up with practical
53Challenge Proprietary Devices
- State of the practice is evolving rapidly many
vendors in the market - Most devices ineffective at removing fine
sediments and other pollutants of concern for
this area - Lack of quality field data to demonstrate
pollutant removal effectiveness - Currently, only two types are accepted for use in
Sacramento County
- Sacramento agencies web site
- www.sacramentostormwater.org (new development)
- Project fact sheets
- Links to Design Manual and other resources
- Links to Bay Area case studies
- Training opportunities
- Other Sites
- Low Impact Development (LID) Center
http//www.lowimpactdevelopment.org/ - Cal Water and Land Use Partnership (formerly Cal
NEMO) http//ca-walup.usc.edu/
55Another Resource Recent EPA Publications
Using Smart Growth Techniques as Stormwater BMPs
Summer 2006
56Design Manual Steering CommitteeContacts
Sacramento County Dalia Fadl, 874-1321 City
of Sacramento Sherill Huun, 808-1455 City of
Elk Grove Leslie Nguyen-Pickett,
478-2213 City of Folsom Sarah Amaya,
351-3545 City of Galt Trung Trinh,
209-366-7268 City of Roseville Kelye
McKinney, 774-5552 Also representing Citrus
Heights and Rancho Cordova